
Life Purpose Course Vs Leos Actions

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Leo emphasises in the life purpose course about how important it is to specialise and focus in one area and become a master at it but what I have noticed is that the subject matter of his videos are massively broad. There is no way any one person can ever know enough let alone master all of these different subjects that he preaches about.  It doesn't appear to be specialisation.  

Maybe if you read this Leo you might be able to explain this discrepancy that I'm noticing because it's really important for me that if I am to follow what you say in the course then I must be able to see that you actually believe it yourself and follow the same rules otherwise it just sounds like a bunch of theories.  Perhaps my understanding is incorrect in which case I would appreciate a different perspective which might alleviate some of these doubts that are arising.


Edited by Xpansion

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@Xpansion I don't think it's broad at all. His field is psychology, and in that field he focuses on self developement (that kind of presumes you already have a healthy psyche) and in that niche of self developement, he puts the emphasis on spiritual developement and enlightenment in contradiction to, for example, Tony Robbins who focusses on business succes and finance or many others who are into health and fitness. I try to integrate all 3 of these. Body-mind-spirit. Health/fitness-intellect/business-spiritual developement. Maybe that means i will never fully master any of these 3 fields, but then so be it. I'm wary not to go too deep in any rabit hole in order not to get lost. On the other hand, i understand that if you make a living out of this, you have to specialize or you will be competed out of the market.

Edited by David1

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17 hours ago, Xpansion said:

There is no way any one person can ever know enough let alone master all of these different subjects that he preaches about.

Leo does present - in these days - lots of realizations that come from the fact that you remove a lot of garbage from your perception, raise your awareness and suddenly see how certain things work + he introduces techniques how one can make this happen. And how I see it personally he can just present a very tiny subset of these realizations and patterns in life because there are in the end just way too many to draw a conclusive picture. So yeah, you can master all of these different subjects. It's more of an increase of awareness that then leads to the seeing of how stuff works that then automatically and/or by conscious will lets go of the unnecessarily shit we busy ourselves with.

Here I'm talking of course about the higher psychological principals the talks about.. not about the "How-To's" he started his channel with.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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I'm currently listening to a seminar. It was made by Eben Pagan and Wyatt Woodsmall and it talks about Learning and Teaching. I'm only at the beginning but so far it's just been AMAZING !!!!

One of the things I've learned is the following : There is data, and then if you organize it you get information, which you can then organize into knowledge (you use specific frameworks for that, such as the Why What How What-If). Then, you can combine knowledge with experience to create Understanding, which you can then organize into Wisdom.

Self-improvement is one field. You can break it down into smaller things and master each of them. You don't learn to play chess all at once. You first divide it into attack moves, defense moves, and whatever else (I don't know how to play chess). And Leo is not here teaching you how to play chess, it's always self-improvement.

It seems you're really interested in life purpose right now. Okay good, that's an integral part of self-improvement. Master it, then move on to other things.

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I want to do self-actualization on my own terms rather than cling to the ideology of Leo! I feel like I want my main focuses to be life purpose, personal values, inner freedom, and creativity. My grand vision of self-actualization is to truly discover my authentic self by creating authenticity! I see my authentic self as the hilarious comedian who has an amazingly creative mind and who is unapologetically authentic. I've been creating a Twenties Journal to truly discover myself inwardly and I realized that by making happiness my highest priority, i effortlessly attract happiness to me. I create an intention and I focus on acting on the intention! 

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2 hours ago, Zane said:

I want to do self-actualization on my own terms rather than cling to the ideology of Leo! I feel like I want my main focuses to be life purpose, personal values, inner freedom, and creativity. My grand vision of self-actualization is to truly discover my authentic self by creating authenticity! I see my authentic self as the hilarious comedian who has an amazingly creative mind and who is unapologetically authentic. I've been creating a Twenties Journal to truly discover myself inwardly and I realized that by making happiness my highest priority, i effortlessly attract happiness to me. I create an intention and I focus on acting on the intention! 

Nobody said that we must cling to Leo's ideology.

Leo's only giving us the tools, and since he still has an ego, he could be biaised (just like anyone else) by his culture.

That doesn't mean what he says isn't true, that means you should always interpret what he says (where he came from, what his life is now).

Don't be a skeptical maniac though, most of what Leo's says is pretty accurate, and his cultural background has very little influence on it.



Edited by Shin

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16 minutes ago, Shin said:

Nobody said that we must cling to Leo's ideology.

Leo's only giving us the tools, and since he still has an ego, he could be biaised (just like anyone else) by his culture.

That doesn't mean what he says isn't true, that means you should always interpret what he says (where he came from, what his life is now).

Don't be a skeptical maniac though, most of what Leo's says is pretty accurate, and his cultural background has very little influence on it.



Yep I have a pretty balanced and healthy skepticism in life and question anyone who sets themselves up as some kind of guru with all the answers.  
My point was that the videos contain very broad subject matter so it contradicts the view being taught that you must pick one thing and master it or specialise.  I guess he specialises in life coaching. He masters that area and within that area are many sub topics which can all be viewed through the same lense.

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@Xpansion I actually have been following my own advice over the last 4 years. I've selected my domain of mastery: personal development, and I'm working within it with quite a lot of focus. To some this might appear like a very broad, unfocused specialization, but actually it's not. I would say that 90% of my entire life right now is focused on it, even to the exclusion of things like making money, fitness, sex, relationships, family, etc.

And I'm becoming more and more specialized within this domain as I hone my core values deeper and deeper. I'm becoming more and more focused on researching and exploring consciousness and existential Truth.

My older videos from 2 years ago are much boarder than today. And this will probably continue.

Also keep in mind that I sometimes shoot broader videos for you guys, because not everyone can relate to esoteric topics, and it helps "lure" folks into the deeper work. You might start by watching a video like "How To Be Funny", and then hopefully dive deeper and discover a possibility like enlightenment which you would never have otherwise been interested in.

You can think of Actualized.org as a trojan horse for enlightenment work ;) Imagine you're driving down the road and see a big billboard for a brothel with sexy images of girls, then you walk in, some sexy girls lure you in deeper, and once you're all the way inside you find out it's really a Mormon church! But now it's too late! And the girls were just a mirage :P

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@Leo Gura why are you renouncing all of the aspects you mentioned above? Because it makes you more fulfilled? Is it a middle way in some sense? Are those decisions coming from love as you said in your previous videos? I'm really curious about which are your motivations behind these types of actions... What are you seeing that I'm not is basically the question.. Or is it just a personsl thing that you feel inclined doing? 

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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@Juan Cruz Giusto Cause they are mere scraps compared to the revelations of higher consciousness.

It's like I'm skipping the McDonalds and going straight to the most expensive steakhouse in town. Meanwhile you're obsessed with going to the nearest McDonalds ;) McDonalds will NEVER fulfill you. But it will take many trips there before you realize that.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Xpansion I actually have been following my own advice over the last 4 years. I've selected my domain of mastery: personal development, and I'm working within it with quite a lot of focus. To some this might appear like a very broad, unfocused specialization, but actually it's not. I would say that 90% of my entire life right now is focused on it, even to the exclusion of things like making money, fitness, sex, relationships, family, etc.

And I'm becoming more and more specialized within this domain as hone in on my core values deeper and deeper. I'm becoming more and more focused on researching and exploring consciousness and existential Truth. Which is the root that is capable resolving ALL psychological issues.

Thanks for answering. I appreciate it.   I guess when I see the list of "how to" videos for so many different subjects I feel skeptical because you appear to set yourself up as though you know the answer to everything.  Nobody can be that "together".  Maybe my perspective of you is incorrect Leo. Maybe you don't think of yourself as together at all. Im not sure.   Also maybe as I said above your specialisation is personal development which you master and all the other subjects are sub topics within it?  

PS - despite my skepticism I am enjoying the course and getting a lot out of it so thanks.

Edited by Xpansion

Wisdom is settling in and experiencing reality in the moment.

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@Xpansion I never claim to be a master of anything. I'm just a guy sharing my research and insights with you.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Xpansion I never claim to be a master of anything. I'm just a guy sharing my research and insights with you.

Ok but part of your course is teaching people that they must choose one thing and master it.  If you are not a master of anything are you at least working towards that same goal? 

Edited by Xpansion

Wisdom is settling in and experiencing reality in the moment.

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@Leo Gura I agree that all of the things mentioned above (family, friend, sex and son on) won't make you happy but that doesn't mean you have to renounce them, just be detached from them.. If you feel that renounciation is a critical aspect of your journey and it feels authentic to you that's great, but that's a personal decision and many enlightened masters prefer to enjoy all aspects of life even though it doesn't bring "happiness". I personally get it but careful because many here may take this path of yours in a neurotic way and may become depressed (been there). Anyways, if it feels good just keep doing it. ? 

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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2 minutes ago, Juan Cruz Giusto said:

@Leo Gura I agree that all of the things mentioned above (family, friend, sex and son on) won't make you happy but that doesn't mean you have to renounce them, just be detached from them.. If you feel that renounciation is a critical aspect of your journey and it feels authentic to you that's great, but that's a personal decision and many enlightened masters prefer to enjoy all aspects of life even though it doesn't bring "happiness". I personally get it but careful because many here may take this path of yours in a neurotic way and may become depressed (been there). Anyways, if it feels good just keep doing it. ? 

Renunciation can mean renouncing the attachment to them

Wisdom is settling in and experiencing reality in the moment.

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24 minutes ago, Xpansion said:

Ok but part of your course is teaching people that they must choose one thing and master it.  If you are not a master of anything are you at least working towards that same goal? 

I have chosen my one thing: consciousness/Truth, and I'm working to master it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Ok so philosophy is your one thing then and personal development/life coaching a way of exploring that?

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@Xpansion The label philosophy doesn't really do consciousness/Truth justice.

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It's kind of cool to see how Leo transitioned into this consciousness thing over time. He started off as a normal personal development guy, then started getting deeper and deeper into philosophy (I know you don't like that word Leo but I think it's fine in this context).

Most personal development teachers I see stick to one surface leve thing (dating, business, socializing, etc.) and that's that. They rarely move into more universal and existential stuff. I'm glad you did that, the information and insights in your consciousness and philosophical videos are more valuable to me and have helped me far more than any of the other surface level PD stuff. Not that surface level isn't good information, just that it doesn't really mean much to me compared to consciousness/awareness.

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@Frogfucius Actually I've been interested in existential matters from the very beginning. I just couldn't speak about it well and I didn't have anyone who wanted to listen. The more simple PD videos I shot were to build an audience for the advanced stuff I wanted to share.

But of course I never knew how deep the rabbit hole went until recently. That took years of work to finally comprehend.

Most personal development teachers don't get into existential matters because one generally has to be existentially-minded from the get-to. The chances of a successful dating or business coach suddenly discovering enlightenment and changing his entire mind, life, business model, and audience base to accommodate it are very slim. There's way too much for the ego to lose, and seemingly too little to gain. (But that's of course a gross miscalculation.)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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