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The title of this thread is the german word for "thoughts".


The etymological perspective of "Gedanken" is manifold.


is rooted in "mëλ" ("hand, catch, understand")
was evolving to the indo-european stem "mënt-" ("sense, thought")

Nowadays there is the similiar german verb "danken" ("thank somebody").

The prefix "Ge-" is used within a lot of german words to accumulate and summarize a context of meaning.
"Gewässer" every body of water
"Geräusch" every sound out of noise

Let us create a versatile flow within the circular feature of language in its extremes of ⦿,
opening a space of omnipresence and total reflexion. Relaxe in "ONE mind is talking".

Feel a deep "Thank you" for every upcoming thought.

Edited by juni

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Especially @seeking_brilliance, @Exystem, @Astra, @Natasha perform on similiar purposes within language?
Becoming-Non-Sense in the conversation with Nahm, this crystallized




Wiggle all your fingers, and tell me how you do,
of course you’ll say that science knows, or someone, just not you.

Eyes & minds they tell the stories; this and that’s and two’s,
but feel into the body, the edgelessness in bloom.



the blossom goes under the tongue
hung up as earth to become
a stem in form of time, a length
to understand this blend, -
one space for the second time.

Words they can elude you, sound can delude too,
there is no one to tell you, this everything is you. 


To whom do the thought and word come next?

Edited by juni

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I suppose I might need some clarification on the question... 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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23 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

I suppose I might need some clarification on the question... 


A need, a question, a cheek,
a birth, a elucidation attached
to a silvercord holds the body
swelling and tight. Smiling
dimples arise, you know
your thing right; it comes
alone. question bagged - shine.

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I wanted to read but then I realized whatever sentences I need they all get synthesized by me. I just project them on the screen to then select with eyes too keen to see the true reality beyond to be or not to be. The one that's doing all this shit itself is shining way too lit to not bedazzle its own self in four dimensions within twelve.

~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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@seeking_brilliance @Exystem

On 23.4.2021 at 0:57 AM, seeking_brilliance said:


10 hours ago, Exystem said:

I wanted to read but then I realized whatever sentences I need they all get synthesized by me. I just project them on the screen to then select with eyes too keen to see the true reality beyond to be or not to be. The one that's doing all this shit itself is shining way too lit to not bedazzle its own self in four dimensions within twelve.

twelve - a target of six -
but always three, -
three rabbits rest
in sun's reflection
of symmetric circles,
hearin the danger
within a pair of ears.
another one grabs
into silence: collect
each unconscious
high. a lightning night
as bright spot of whole

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To whom do thoughts come next? When thoughts come next they shine bright up on the morning daisy, who knows not her breakfast of dew drops and earthworm poop. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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On 27.4.2021 at 0:50 AM, seeking_brilliance said:

To whom do thoughts come next? When thoughts come next they shine bright up on the morning daisy, who knows not her breakfast of dew drops and earthworm poop. 

the earthworm forms itself, ugly stucking
to sympathize quickly with human's ash,
gather dew drops in its whole measure
when the burden of blood's spirit was
always covered. stones begin to bloom.

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