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I dont really know what weird vibes happening in 2021. Its shadding myself to become more real about my self gradually. Be more authentic. 

Rise my own voice up. Own it. And then now I realized what it really cost. When I honor my deepest value, I dont have really meaningful friend that really resonate with me. I dont have any relationship that suit my new self. I feel I became really different person now. Still now I searching a friend in my country that interested in self development and real spirituality. Feel really-really empty in my heart now.

Anyone experience this? And any advice for me? 

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Yes, welcome to self actualization. It is a byproduct.

I fired almost all of my friends from my life. What I regret is not doing it earlier.

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7 hours ago, ll Ontology ll said:

@Manusia try not to be too judgemental, seek awareness, be resolute in your own perspectives but there’s no need to enforce them onto others where it’s not needed. Continue to learn from your most intelligent friends and if they’re wise enough they’ll continue to learn from you.

Thanks for your nice advice dude.. Im notice that I become too judgemental sometimes.. Yeah youre right, my most intellegent friends is the last one cling in my friendships..

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