Phyllis Wagner

Bashar On Psychedelics

219 posts in this topic

5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You don't need dick extension surgery if you are hung like Mark Wahlberg in Boogie Nights.

Anyone doing professional sports is exceptionally genetically gifted. Such people are in the top 1% of the bell curve. If they weren't they would not even have a chance to compete. Merely the cost of entry into that arena is having top 1% genetics. This is true of all sports. Which is why all competitive sports are stupid. All you're doing is comparing genetic lottery numbers while telling yourself how good you are. You are only that good because you had the foundation to be that good. You didn't create the foundation, God gave it to you.

Genetics are important, but don't tell me hard determination and insane amounts of training aren't necessary in many sports (unless you're Messi, I agree fully with ya here, this guy is nor human haha:D)

5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

This is true of all the world's greatest mystics. The dirty secret is that they didn't do it, they were given it. And Bashar is no exception to this. The idea that some technique will replace the right foundation is one of the greatest scams in human history. Foundation will always trump technique and effort.

But technique and effort is still important for us mere mortals:-)

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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3 hours ago, GoobyBooby said:

Sometimes it only takes 1 breakthrough aka 1 trip total, for people to know the full scope of what is possible

accurate. after initiation you realize the rest is state chasing / appearance chasing. one's life becomes a psychedelic trip. embodiment process then unfolds with consciousness permanently raising upward and upward. subsequent trips after are just light shows and reference point drops or interesting material like reading a new book, you already know how to read from the first trip, awakened consciousness stays the same since the initiation breakthrough. nothing has yet to top first breakthrough. every other trip is like a refresher or a change of scenery. 

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2 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

So a person's ability to be spiritual is predominantly genetic?

What about intelligence? Is a person's ability to be intelligent and reasonable genetic? 

This is very slippery

To answer your question go talk to a donkey about trigonometry. See how far you get. While you're at it, ask him about spirituality.

The only one being slippery is you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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57 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

but don't tell me hard determination and insane amounts of training aren't necessary

Even your ability and desire to train is not your own.

Where do you think the desire to train comes from?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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39 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Even your ability and desire to train is not your own.

Where do you think the desire to train comes from?

7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


Well, as you know, it depends on perspective. From a relativistic, scientific PoV, my ambitions, desires, motivations, determination etc. aren't my own, because the separate self is an illusion, so there isn't 'any self' to own them.

They were given to me by God if you will.

Or scientifically speaking they were given to me from a combination of genetics, upbringing, culture, society and general environment.

However, absolutely speaking, all these (apparent) outside factors (genetics, upbringing, culture, environment etc.) are actually part of my inner mind. They are my imagination. In other words, they are all my own intelligent design, my doing, my will; a story I deliberately created - Waveintheocean - but also deliberately made unconscious for Myself, in order to bring in the contrast of apparent finiteness to my Absolute Infinite Eternal Omnipotent Nature. And excitement of course. Lila. Hide'n'seek. Divine Play. Love.

So ultimately speaking, there is no separation, and when you've fully realized this in both mind/thought and heart/feeling, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore & all apparent abilities and desires are imaginary and do indeed come from Me and are My Own. As God. Wakey wakey ;)





Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Even your ability and desire to train is not your own.

It’s all determinism which we take part in. The “chemical reaction” took place already. We just feel pressured to engage in the next step of the chain reaction, so we do. We take ownership of these actions as they feel to be authentic, but we are really just operating our free will only according to the different modes of our nature. God/the Self created all conditions of every minute detail of our existence, but somehow people see themselves as separate from that creation process and God itself. The whole process happens within You, but you are influenced in an infinite amount of ways. Ultimately you influence all of the rest of Existence too. you hold the ultimate power to change everything else that is ever witnessed, but you still only have this power due to the way You organized your existence and personally experienced reality. It gets pretty strange loopy. Essentially the individual has the ability, most readily through significant consciousness work, to work in a co-creative relationship or dance with God in which consciousness can be altered in such a way that change in an infinite amount of different ways become possible. The limit that exists on the individual’s ability to alter consciousness (to the degree of changing the rules which govern all of Existence and how it operates) is like an artificial max speed limit on a car. It still limits the change, but it is ultimately capable of being changed. The problem is that the rules in place keeping someone from creating a true and full strength endogenous DMT trip in waking consciousness under no life-threatening conditions is on the level of a physical miracle. Such things are possible, but they are usually only created in extremely rare conditions by Your grace or possibly ridiculous karma. When talking about things on the level of siddhis essentially, it’s important to note that much more powerful non-physical siddhis such as Infinite Love are far easier to access through the infrastructure God created like psychedelics. If we’re to suggest people go trying to create endogenous DMT in the quantities needed for breakthrough, our success rate would be worse than abysmally low. What’s far more likely is someone had experienced enough change in brain chemistry and states of consciousness through many awakenings that the naturally present levels of different brain chemicals could be able to create radical effects on consciousness due to greater sensitivity levels. Many people have talked about how after enough awakenings or higher consciousness experiences substances become much more potent. This isn’t going to happen to these stage green hippies in the way Bashar suggests. Maybe a ridiculously small number of yogis or other mystics throughout history have fallen in the category of people who have been capable of these states endogenously. It’s not good advice to talk to everyone as if they can achieve the same outcome as the top 0.1% or less most conscious humans in history who regularly practiced spirituality hardcore for many years with some flimsy change in what they believe is possible or what things they need a “permission slip” from to experience. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@Leo Gura Why are you so biologically fatalistic on these issues, yet on the Dating subreddit you preach the PUA dogma where it is all about game? With that mindset you can basically justify doing anything productive as being pointless because in every field it just the top genetically gifted people competing with each other, patting themselves on the back for their achievements. So why even bother wasting time doing anything for the minimal chance that you won the lottery?

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53 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

To answer your question go talk to a donkey about trigonometry. See how far you get. While you're at it, ask him about spirituality.

The only one being slippery is you.

@Raptorsin7 ultimately speaking there are no 'persons' nor 'genes' ( there only *seems to be* if you unconsciously imagine these things into existence, which you can't help not to, since your True Nature is Infinite Imagination/Lila).


Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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10 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@WaveInTheOcean I'm not touching this any more I don't want to get banned

Who or what exactly doesn't want to get banned? xD

Where's the 'I' you're speaking of??

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@WaveInTheOcean Haha nice. 

I'm with you man i'm all about neo-advaita.

I think there's a level of diligence required at first that a lot of people overlook. 

I've probably gone back and forth now like 1000 times

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17 minutes ago, Phyllis Wagner said:

@Leo Gura Why are you so biologically fatalistic on these issues, yet on the Dating subreddit you preach the PUA dogma where it is all about game? With that mindset you can basically justify doing anything productive as being pointless because in every field it just the top genetically gifted people competing with each other, patting themselves on the back for their achievements. So why even bother wasting time doing anything for the minimal chance that you won the lottery?

I preach personal dev and spiritual work too. There is no contradiction.

Just please stop with this silly idea that you can will yourself into a DMT breakthrough. Do what you can, but know your limits.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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"Just produce a DMT breakthrough-dose with your pinneal gland, bro, it worked for me" - Bashar

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@Phyllis Wagner

19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

ust please stop with this silly idea that you can will yourself into a DMT breakthrough. Do what you can, but know your limits.

I can't speak to DMT but I can talk about LSD breakthroughs. During sober meditation, and meditation with weed to a greater extent, there's a certain pattern that repeats when I begin to surrender and rest as awareness. It's always the same trend.

It's like on LSD i've gone 100% of the way of a release, sober meditation gets me like 30%, and weed can get me like 70%.

I see no reason why someone with more diligence couldn't have my exact LSD experience with just meditation.

Granted all this became clear after the LSD breakthrough so maybe you can argue none of this would have been possible without the initial LSD trip blowing my mind open

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42 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:


I've probably gone back and forth now like 1000 times

If you're talking about how many times you've got lost in thought, it's WAY more than 1000. If you're talking about how many times you've actually left awareness, then 0. It's both horribly condemning and completely redeeming at the same time. Cause any thought or judgement you took away from it would be...

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Just now, mandyjw said:

If you're talking about how many times you've got lost in thought, it's WAY more than 1000. If you're talking about how many times you've actually left awareness, then 0. It's both horribly condemning and completely redeeming at the same time. Cause any thought or judgement you took away from it would be...

I'm talking about going to the experience of being aware, or whatever pointer you want to use. 

A good example would be I listen to a guided inquiry by Rupert Spira, I will have moments where i clearly follow his pointer, I feel my being unwind, relax (I don't have a good vocabulary to explain this) and then I get up and pat myself on the back because I think I got it.

The surrender to the pointer/inquiry follows the same trajectory as all my LSD trips, but it's like I am constantly starting and turning off the engine.

I'm content with where i'm at it's only a matter of time until I stabilize

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Just now, Raptorsin7 said:

I'm talking about going to the experience of being aware, or whatever pointer you want to use. 

A good example would be I listen to a guided inquiry by Rupert Spira, I will have moments where i clearly follow his pointer, I feel my being unwind, relax (I don't have a good vocabulary to explain this) and then I get up and pat myself on the back because I think I got it.

The surrender to the pointer/inquiry follows the same trajectory as all my LSD trips, but it's like I am constantly starting and turning off the engine.

I'm content with where i'm at it's only a matter of time until I stabilize

I know, it's funny right, we realize that we aren't REALLY the person who can "get it" or not get it, the person who can grasp or lose it, and that feels so amazing that then we pat ourselves on the back and say, "YES, I GOT IT!". xD

If you recontextualize this song from being about sex to being about meditation and Awareness it's pretty hilarious. Armageddon it.

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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5 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

I'm talking about going to the experience of being aware, or whatever pointer you want to use. 

A good example would be I listen to a guided inquiry by Rupert Spira, I will have moments where i clearly follow his pointer, I feel my being unwind, relax (I don't have a good vocabulary to explain this) and then I get up and pat myself on the back because I think I got it.

The surrender to the pointer/inquiry follows the same trajectory as all my LSD trips, but it's like I am constantly starting and turning off the engine.

I'm content with where i'm at it's only a matter of time until I stabilize


Being aware of Awareness. 

Such a strange loop.

Teeth biting themselves.

Eyes gazing at themselves.

A hand closing around itself.

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Just now, mandyjw said:

I know, it's funny right, we realize that we aren't REALLY the person who can "get it" or not get it, the person who can grasp or lose it, and that feels so amazing that then we pat ourselves on the back and say, "YES, I GOT IT!". xD

Haha yeah, I never understood why there was such a stigma against claiming your enlightenment. But if you're claiming it you're not getting it

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4 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Haha yeah, I never understood why there was such a stigma against claiming your enlightenment. But if you're claiming it you're not getting it

Yeah, kinda like turning on a light in a room full of people and thinking it only illuminates you. 

Also anyone else's understanding only makes it easier for others to see clearly. So that's pretty amazing too. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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