
Leo - It's Sensational, But It's Actual. It's A STRANGE LOOP lmao

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Edited by Valwyndir

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18 minutes ago, SolarWarden said:


thanks :)


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@Valwyndir watch out or you will get a spanking from Leo soon.

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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You've had one hell of a life yah weirdo.

I hope you are not doing too many psychedelics right now and that you are finding balance.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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What a shitpost, you seem narcistic as hell dude.

Why do you need to adress Leo directly in every post and then there is no substance to it at all? I'm sure he will answer every well written post but if you just want present your art participate like everyone else. Nobody here gives a shit about youtube fame.

Edited by Phyllis Wagner

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Connor you actually have worthwhile experiences and understanding to share. The video gives ultimately no value to most of the forum users here. Try posting things that are more appropriate for the forum’s purposes. Your podcast with Aaron Abke is a good example of something people here might appreciate and benefit from. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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15 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Connor you actually have worthwhile experiences and understanding to share. The video gives ultimately no value to most of the forum users here. Try posting things that are more appropriate for the forum’s purposes. Your podcast with Aaron Abke is a good example of something people here might appreciate and benefit from. 

I think Connor is just having fun. However, the podcast with Aaron Abke would be a sweet share on this forum.

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@SolarWarden I’m sure he’s having fun with this, but it isn’t helpful to the forum. I’ve misused the forum in the past in a similar way to how he is now. It can be kind of hard to avoid in certain states. I was trying to give him a push in the right direction, but I imagine it will likely go unheeded. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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? That was like some early Syd Barrett stuff. Made me smile 

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Connor, I admire your courage and freedom. You seem to have transcended almost all fear. Great for you man. Your awakening is real.

However, notice how your ego wants to take claim of this very expanded state of consciousness you are in. 

The ego wants to prove itself to the world. 

"I am God" & "Everything is God!" , "now let me prove it for ya!" ...

This is dangerous, because what you seem to miss is:

- everyone else is your imagination, and there are thus no one to prove it to other than YOU! Hehe.

- and all these other 'aspects' of 'you' (imagined other beings) they are just God already. They are just  God pretending not to be God :D They are you. You are them

You don't need to prove anything bra.

My advice is : turn it down a notch. Take a break from youtube. Or at least tone the shit down. It's too much. ANd it's too far out.

Love has to be gentle. Not brutal. Otherwise ppl will run away scared shitless.

I love you bro. Keep it up. Pm if you want to talk.

I just want you to notice how it seems (at least to "me =D) that your ego is trying to take ownership over your extremely widened consciousness to use it to prove its 'story'/'worldview' to the rest of the world.... "LOOK AT ME. I CAN WIN US OPEN WITHOUT MUCH TRAINING. COS IM GOD. I CAN DO EVERYTHING!" ... yeah right bro, haha, i'll lick your balls if you win us open. I'm not saying it's impossible, im just saying it kinda is. 

God -- as in You -- imagined this dimension of existence (human life) to have some boundaries/rules. And to believe you can just break them like that is rather naive, selfish and I gotta say hillarious as fuck to watch.

But out of Love, I try to remind you to stay GROUNDED. Remind you of your humanity.

You are GOD. But you are ALSO God imagning 'Itself' to be human. 

Remember that. You are here for a reason... and I'm not sure it is to win US open. ... but i dont know, maybe it is.

Just check your intentions.

Always ask yourself: "What would Love do?"

Again, love ya, been a pleasure to watch your videos you released around 1 year ago. The last months I haven't been able to follow you or gain much from your videos though, sadly (some of them have been fun though).

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Gotta admit, the creative meta semi-strangeloop made me smile. This could be channeled in such amazing ways ? but the trippy thing is so overdone ? Let's do something much cooler ?


Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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According to the internet, Snozzberries are literally dicks.:D

Edited by Nomad13

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