
How do I feel?

1 post in this topic

I know this question sounds a bit silly lol.
When I do my mindfulness practice (see, hear, feel) it took me a very short time to get the hang of shift my focus to a specific sensation. The same goes with sight and hearing. But feeling my emotions in the moment is something I still struggle with. Like, what sensation am I trying to reach? Am I trying to feel a though or am I trying to feel inner body sensations? Most of the time I don't feel anything because I'm focused on the practice itself.

Another related question is how do I become mindful of my feelings when talking to people. Let's say I feel very anxious suddenly while in a conversation, will it really be effective to just focus on the feeling (without judgement), feel into it, allow myself to feel this way, observe it, keep allowing it, and then do nothing?? lol, it sounds kind of weird to do this while next to other people. I'll get lost focusing on the feeling that I'll lose touch with what the other person is saying. In addition, the other person is continuing to talk and so it stimulates my thinking and I can't focus on my feeling clearly. In fact I might get caught in the loop of thoughts feeding into the emotion

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