
List important life skills

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List all the life skills that pop up in your mind. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The Meta-Skill of knowing how to acquire any skill efficiently. 

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1. Patience

2. Clarity

3. Financial mastery

4. unattachment

5. Self love

6. proper expectation


 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Social skills

Graphic design skills

Negotiation skills

Healthy eating skill

Unattachment skill

Mindfulness /.being in the present skill

Always being calm skill

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Some of mine:

  • Introspection and questioning yourself
  • Going constantly meta
  • Imagination and being open to possibility
  • Examining things from many angles, stepping into other people's shoes
  • Understanding your emotions / growing emotional intelligence
  • Improving executive functioning: decision making, impulse control, attention span and focus
  • Clear communication with people (and with yourself as well)
  • Being open minded and non-judgemental
  • Being able to commit long term to achieve goals
  • Loving people for being themselves


57% paranoid

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  • Power

Powerlessness = weakness = no boundaries / depression / annihilation

  • Love

Love feels good

  • Values

To be able to both have power and love we need values

Edited by Megan Alecia

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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I think that any person's list of important skills will reflect their life ambitions, it was intellectualy stimulating to think about these as the set of skills I need to reach my life purpose, so thank you for this thread, as for my personal list goes:

  • Wisdom and Disernment.
  • The ability to match intent with action.
  • Mastery (as a meta-discipline).
  • Presence and grounding in the here and now.
  • Reflection, Self Inquiry and Meditation.
  • The ability to love self and other, and ultimately dissolving the distinction between the two and staying with just pure love.
  • Discipline (doing what needs to be done regardless of emotional state).
  • Choice making (and seeing that life is made out of choices whether they are made consciously or unconsciously).
  • Lightness of spirit - Humour - Not taking life too seriously (these stem from a healthy discipline of detachment).
  • Strategic thinking.
  • The ability to visualize, imagine and dream.
  • Survival as an art in itself and not just "merely getting by on a day to day basis".
  • And last and not least, I had to edit my post because I had forgot this one and I think it's of most valuable importance, Story telling. Because what are we doing constantly but telling stories (to ourselves and to the world).
Edited by 5-D - L O V E

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Life skills

Life of a Paraplegic: 1) Enduring paraplegia 2) Gratitude for what one still has or is 3) Acceptance of ones predicament 4) Determination to experience life outside restriction 5) Confidence in oneself 6) Seeing beyond the handicap to see opportunity for growth 7) Humility to not take advantage of special treatment 8) Well spoken enough to convey these 7 things gently.

Life as a Celebrity: 1) Well spoken enough to convey these 7 things gently 2) Humility to not take advantage of special treatment 3) Seeing beyond the praise to see opportunity for growth 4) Confidence in oneself 5) Determination to experience life outside stardom 6) Acceptance of ones predicament 7) Gratitude for what one still has or is 8) Enduring the demands of others 

Life as a Dog: 1) Unconditional love for his Master gives purpose 2) Compassion for one's master for he gives life 3) Gratitude for life well protected and praised 4) Free spirit for without, one would be a slave

Life as a God: 1) Unconditional love for his creation gives purpose 2) Compassion for one's creation for it is life 3) Gratitude for life well protected and praised 4) Free spirit for without, one would be a slave

Life as a Normal Human: 1) Balance of work, home, family, money, and all affairs as there are many 2) Organized thoughts and actions permeating all affairs 3) Honesty with oneself's mistakes 4) Honesty with evaluating others 5) Gratitude for invaluable assets such as family as it cannot be replaced 6) Discernment in how to raise properly 7) Forgiveness for self and others as these 6 things are impossible to perfect

Life as a spiritual seeker: 1) Right view, meaning can rightly see Celebrity and Paraplegic have opposite priorities yet Dogs and Gods have same, what one holds dear does not define them 2) Unconditional love for all things, giving not purpose, but being the purpose 3) Compassion for the purpose 4) Concentration as not to loose this insight 5) Seeing opportunity for growth 6) Balance 7) Determination to go all the way 8) Humility to accept praise for going all the way gracefully, and accept criticism for speaking at all, gracefully.

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  • Acceptance 
  • Letting go
  • Leadership (taking charge in messy situations) 
  • Kindness 
  • And basic CPR ;) 


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found this thread correlated

Edited by Jacob Morres

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Self awareness. Sense of humour, "that's what she said".


Love and Life


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Most of the answers are great but I would also add

knowing how to do household chores

knowing how to fix basic things around the house

making healthy food/ eating healthy 

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