
Personal Development - Just More Beliefs

11 posts in this topic

Hey guys, 

One thing I am concerned about in this work is simply acquiring beliefs and not gaining direct experiences. For example, it's a great idea that external things don't make you happy, but deep down, I don't trully believe this. It would be great to hear some practical results you have gained through the content of the videos, through meditation or other means etc. it's very hard to know if your progressing or just acquiring beliefs based on videos. I know results cannot be immediate, but to understand how you know your actually growing is Important in my opinion.

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You have to start somewhere. How else are you planning on getting the right motives in your head unless its a belief?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@rush The tools that help you see past lots of the BS in you head/ego wil help when you are finaly ready to let go. Aditionaly they can be very helpfull for other things.

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By believing it, your mind will try to know if it's true by direct experience work.

By not knowing it, your mind wouldn't be conscious of it, therefore it wouldn't seek direct experience to prove if these theories are true or not.


If I didn't know a relationship can't fulfill me, I would put the blame on my current girlfriend instead of doing self-actualization work.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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When you're just starting off, simply replacing limiting beliefs for empowering ones is very useful. You gotta bootstrap the development process by whatever means available.

It depends on how developed you are.

If you're a total newbie victim who can't get out of bed in the morning from depression, then don't worry about the limits of empowering beliefs. You're not at the point where that is significant yet.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 27-10-2016 at 1:00 AM, rush said:

Hey guys, 

One thing I am concerned about in this work is simply acquiring beliefs and not gaining direct experiences. For example, it's a great idea that external things don't make you happy, but deep down, I don't trully believe this. It would be great to hear some practical results you have gained through the content of the videos, through meditation or other means etc. it's very hard to know if your progressing or just acquiring beliefs based on videos. I know results cannot be immediate, but to understand how you know your actually growing is Important in my opinion.

By meditation, or other means, you will become aware of what you truly are, beneath all the layers of thought and beliefs. You will realize, you can be anything. This realiation will give you a great deal of happiness. More than any 'external' object can give you.

One great big festering neon distraction.

Edited by David1

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@Shin thats a good point, but I still think I really need to "feel" that relationships can't fulfill me, like actually grasp this, rather than taking it on as a belief.

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On 29-10-2016 at 7:46 AM, David1 said:

I know results cannot be immediate


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12 hours ago, rush said:

@Shin thats a good point, but I still think I really need to "feel" that relationships can't fulfill me, like actually grasp this, rather than taking it on as a belief.

Well, this is a tricky situation, because a girlfriend/boyfriend can really make your life better, and it can take a while untill you realize that the relationship isn't fulfilling you.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin Exactly, probably one of the biggest difficulties when doing this work is acquiring what you want, then realising it doesnt fulfill you. But to do that... you need to acquire first ! 


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On 27 October 2016 at 10:00 AM, rush said:

Hey guys, 

One thing I am concerned about in this work is simply acquiring beliefs and not gaining direct experiences. For example, it's a great idea that external things don't make you happy, but deep down, I don't trully believe this. It would be great to hear some practical results you have gained through the content of the videos, through meditation or other means etc. it's very hard to know if your progressing or just acquiring beliefs based on videos. I know results cannot be immediate, but to understand how you know your actually growing is Important in my opinion.

Hi rush,  external things can and do bring you  lots of pleasure. There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying such things. We live in a world full of such things so it's fine to take advantage of this. The problem arises when we are attached to the pleasure and it ends. ie you have a partner and you think it will last forever but the relationship falls apart or you are having a great holiday but it ends, or you get a nice new car but it soon begins to deteriorate.  I could give you a zillion examples but you get my drift.  

There is absolutely nothing within the phenomenal world that can bring any lasting satisfaction or happiness because everything changes all the time and nothing is permanent. Therefore trying to grasp at something in the world to make you permanently happy is like trying to hold onto sand. It will slip through your fingers. This is what is meant that external things cannot make you happy. Read that as - permanently happy or satisfied. 

Once you get this, not just intellectually understand it but really deeply know it then you can live  life more freely no longer seeking something in external things that is not there.   You can see reality as it is, not how you want it to be.  Happiness is not in the future when you achieve , attain or accomplish. It is only and has only ever been here now.

Enjoy al of life's pleasures while they last. Sit lightly in the saddle.

Edited by Xpansion

Wisdom is settling in and experiencing reality in the moment.

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