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How to Not Offend People in Conversation

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I feel like when I am responding, I am saying the first thing that comes to my head and it ends up being offensive even if it is a legit comment.

Or I don't respond correctly or enough and then that is offensive because my response was not what the other person wanted.

I then feel bad about the entire conversation or the other person hates me for my responses.

How to not have this happen?


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just let it go. I've felt this way before.

just be yourself and authentic and if you occasionally offend people sometimes so be it. no need to die on a hill defending yourself if you offend someone. can always ignore them, no engage or give an apology if you think upon reflection what you said was rude. 

don't micromanage shit like this or else you will be too much in your head and it will block some energy from flowing. 

now if you are CONSTANTLY pissing people off then maybe your social skills need work but I doubt that is the case and you have a problem.

summary: just be yourself and not worry about this and let it go and don't be afraid to speak your mind and be yourself but do be conscious and mindful... being yourself is not the sane as going unconscious and not giving a fuck.

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