Grateful Dead

The Joy of Being

7 posts in this topic

A few days ago I took ketamine and I was just sitting on my chair literally doing nothing and then out of nowhere I heard Eckhart Tolle's voice in my head.

It said 'Die Freude des Seins' which in english means 'The Joy of Being'. In the same moment I realized the Joy of Being and since then, it is always present in the background.

It's the most simple and useful realization I've had so far. While I was on ketamine the reaction from my body and mind to this Joy was more intense then it is now but still the knowing of existence is still there and it can't change.

Even when the current experience of my daily life is not pleasurable, the Joy of Being is there and it's absolutely complete. It's not that I am always blissful and super happy now but 'behind' experience there is always this wholeness and satisfaction of existing.

It's really nothing special or mind blowing, it's rather natural and very obvious.

I just felt like sharing it maybe it helps someone to also come back to this.

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Thank you for sharing. 

So simple. So obvious. So beautiful.

Love you <3

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Very nice. Sounds like you really got the pointxD

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@acidgoofy indeed

the "joy of being" is simply the knowing of that you're aware. that's ever-present and not dependent on anything.

it's the ocean from which arise the waves of your experience. the waves come and go, but the ocean always is.

Love Is The Answer

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Beautiful. Only way to happines is to just be. 

There is really no other way.

You can lie to yourself all you want.

All the friends in the world.. ncluding meaningful friendships will still make you feel alone.

You can fuck all the girls you ever wanted and more.

and you will still feel insatisfied.

The best intimate relationship you ever had.. with the best partner you ever dreamed of.. will make you question its validity in.. the long run, even if it is "perfect".

Being the smartest guy you know, with the deepest and rarest knowledge available in history, will render the world meaningless.

You can gather all the wealth you want, acquire everything you want, you will feel hollow.

It really doesn't matter what is the thing you think you need, lack, or have too much of it.

Whatever you do or aren't doing isn't gonna change all of this.

Stop seeking. Just be. Be. Be. 

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It's funny, in a satirical sense, that we rob ourselves of joy, by chasing after what is already here. The monkey mind is such a charlatan. Philosophy, religion, and scientific theory promise to deliver answers, and yet they always fall short of serenity. Who knew that it was all about letting go of knowing, and simply being?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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