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How to really wash your greens.

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I found these two clips with two methods on how to really wash your greens to really get rid of most of the chemicals and dirt. Turns out that the traditional way we do it doesn't really do shit. One of them specifically explains the different types of pesticides and also explains which greens to buy when and so on. Hope this helps. For me it was really enlightening. ;)



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I put both acv and baking soda but I wonder if they cancel each other out? 

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50 minutes ago, Opo said:

I put both acv and baking soda but I wonder if they cancel each other out? 

Do you know any scientists that we could ask. This is not really our speciality here on this forum. hehe. I really have no idea how it works or even if it works. 

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I don't think you can wash it out completely. The pesticides are kinda ingrown, they are part of the cellulose structure. You can't wash that away but I guess putting a bit of extra work and rubbing will make sure that if the grocery guy scratched his butt before touching your strawberries, you don't eat that. 

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14 hours ago, Michael569 said:

I don't think you can wash it out completely. The pesticides are kinda ingrown, they are part of the cellulose structure. You can't wash that away but I guess putting a bit of extra work and rubbing will make sure that if the grocery guy scratched his butt before touching your strawberries, you don't eat that. 

well, in the second video, the guy explains how there are different types of pesticides. Some are part of the plant itself and can only be avoided through buying as organic as possible. But then there are things like ripening agents of which you avoid by buying local and inseason stuff.and the stuff they use to make them last longer which are sprayed onto the surface. Those can be washed away or so I have heard at least. 

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1 minute ago, Unio said:

well, in the second video, the guy explains how there are different types of pesticides. Some are part of the plant itself and can only be avoided through buying as organic as possible. But then there are things like ripening agents of which you avoid by buying local and inseason stuff.and the stuff they use to make them last longer which are sprayed onto the surface. Those can be washed away or so I have heard at least. 

acually, sorry, it was the first video where they guy explains this stuff. 

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