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So if I experience the gap between thoughts, that is what I am? I can't really describe what is between thoughts, it's like a void, a type of cosmic consciousness between me and all things of the universe. Is that what I am, or did I explain it wrong?

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You are your self — the Self — expressed uniquely exactly as you are. There is no real separation between you and what appears.

The false self is the program that seems to take credit for things; feels guilt; blames; delays happiness for some imaginary future moment. It can never realize what it is because it’s an illusion. This illusion is presented to your true Self, but in that presentation, it may appear as the experience of a person who does all those things the false self does (blames, etc). And that’s perfectly ok. If there’s a person over there it will try to understand this, but the person is an imaginary program, so it can’t truly understand anything — there’s only the Self appearing as that.

Edited by The0Self

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Take a close look at what makes up this so-called "I".

Deconstruct it....break it all the way down.

There are memories, thoughts, beliefs feelings, ideas..... but does that accumulated bundle of things make up an "I".... or is "I" more of a concept of mind than a real individual?

Take a real close LOOK. ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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more than that gap between thoughts, you are the void, but that void is, only that you speak another language that is not the thoughts, you have to learn to grasp that silent language. It is not only that there is no "i" and that is enlightenment, it is that you only exist, playing a strange cosmic game with yourself. there is no i, in the sense that everything that you consider your self, your memories, personality, characteristics, attributes ... are an empty movie with no real existence, but there is something that exists. it is nothing, a limitless hole, but very alive

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5 hours ago, The0Self said:

You are your self — the Self — expressed uniquely exactly as you are. There is no real separation between you and what appears.

The false self is the program that seems to take credit for things; feels guilt; blames; delays happiness for some imaginary future moment. It can never realize what it is because it’s an illusion. This illusion is presented to your true Self, but in that presentation, it may appear as the experience of a person who does all those things the false self does (blames, etc). And that’s perfectly ok. If there’s a person over there it will try to understand this, but the person is an imaginary program, so it can’t truly understand anything — there’s only the Self appearing as that.




Just kidding.bro, loved your message!

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6 hours ago, JevinR said:

So if I experience the gap between thoughts, that is what I am? I can't really describe what is between thoughts, it's like a void, a type of cosmic consciousness between me and all things of the universe. Is that what I am, or did I explain it wrong?

Not really. You can have no thoughts but still be in ego-consciousness. There is still a sense of separation, individuality, and identification with the body when the mind is silent. What you are is also not dependent on a quiet mind. 

There are also degrees of silence. Anyone can stop their thoughts for a few seconds or longer with some basic meditation. But that doesn't mean they're conscious of what they are. However that silence can be much deeper and longer. Its quite difficult to put into words. The deeper the silence in between thoughts the more conscious you are of what you are.

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You are the totality of the present moment as it is experienced, for eternity. Thoughts or silence from thoughts are no more or less You than a bag of potato chips on your lap or Jesus Christ in a white robe standing in front of you. If it exists, it is you. Awareness and the content of awareness is a duality that ultimately must be collapsed. You are all of what is. It’s really that simple. The ego self is just as much a directly experienced phenomena as the smell of a rose or anything else. You are both the container in which these various phenomena take place as well as the phenomena themselves. Separation is always a mental concept. For a line in the sand to be a boundary, it must first be mentally constructed and accepted as one. The separation between the ego self and all of existence/God is both as real and as fake as the border of a country or territory. The border is directly experienced as a real separation, but this only occurs because it is a mental creation which is presently accepted. Ego death is like realizing all along that the border of a country has always been a somewhat arbitrary distinction which we have created. The sand doesn’t change because on one side humans see it as Mexican soil and on the other it is seen as American soil. All of it is the Earth. In the same way, all mentally-constructed egos are all just God the same way the sand on any side of a human border is really just the Earth. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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6 hours ago, JevinR said:

So if I experience the gap between thoughts, that is what I am? I can't really describe what is between thoughts, it's like a void, a type of cosmic consciousness between me and all things of the universe. Is that what I am, or did I explain it wrong?

When you describe, thought implies two. 



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7 hours ago, JevinR said:

So if I experience the gap between thoughts, that is what I am?

Language, often times, is responsible for creating the illusion of separation.  

"If I experience..."  is a 'language thought', that implies an "I" which is separate from "experience".  When these kinds of thoughts occur, the illusion of separation occurs, similar to how, when a river flows a certain way, a whirlpool occurs.  Whirlpools don't occur 'separate' from 'what the river is doing'.. you can not take a 'whirlpool' out of a river to 'see what it is', because it's just a function of how the river is occurring.   'A whirlpool' is the same as 'how the river is flowing'.  Look at the whirlpool! Look at how the river is whirlpooling!  There is really no difference between 'a whirlpool' and 'how the river is flowing'. 

Is there any difference between 'you' and 'what the entire Universe is doing'?  Can 'the self' be separated from 'what the Universe is doing' to 'see what you are'? 


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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8 hours ago, JevinR said:

So if I experience the gap between thoughts, that is what I am? I can't really describe what is between thoughts, it's like a void, a type of cosmic consciousness between me and all things of the universe. Is that what I am, or did I explain it wrong?

You are not just your thoughts. So how does a gap in your thoughts become you?

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It's the whole way in which you go about trying to find yourself that matters. The entire structure of the question and what you expect to arrive at. I find confusion can stem from the lack of knowledge of how you are to know yourself at all. I've found that it's helpful to remember that your method should be highly guided by intuition. And in a dream there is only one way things way (which is the ultimate way). So the way I know how to know myself is the one rule of unlimited imagination which is both small, big... complicated, simple...easy, difficult... incredible, and normal. Because limitless imagination imagines these things. 

It's not that your Gona get a formula of "oh I have discovered myself, let me write this down now that is what I am."

So how do you know how to know yourself?

Realise that empty and limitless imagination is the only rule set. Use Intuition. Your heart matters the most. It's actually more like it chooses you. I've found people are born with a certain purity of heart that is unparalleled in the search of truth. If you are one of these people all you need to do is put loads of effort in and press the accelerator

Edited by Aaron p

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It becomes more obvious when that gap becomes your baseline. Until then, you'll have to live with a gap in your understanding ?

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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