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Bob Seeker

The Yeast of Nobility

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Poem inspired by a dream where I woke up to Leo's voice telling me that addiction, which changes forms to become more grand in society's eye is "the yeast of nobility". 

Turns out Jesus called hypocrisy "the yeast of the pharisees"

The Yeast of Nobility

A young boy itches for chocolate bars,

And dreams of having the whole stash.


But his sweet tooth falls out,

And tastes are refined.


His addiction grows high,

And powdered.

He wants to rise.


Big tickets,

Big business.

His form puffed 

By dealing in important matters.




The welfare of others

Does not escape his grabbing hands.


He says nature cannot serve its own,

As they all take too much.

Then he rations in little squares,

The bounty on the shelf,

Craving “thank you”s amidst the crying.


He holds dear a legacy of benevolence,

So will send them kisses,

Signing the card in big letters,

That they know who treated them.

But he will not send so many,

That they spoil.


Feeding them the dream

Of his sweet life,

He shares his recipes

With the hungry eyeballs:

The ones that buy.


Extending a hand,

He grasps more power.

He says it cannot be left on the table,

Where it might be shared among uninspired hands.


I was also motivated by the fact that I work for amazon, so I aimed it at Bezos a little bit.

Note: this poem is only one very limited perspective and quite exaggerated. 

Edited by Bob Seeker

A Call to Live Differently:

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