
Most of you guys have it wrong. (including my self sometimes)

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Enlightenment has 2 parts.  

1 - Understanding reality (non duality, oneness, wholeness, most of what Leo is talking) 

2 - Ego dissolving.   


As long as this 2 are not completed we ain’t Enlightened.  

Yes, we might be an Enlightened Ego jerk.   

But we ain’t fully God if we’re an as-wholes. (we might be god as an a-whole but good luck with that)

God is truly good with a capital G as Leo would say.

And no, we can’t use ‘but everything is one’ or ‘there is no one here’ or ‘there’s no such thing as bad’ as an excuse to be a jerk.   

That’s the hardest part of Spiritual work, crushing the Ego! 

Everyone can learn how reality works and train the brain to see metaphysical, no big deal.  

But purifying our self and getting out of our Ego mind is where the rubber hits the road. Thats where the hard work really begins.

I’m not saying understanding how the universe works is not important for Spiritual work, of curse it is. But it is equally important to dissolve our Egos.  

We can’t have one without the other.  

We  see lots of people that where naturally born with very soft egos but have no understanding on the bigger cosmic of reality, so we might say those people are 50% enlightened in a sense? 

And yet we see people with a very clear understanding of Reality, and even mystics in a sense, but cary with them discussing inflated narcissistic egos and we might say those people are 50% Enlightened in a sense?  

But again we ain’t fully Enlightened until we become completely God like (for lack of a better word - God it self)  

And it has no limit whatsoever, that’s the true nature of God and Reality, It’s infinite how pure we can get.  

The more we dissolve Ego the more God we become.  

We don’t become God by understanding how he works, he knows that;) he (or you) were the one who created it! 

We become God by getting out of our illusion of self, illusion of separation and mind.  

By realizing how everything is connected and is ONE.  




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I don't think there anyone who has a soft ego. I also don't believe that an ego needs crushing. I also believe there is a third part. To just be able to live life regardless of the depth of your enlightenment as a normal person. 

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Your ego is telling you that good is Good. Be good. It’s the wise choice, but don’t think that you’re more aligned with the Good because you’re good. Alignment with Good is inescapable. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@OneIntoOne These are just thoughts and ideas using language. I feel what your trying to convey is actually impossible without dissolving into Infinite Love and physically dying. God wants to experience duality; otherwise we/you/I wouldn't be here discussing it. Enlightenment is just becoming more conscious of what was not previously concious. Of course there are layers and layers of understanding because the universe is infinite.. and I realise what I am saying is also relative and not absolute; so therefore these are also just ideas and concepts. We are God cosplaying as humans. If the ego completely dissolves what happens to your physical body?

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3 hours ago, Godishere said:

@OneIntoOne These are just thoughts and ideas using language. I feel what your trying to convey is actually impossible without dissolving into Infinite Love and physically dying. God wants to experience duality; otherwise we/you/I wouldn't be here discussing it. Enlightenment is just becoming more conscious of what was not previously concious. Of course there are layers and layers of understanding because the universe is infinite.. and I realise what I am saying is also relative and not absolute; so therefore these are also just ideas and concepts. We are God cosplaying as humans. If the ego completely dissolves what happens to your physical body?


I did not mean completely crush the Ego, yes that would mean physical death.

What i meant to say is we can't fully become Enlightened and find the truth without really being humble, its going hand by hand together.

If you look at the people who are really Enlightened you see in them a true and sincere humbleness.

Otherwise we are just a narcissistic jerk who understands what truth and reality is but they are not it. its just Ego.

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Why do you think you have to be humble and sincere to be enlightened? These are all relative and projections anyway. I mean you can be conscious of God and still be an asshole, God doesn't care.

If you mean less selfish then yeah, I guess that's a natural byproduct of becoming more conscious anyway

Edited by Godishere

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25 minutes ago, Godishere said:

Why do you think you have to be humble and sincere to be enlightened? These are all relative and projections anyway. I mean you can be conscious of God and still be an asshole, God doesn't care.

If you mean less selfish then yeah, I guess that's a natural byproduct of becoming more conscious anyway

Agin, somehow the real enlightened people are humble as fuck.

So by using as an excuse to be an asshole because God doesn't care is only a shortcut not the real deal. 

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@OneIntoOne well again, why do you think that?

Morality is a human construct..

Edited by Godishere

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But what if the concept of anything being right or wrong is clearly recognized to be nothing other than societal conditioning nonsense? :o

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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20 minutes ago, Godishere said:

@VeganAwake @Godishere but the 10 commandments say otherwise! ? This is God's law ?

Go for it....why not ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@VeganAwake @Godishere

Yep, using Enlightenment to be a jerk. exactly my point.

I am not saying to hold on to any idea of morality, good, bad, eval. non of that exists from a non dual perspective.

But agin, don't use Enlightenment to be a jerk, even though you can do whatever the hell you want as an excuse of Spiritual work...

Look at Eckhart Tolle Sadguru Adyashanti somehow you feel a sense of humbleness. Can you explain it?

Edited by OneIntoOne

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11 hours ago, Godishere said:

@OneIntoOne well again, why do you think that?

Morality is a human construct..

Agreed. But somehow this is the Ego talking. When you become fully awake you somehow become Moral, WHY? 

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2 minutes ago, OneIntoOne said:

When you become fully awake you somehow become Moral, WHY? 

The same reason flowers are beautiful..  

Is there really such a thing as beauty?  Why are flowers beautiful in a way that stems and leaves are not?  Well.. they aren't, really. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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9 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

The same reason flowers are beautiful..  

Is there really such a thing as beauty?  Why are flowers beautiful in a way that stems and leaves are not?  Well.. they aren't, really. 


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@OneIntoOne how can someone 'become moral' if 'morality is just a human construct'?  

If I don't think a flower is beautiful, is it still beautiful?  

That you think 'fully awakened beings become Moral' says nothing about how 'fully awakened beings' actually are.. only how they seem to be to you. 

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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9 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

@OneIntoOne how can someone 'become moral' if 'morality is just a human construct'?  

If I don't think a flower is beautiful, is it still beautiful?  

That you think 'fully awakened beings become Moral' says nothing about how 'fully awakened beings' actually are.. 

@Mason Riggle

I am not sure what the exact word is.

Moral, Humble, Honest, True, Authentic, Selfless.

To me they all point to one direction. Ego dissolving.

Not just understanding how the Universe and reality works, or metaphysical philosophical ideas.

Thats also necessary. 

But most people avoid the hardest work as an excuse "Its all ideas" or "there is no perceiver" or whatever.

I think its called "Spiritual bypass"

Edited by OneIntoOne

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@OneIntoOne my question would be.. 'Should we be moral, humble, honest, true, authentic, selfless'?? Who's to say? 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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1 minute ago, Mason Riggle said:

@OneIntoOne my question would be.. 'Should we be moral, humble, honest, true, authentic, selfless'?? Who's to say? 


@Mason Riggle

Well, look at the most Enlighten people from all times and tell me what you see.

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@OneIntoOne again.. what I see only has meaning if I give it meaning. 


If I look at a flower, whether I think it's beautiful, or ugly.. it is, to me. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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