
Would an ebook about using psychedelics for personal development sell?

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Last year I used psychedelics for personal development, specifically I used a method which i invented on my own using a specific psychedelic using a specific dose, working with a specific book, and in a specific setting, for a specific goal, which was healing social anxiety, and I've found It has worked better than anything I've tried and I've read in the literature about this issue.

Lately I've been thinking if i could write a small ebook "selling" this method, knowing that what i would sell is based on my own personal success i think It could be powerful stuff

I know there is plenty of market about mental health/personal development, and inside here social anxiety is a common issue. Yet Im not sure if theres enough market when including psychedelics on the mix. It probably would turno very niche and even taboo. Maybe you cant even sell on Amazon if you make a book encouraging psychedelic use. 

What do you think?

Edited by Javfly33

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IIRC Bashar mentioned that if you have an excitement to share/sell/whatever something, there are always people that are interested in it, that's the only way it can be

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If you’re not sure if something will sell, you might have found yourself a good niche 

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@Javfly33 I think he meant that if you are not sure if something will sell, there might be opportunity there as your uncertainty might mean that there is a current lack of exposore to that niche and you can pioneer that. 

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On 24.4.2021 at 4:55 PM, Javfly33 said:

working with a specific book

Wich book if I may ask?

I think it is a great idea! But I am afraid that it is to niche and wouldnt sell well. But who knows, meaby there are more people interestet in it that topic it first seems. And it also seems that in the future there will be more and more people open to that and interestet in psychedelics. You should mabey begin it parallel to your daily stuff and look where it is leading and then decide. 

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If it was a full physical book, chock full of information ive never heard before with practical tips, advice and exercises, then you'd have my custom. Personally I like physical books, not ebooks.

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@Javfly33 I've never tried psychedelics, but I'm interested in healing, so I'd really like to read an ebook like that to understand the healing process better, to be exposed to new healing techniques, and gain new perspectives and insights.

Right now you have to test. TEST. TEST. TEST. Start with a small sample group that is highly calibrated and highly targeted. Do market research. You're targeting a niche inside a niche, i.e. you're targeting people looking for healing among psychedelics users. That's a pretty solid and nice niche, so take advantage of that! Do surveys (be careful), use market research tools, create low budget ads to see if the niche is ready for your material (again, be careful).

Search for places and cities that use shamanic medicines to heal, and possibly market there. But don't limit yourself. There are psychedelics users all around the globe.

Your steps should look like these (roughly):

1) Define better your target costumer, creating a buyer persona (there are tools online to do that). Who will read your book? Why? How many? Are they ready or do they require additional info beforehand? 

2) Define better your product. With a process of sequential steps, try to get your product idea closer to your target audience, and viceversa.

3) Look for competitors. Are there already books like yours? If yes, what are you willing to put forth in order to distinguish your product? Why people should buy from YOU and not from your competitors? Look for reviews to products and services in your niche, and use that info to make your product better. Remember, the market controls your product, not you (more or less).

4) Test. Try a channel, and see if people respond well.

5) Define the costs of starting your business. Do you think you will be able to overcome costs? How many sales would you require to stay afloat?

6) Market your product.


If you don't know how to proceed, look up online.

You have to demonstrate that there are people willing to buy.

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:



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It might be against Amazon's TOS, definitely read carefully what is or isn't allowed.

You could sell it off of Amazon but it would be a lot harder. You'd have to host it yourself and drive all of your own traffic to it.

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