
Flowing Christ Consciousness (and other lights) through you

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About perhaps one to two years ago I came across a website (omna.org) that had an attractive quality for me. On this website Natalie channels various advanced beings. These beings in many messages offer their services, which you can ask for daily. I've been doing this for some time and I think it's great. For example, I like to flow Christ Consciousness or love through me daily, it can make for quite a pleasant and nice experience if you do this for even various minutes. You can also do it while walking. I sometimes even do it when people are talking to me, they think I'm listening, but I'm actually listening very little and more so staying in my own space where I am flowing the light through me. There are many lights and assistance you can invoke or call open, and you can find them on the website. I'll just list a few underneath. Also, in meditation I got an idea to make transmission videos of these lights, which held some excitement for me, so I might start uploading those in the coming one or two weeks.

Some examples which I like in which you can invoke lights or energies and where you can ask for assistance:
Anchoring Christ Consciousness: https://omna.org/lord-maitreya-in-the-spiritual-hierarchy/
Anchoring Love: https://omna.org/archangel-christine-anchoring-love-in-your-being/
Anchoring the light of the Arcturians: https://omna.org/message-from-the-arcturians/
More on: https://omna.org/all-channeled-messages-in-date/

Would be happy to see reactions of those who decide to try.

Edited by Waken

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