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Psychosomatic Energetics

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Perhaps I'll find answers in this part of the forum...

I'm thinking about being treated with psychosomatic energetics. Does anyone have experience? Does it really work? Thank you.

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Psychosomatic energy... that's pretty vague. What modality is it? Bio-energetics, reiki, chakras? What part of those modalities do you want to use? And more importantly, what are you treating


I'll give you the low-down. Energy work is pretty kick-ass holistically. It can stop a fair amount of shit from ever becoming a problem and will generally make you feel better as long as you practice with any decent rigour. In terms of specifically targeting your... whatever you have... it depends. If you've got something like headaches or nausea, acupresssure works pretty fast. Bio-energetics directly breaks up a lot of muscular tension/neurotic holding patterns. I enjoy qi-gong for exercise( and to circulate the essence of heaven and earth) and find it very gentle on the body and useful in cultivating more ease.


Energy work does work. It's in the name. It's not faith healing, it's not instantaneous results( with a few notable exceptions) and it's pretty cool.  B|

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@J. M. Wigglesworth aura reading, chakra evaluation. I went in to see the doc because of skin problems and he told me it's due to issues related to the gut and the psyche. I already treated the gut (with amazing results by the way) and now I'm doing the mental stuff. Apparently my third eye chakra is out of whack and now I'm supposed to take some drops (and meditate on a personal mantra daily) over the course of 5 months. I haven't started that treatment yet (still waiting for the meds to arrive) so I'm very curious about all this.

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@renegade_bee Sorry for the late reply... I took probiotics and different types of fungus (in homoeopathic form)


By the way, I started treatment 3 weeks ago and I can notice a change happening.

Edited by Annie

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@Annie  Stay away from homeopathy. There is no evidence supporting it and it doesn't make any sense theoretically. 

Of course, the placebo effect it produces will help you out--but you can get greater benefits from cheaper and more effective treatments.

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@Radical Honesty  I am absolutely convinced homoeopathy works. Perhaps your argument could be valid on an adult but I can see it work on my (and other) children of different ages as well as pets. That is evidence enough for me.

Which type of other treatments are you referring to?

I don't know where you are located but I don't think homoeopathy is expensive at all. I live in Germany and it's quite affordable. And a huge plus is that it has no side effects.

Edited by Annie

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@Annie  It works—but is 100% placebo. They literally give you a sugar pill.  

People don't realise how effective placebos actually are. 


I don't know what your skin condition is so I couldn't tell you. Have you been to an actual medical doctor or just a alternative doctor?

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@Radical Honesty If I give those "sugar pills" to children who don't even know what they're taking and what it's for and it works how do you explain that?! I know the theory behind homoeopathy sounds weird but it works, I've seen and experienced it countless times already. (By the way I'm not taking the treatment via "sugar pills" but in drops, they contain no sugar at all.)
But I am not trying to convince anyone about this. I know it works.

I have been plagued with severe eczema and psoriasis all my life. I'm 34 so I have had many years to consult different doctors in different countries. And they all told me the same which is basically there's not much to do about this but try to keep it under control. Of course with the help of cortisone. Surely the symptoms would vanish for a while but as soon as I stopped the prescribed treatment the eczema came back again - 10 times worse than before. Over the years my skin has actually gotten thinner in the most affected and most treated areas. I have tried certain diets which were anything but pleasant (for example as an 8 year old I was on a two year long diet which strictly forbade me to consume any sugar at all, it's loads of fun for a child... with no noticeable results by the way), I have tried different creams and ointments, I have tried pretty much anything you can think of. And now for the first time I have tried to go absolutely alternative and away from "mainstream pharma" and surprise surprise something positive is happening. I haven't had any itchiness since about a week after I began this treatment and I haven't experienced anything like that since. My skin has never looked and felt this good ever. For the first time in my life I feel "normal". This physical treatment in combination with a psychological "unmessing" in my head and understanding where past traumas were caused, understanding them and being able to forgive certain people involved is doing wonders to me.

Edited by Annie

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@Annie  That's great. But it has nothing to do with the drops of water you have been taking (that's literally what they are).

You underestimate the power of mind has on the body.


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@Radical Honesty If you are so convinced this doesn't work (have you ever tried it yourself?!) let me ask you again: if it's all bogus to you, how do you explain that homoeopathic treatments work on children who can't possibly have a placebo-effect because they don't even know what they're taking and what it's for but it works.

I very well know how powerful the mind is and I have never underestimated it, trust me.

Speaking of which: have you ever heard anything about "Germanic new medicine"? What's your take on that?

You mentioned "more effective treatments". What would that be for example?

And what do you think about psychosomatic energetics (because that was my original question)?

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Do you understand why people use placebo controlled trials? Because personal experience is incredibly biased. 

I don't know why it would work in that case—but what's more likely:

1) A water droplet with a single atom of a random chemical which hasn't been proven to help the illness cured the child. All of which is based on a theory which makes no sense whatsoever and hasn't EVER been proven to work better than placebo.


2) The child got cured some other way. 

Also, it's been shown that even if a patient doesn't know the benefit of a drug, patients with doctors who know what the drug (it was actually a placebo) does recover faster than those with doctors who don't. It seems likely that a similar thing would happen with a parent giving their child a treatment.

The question I ask you is, why are you so convinced it wasn't the placebo effect? 

I don't know anything about Germanic new medicine.

I don't know anything apart from basic Chakras. 


Hmm I'm regretting telling you about the placebo now. It's probably best if you keep believing that the treatment you are using is curing you—because that belief that it is is curing you. (If that makes sense)

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@Radical Honesty I don't see how it could have possibly been a placebo effect. Let me give you a simple example: my then 2 year old would get motion sick and vomit in the car EVERY time I drove more than 10 minutes (regardless if there were lots of curves or a straight line). I was recommended a homoeopathic remedy to help this. I was sceptical it would work but I tried it anyway because there are no side effects (the only thing that could happen is that there is no effect on the patient at all) and it was beginning to be really annoying and of course the child wasn't having a good time either. So I gave him the remedy an hour before we'd drive and surprise surprise it worked. No more vomiting. I thought it was a coincidence, pure luck so next time I didn't give him anything. He vomited again. Then I gave him the remedy again next time and he didn't vomit anymore. I tried this on and off several times but the results were always the same.

Do you think the drops are 100% water only with nothing at all in them at all?!

What's your take on herbal medicines?

Whatever it is that is curing me IS curing me and in the end that's the only thing that matters (to me) because after more than 30 years of this horror (because the actual bad skin is still better than the psychological mess you have to go through at times as a result of the bad skin) I am just glad I can finally try to lead a "normal" life. And as my doc said: skin problems are always related to the gut and the psyche. So it's not just the remedies that are helping me but also the attempt of overcoming traumas, etc.

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