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The Compound Third Eye

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There is an interesting artist by the name of Luke Brown that paints what he sees under the influence of psychedelics. One of his paintings is called Spectral Eyes, here is the painting in question:


Now what is interesting is this painting depicts something very similar to what is mentioned in Zhuan Falun, namely a compound third eye that develops when one reaches a very high level in cultivation. Here is the excerpt from the book:

"After reaching an extremely high level and BeyondTriple-World-Fa cultivation, an eye that resembles a compound eye will form. Specifically, in the upper face a large eye will appear with numerous tiny eyes within it. Some great enlightened beings at very high levels have cultivated so many eyes that they are all over their faces.

All eyes see things through this large eye, and they can see whatever they want. With one glance, they are able to see all levels. Today, zoologists and entomologists conduct research on flies. A fly’s eye is very big; through microscopy, it is known to have numerous tiny eyes inside it, and this is called a compound eye. After cultivators reach an extremely high level, this situation may occur.

One has to be many times higher than the Tathagata level to make this possible. Yet an everyday person cannot see it. People at the average level also cannot see its existence, and because it exists in another dimension they can only see that he or she is like a normal person. This explains the breakthroughs in levels. That is to say, it is an issue of whether one can reach different dimensions."


Zhuan Falun (Turning The Law Wheel), Page 67, The Issue of the Celestial Eye

Edited by EnergyGem

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