
Gross/Physical Paranormal Phenomena?

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At this point I'm quite experienced what I would call subtle paranormal phenomena.
I mean things which take place on the subtler levels of consciousness, like phsychism, clearvoyance, spirits, subtle energies, healing astral travel, etc.
Both from my own practices and from people I've interacted with.

The thing is, I had never experienced so far what I would call physical paranormal phenomena (I don't use the word physical in the scientific sense, I just mean the most dense level of consciousnes). For example, I would put into this category things like turning water into wine, walking over water, physical teleportation, etc. 

What I experienced isn't anywhere near so radical as those examples, and it may sound silly, but I anyways here we go: I bought a gym bench online a few weeks ago and I'm 100% postitve that it had a little cut on its leatherette cover when it arrived, some shipping damage probably. I had even showed it to other people. Now it's gone. I hadn't done any magic in order to remove it, it just not there anymore.

I don't know what to make of this, I suerly has opened my mind to more radical paranormal posibilities like the ones I mentioned above, of which before I was quite skeptical honestly.

Have you ever experienced something like this?

Edited by Fran11

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Every time I've experienced something like this I've proved myself wrong. Perception is not an infallible process.

One time I bought some potatoes here in Norway called "Mandel" (meaning "almond"), and I swear I saw that it said "Mendel" with an "e" on the package, not "Mandel". I knew they were called something like that, but I wasn't too sure about the spelling.

A little backstory: I had just been reading about Gregory Mendel, one of the fathers of biological inheritance, who was known for breeding different strains of peas in order to study this. So I made the associaton that he might have been breeding different strains of potatoes as well. 

The thing is that upon closer inspection, the package didn't just say "mandel" but also "melne" (meaning they easily crumble). Those are very similar looking words, and add the fact that the package was crumpled, I must have seen something resembling "Mendel" (crumpled "melne") and filled out the blanks based on my prior experiences. There are so many psychological models I could go into that explains this, but you get the gist.

Edited by Carl-Richard

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@Fran11 I often hear cracking and popping noises from walls, ceiling and objects when I'm deep in meditation, these days I'm used to it, but sometimes a big cracking sound from ceiling and walls causes me to snap out of meditation which is really really disappointing and at the same time scary since the intensity increases as I go deeper in my meditation and it gets to the point which I almost feel like It's really safer to stop meditation to not cause some serious damage to the house lol

Its really as crazy as it sounds and I did investigate into this actually but still I haven't found any explanation for this phenomena.

Maybe its a siddhi or something I've achieved but its totally out of my control.



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I’ve turned on and interfered with electronics accidentally during periods of awakening. During a meditation, my phone went from about 5% charge to 100% while completely unplugged. I've experienced accidental teleportation of objects in my life on a couple occasions. All of this stuff happens without my direct conscious control. Usually there is a clear intent or desire connected to many of these events. For example, with the phone experience, I was facing a hassle and inconvenience due to needing to use my phone for GPS during a drive which would immediately follow my meditation. I was not at home and had no way to charge it. I went into the meditation with this problem on my mind. The physical teleportation of objects happened once with something I really needed but knew for a fact I had left behind in another city just hours before. 

This stuff only started happening after a lot of spiritual work. Telepathy, clairsentience, and other “non-physical” abilities are far more common for me and far easier to control than physical manipulations although I still do not have perfect control of these by any means. I can only increase the chance of it occurring through doing things to increase my level of consciousness and focus on certain thoughts and profound experiences or connections. The physical stuff, and even to some extent the less physical stuff, is only under clear conscious control if you are at incredibly high levels of development which are rare and usually only occur for people who likely possess some rather unique spiritual talents and abilities. It’s far easier to develop some psychic abilities compared to learning how to actually control physical phenomena with the mind. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

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8 minutes ago, m0hsen said:

I often hear cracking and popping noises from walls, ceiling and objects when I'm deep in meditation, these days I'm used to it, but sometimes a big cracking sound from ceiling and walls causes me to snap out of meditation which is really really disappointing and at the same time scary since the intensity increases as I go deeper in my meditation


I'm experiencing exactly the same thing, and I'm always wondering whether it's just the heightened alertness, or some paranormal shizz. Scares the fuck out of me sometimes.

*especially when it's combined with a white flash

Edited by EmptyVase

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43 minutes ago, EmptyVase said:

*especially when it's combined with a white flash

Damn man, same here.

Sometimes I wish I had a physical guru or a spirit guide which I could ask a lot of questions regarding my experiences..

I know some people here can access to such beings or even have a friendship with them, I don't know the procedure to make such connections. I wish somebody share an in-depth guide regarding this topic.

Edited by m0hsen

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I dunno, I don't think too much about it. When weird stuff happens, I welcome the experience with humor, love, and kindheartedness. Laughing goes a long way. :)

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1 hour ago, m0hsen said:

Damn man, same here.

Sometimes I wish I had a physical guru or a spirit guide which I could ask a lot of questions regarding my experiences..

I know some people here can access to such beings or even have a friendship with them, I don't know the procedure to make such connections. I wish somebody share an in-depth guide regarding this topic.

You should check out this vid/YT channel. She was part of what awakened some of my psychic/spiritual abilities and connections to higher consciousness beings. I imagine her advice could really be the start to getting in touch with this stuff for yourself. 


Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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1 hour ago, EmptyVase said:


I dunno, I don't think too much about it. When weird stuff happens, I welcome the experience with humor, love, and kindheartedness. Laughing goes a long way. :)

That's the way to go! ? 

I don't think too much about these stuff too, But still it's my heart's desire to have a spirit guide ?

Edited by m0hsen

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2 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

You should check out this vid/YT channel. She was part of what awakened some of my psychic/spiritual abilities and connections to higher consciousness beings. I imagine her advice could really be the start to getting in touch with this stuff for yourself. 


Crazy experiences you have man! 

Thanks for sharing, definitely will check this out! :)


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@m0hsen What have you heard about my crazy experiences lol? Just curious. 

The most important thing to remember with this stuff is that these guides or spiritual beings possess telepathy to the degree that they can sense your interest in having a connection with them. Why not try to ask some questions to your guide or guides maybe during a meditative state? Really any state is fine though. You may not get answers in clear English or maybe you will. It’s different for everyone. I am quite certain there are many positive beings who have an interest in you and would love to help. In truth, they’re already helping and always have been. It’s when I’ve expressed my interest in and appreciation for them that I’ve felt the deepest connections. Use your higher emotions to connect. If you’re operating at a high/divine frequency at a certain time, it’s much more likely you’ll be able to experience the connection. Everyone has the hardware for spiritual telepathy/clairsentience/the Holy Spirit or whatever else you may wish to call this type of connection, but it can take some work to get things firing on all cylinders. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want any guidance from my experiences with this. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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51 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

You should check out this vid/YT channel. She was part of what awakened some of my psychic/spiritual abilities and connections to higher consciousness beings. I imagine her advice could really be the start to getting in touch with this stuff for yourself. 


What is wrong in her eyes? I think I'll pass on this one... O.o

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4 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

@m0hsen What have you heard about my crazy experiences lol? Just curious. 

ahh I just referred to the stuff you shared here! :)

4 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Why not try to ask some questions to your guide or guides maybe during a meditative state? Really any state is fine though. You may not get answers in clear English or maybe you will. It’s different for everyone. I am quite certain there are many positive beings who have an interest in you and would love to help

I haven't experienced any verbal communication with any beings in my meditations yet. my peak experience with meditation is love, peace and a deep sense of connection to the source. 

I wish I could have verbalized communication too, but it's still out of my abilities.

4 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want any guidance from my experiences with this. 

Thanks mate, definitely will do so. :)


Edited by m0hsen

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Amazing reports, thank you all guys for sharing your experiences!

6 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

The physical teleportation of objects happened once with something I really needed but knew for a fact I had left behind in another city just hours before. 

Now that's some radical physical paranornal phenomena.

7 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

It’s far easier to develop some psychic abilities compared to learning how to actually control physical phenomena with the mind. 


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