
Drug Psychosis, or Merging with the Godhead?

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1 hour ago, OneHandClap said:

Yes, I've heard similar sentiments from others. Sadly I moved a while back and no longer have the same connections for most of these substances. LSD induced a full-on, beautiful state of nonduality, but I have noticed that most dissos/psychs combined with cannabis produce strong psychotic mini-episodes that are prone to self-feedback loops and the creation of distorted narratives. Cannabis alone tends to make me rather anxious compared to harder drugs. Thanks for your input, friend!

EDIT: Regarding DXM, I did have much more pleasurable experiences early on without cannabis. I especially loved the vivid closed-eye visuals it produced. But overall, it's definitely less of a "clean high" than most things. 

Nice. Yeah DXM + cannabis can be a bit much sometimes. It's very GOD but rather psychotic too. I don't think I'll be doing it ever again, especially since I have access to ketamine. I too experience anxiety with cannabis more so than with conventional psychedelics, strangely.

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No super-natural entity ever caused cannabis to become either THC-centric or (more recently in human history) Full-CBD or 1:1 "balanced" - which ain't this balanced at all considering that's still man-made boundaries corresponding to extremist ideals not even as old as the pyramids, nor Tesla's lamps, or even the 1st germanium transistor, etc...  Multi-intoxication by self-poisoning combustion only adds to such denial feeding contaminated statistics, etc., etc.  Not to mention industrial legacies and of course the simple fact that a vast majority of those who do experience cannabis actually got initiated through learning systematic dosing abuse exacerbing THC-tolerance issues and what not.  With no divine interventions to blame...


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1 hour ago, Egzoset said:

No super-natural entity ever caused cannabis to become either THC-centric or (more recently in human history) Full-CBD or 1:1 "balanced" - which ain't this balanced at all considering that's still man-made boundaries corresponding to extremist ideals not even as old as the pyramids, nor Tesla's lamps, or even the 1st germanium transistor, etc...  Multi-intoxication by self-poisoning combustion only adds to such denial feeding contaminated statistics, etc., etc.  Not to mention industrial legacies and of course the simple fact that a vast majority of those who do experience cannabis actually got initiated through learning systematic dosing abuse exacerbing THC-tolerance issues and what not.  With no divine interventions to blame...


Thanks for chiming in. Forgive me for boiling it down, but you are essentially saying to write off the experience as delusional? If so, I am inclined to agree. 

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On 4/27/2021 at 1:23 AM, The0Self said:

@OneHandClap DXM is quite dirty, but it (like anything) can certainly bring about a Godhead experience when combined with cannabis. Psychosis as well. It's especially powerful with cannabis -- more than pretty much anything else. I'd try to get some ketamine if you have a high affinity for dissociatives -- I too seem to get a ton of mileage with dissociatives, but combining them with psychedelics and weed is where they truly shine. Some of the states I've experienced from LSD are ridiculously lofty for humans, but when it's combined with ketamine, I seem to have accessed what I can only describe as "the arena," wherein like-minded-compound-beings of all sorts are allowing you to merge into them through shared ego death -- I feel like I have so much more to say about it but can't even begin. It's ineffable.

jesus christ, I have to try this. Smoking a joint on ketamine alone was already non-dual as fuck.

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@OneHandClap wow man. I had literally the exact same experience on LSD; I felt like if I went any further I would get sucked into the void and that would be the end. It was terrifying but maybe It would have been complete ego dissolution and I should have surrended to it. It felt so real. Like I would literally die, lying there on my carpet staring out the window.

I feel more prepared to surrender to the experience next time. Has anyone else had this kind of experience and surrended completely? I just want to know I won't physically die haha. I'm still very attached to my life ?


Edited by Godishere

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20 minutes ago, Godishere said:

@OneHandClap wow man. I had literally the exact same experience on LSD; I felt like if I went any further I would get sucked into the void and that would be the end. It was terrifying but maybe It would have been complete ego dissolution and I should have surrended to it. It felt so real. Like I would literally die, lying there on my carpet staring out the window.

I feel more prepared to surrender to the experience next time. Has anyone else had this kind of experience and surrended completely? I just want to know I won't physically die haha. I'm still very attached to my life ?


I had the black hole/void phenomena happend to me as well, my whole living room started to get sucked into it almost and I just looked away scared as a mofo ? some on this forum had said that I should have faced it and that it is OK but I dont know

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- Pseudo-dionysius 

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1 hour ago, Godishere said:

@OneHandClap wow man. I had literally the exact same experience on LSD; I felt like if I went any further I would get sucked into the void and that would be the end. It was terrifying but maybe It would have been complete ego dissolution and I should have surrended to it. It felt so real. Like I would literally die, lying there on my carpet staring out the window.

I feel more prepared to surrender to the experience next time. Has anyone else had this kind of experience and surrended completely? I just want to know I won't physically die haha. I'm still very attached to my life ?


Now this appears to be something one would be more easily willing to surrender to if there are no attachments and life sucks, but for example if you have relatives and so on its much harder to do stuff like this,  cause if you really die then they will be the ones to suffer. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Yes, if you didn't stop and go all the way, you would merge into the ultimate truth/God/Nothingness. Your physical reality will melt in infinite love, and everything will merge into one absolute nothingness. In a physical sense, you are dead. But since you are God, you can just recreate reality in an instant and come back if you desire so. Going all the way requires the total surrendering of everything in your existence. Liberation and true awakening is attained after you come back from such experience.  

Edited by erik8lrl

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47 minutes ago, erik8lrl said:

Yes, if you didn't stop and go all the way, you would merge into the ultimate truth/God/Nothingness. Your physical reality will melt in infinite love, and everything will merge into one absolute nothingness. In a physical sense, you are dead. But since you are God, you can just recreate reality in an instant and come back if you desire so. Going all the way requires the total surrendering of everything in your existence. Liberation and true awakening is attained after you come back from such experience.  

Thanks for clearing that up brother ?

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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5 hours ago, erik8lrl said:

Yes, if you didn't stop and go all the way, you would merge into the ultimate truth/God/Nothingness. Your physical reality will melt in infinite love, and everything will merge into one absolute nothingness. In a physical sense, you are dead. But since you are God, you can just recreate reality in an instant and come back if you desire so. Going all the way requires the total surrendering of everything in your existence. Liberation and true awakening is attained after you come back from such experience.  

Thanks for contributing this. I think you are likely correct in many ways. My fear at the moment of near-merging was that I would not be able to return to human life ever again. So, subtle attachment to being in this form. But I think you've resolved some of my dread regarding the idea of permanent non-existence. The Absolute is loving enough to peel back the curtain without destroying the entire framework of existing as an individual forever. Now THAT is love in action :)

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4 minutes ago, Kalo said:

Yeah, sounds like a genuine and awesome experience bro.

When the ego is totally erased from Consciousness at the ultimate death, the merging back to the Godhead is the ultimate fact which will happen. All things returns to it's Source.

Consciousness is God being in a state of ego. 

Speaking about the death of the ego, on monday I'm getting lsd and dmt and ketamine. The ego will, for the first time, taste total annihilation.


Godspeed, my friend! Just be careful with it. I had a few rough days of trying to integrate this trip. It was hard to see others as something more than an empty projection of myself through other forms. The nonduality of Being is beyond all conceptualization... your ego may struggle to pick up the pieces. As Leo suggested, go in with full surrender and peace. I did not, and the ego was not pleased ;)

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49 minutes ago, Kalo said:

 Tnx bro :) I will be careful but I will take enough to give the ego total death. 

Surrender will happen, willfully or not, peacefully or not.

Just be sure you do it with love and knowledge that your mind will not be able to 100% understand what occurs after the event... ground yourself in some good meditation before and after :)

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On 2021-04-28 at 10:49 AM, OneHandClap said:

...essentially saying to write off the experience as delusional?


Only tempted to echo on "psychotic anxiety" (...), with those few hints in mind, as always:


  • Neuro-plasticity
  • Contaminants
  • Consumption Method & Ritual
  • Socio-toxic 3rd-party interference


My bet is that long before cannabis can even get put on trial at least one of those important dimensions implying potential for "vilification" was quite probably overlooked.  So dame Cannabis kicks back and that's great when seen in a context of fair proportionality, an aspect that fits my 4th item best i believe.


Good day, have fun!!  B|


Edited by Egzoset

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On 4/29/2021 at 1:06 AM, Ry4n said:

jesus christ, I have to try this. Smoking a joint on ketamine alone was already non-dual as fuck.

Yeah, dissociative + psychedelic is insanely intense. Even if the psychedelic is just cannabis, it can be very, as you say, "non-dual as fuck." It even works when the "psychedelic" is MDMA! (Very well, I might add!) Might want to have a great deal of insight practice under your belt though...because if psychosis strikes, you're screwed...unless there's the deep intuitive realization that it's all empty of being the way it appears to the mind. I landed myself in a psych-ward once from not heeding this! -_- More skilled and more careful now.:)

Even if one can handle 5g dried shrooms with ease, 100mg ketamine (not all in one sniff) + 1-2g shrooms can still give great trouble. It's the wild wild west of boundless consciousness. The ineffable, impossible state that transcends logic; preparation; death; everything.

Wait at least until you're feeling the effects of the psychedelic, preferably before peak but past the initial early-come-up phase, then begin very patiently and deliberately insufflating small bumps of K. Make sure you have somewhere to lie down!

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