Striving for more

Is 20's too late to become an actor?

22 posts in this topic

I believe have the natural charisma to be an very good actor. 

I love narratives & film & also I love Hollywood lifestyle.

An intuitive girl once looked at me deeply & said I should be an actor, she said it with much conviction. 

Arnold shwartzy did it in his 30s 

I'm not going to put my life into acting because I'm too ecelptic for that but i'd love to be a part time A list Hollywood dude 

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No, role taking is relative. Some parts need older people. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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You could definitely make it, man. Why not? There is a variety of roles out there. Try some auditions and see for yourself... And then post a video of you losing an Oscar to Robert De Niro. :-)

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46 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

No, role taking is relative. Some parts need older people. 

No of course I meant I've never acted before. 

My point was most actors have decades of experience, I don't have any. 

So to start acting in 20's seems unreasonable if they all did it since childhood. 

Although perhaps acting is less linear & than something like tennis or soccer & less about years of practice, but I feel like life never works like that & it probably is just like tennis. 

Edited by Striving for more

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Follow your bliss.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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19 minutes ago, tatsumaru said:

You have to start at 3 or you are toast, sorry.


No I don't think 20s is too late to do anything of the sort to be honest. But then again I'm only 19 so maybe when my birthday comes I'll have to give up on my dreams as well.

As Leo once said, "you don't have to know how you'll do it, you just have to want it deeply enough and you'll find a way."  You could totally make it if it's want you want dude. I believe in you.


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@Striving for more If you remove attachment and just begin acting, then there you go. Just follow your bliss

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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50 minutes ago, tatsumaru said:

You have to start at 3 or you are toast, sorry.

Am I sourdough ?

I always knew I was crispy 

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31 minutes ago, Escape said:

But then again I'm only 19 so maybe when my birthday comes I'll have to give up on my dreams as well.

That was golden. Made me laugh. Thank you.

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@Striving for more do youtube for few months or a year. It's all the creative authonomy and creative outlet you need to test the waters. 

Come up with a skit or short video idea, get the people and figure out the logistics, and pump out a few videos, see if you feel like you may enjoy this in the long run. 

Edited by mmKay

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23 hours ago, Epikur said:

@Striving for more

I loved this scene. Can you do the method?


Theatrical musical stuff is really not for me. f just makes me cringe.

I'd rather play an evil villain or a man undergoing a mid life crises with wife problems or maybe some sort of 300 warrior. 

I never could watch this stuff Apart from high school musical > but only because I was in love with Vanessa Hudgens 

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Anyway, fuck acting & fuck this forum. 

It's too late for that & What the fuck am I doing, I already know what my passions are. 

I love culture, socialising, hot women, decadence, travel & foreign languages & this can easily be made in to a business. 

I keep posting & commenting stuff out of impulsive habit to distract myself, but I have a life to live, I MUST STOP WASTING TIME, I HAVE HIGHLY AMBIOUTS DREAMS THAT I MUST WORK TOWARDS, NO MORE OF MY PRECIOUS LIFE WASTED, NO MORE, NO!

message to all of you like me, lets go act & follow our dreams, stop the distractions, don't let this forum become an addiction. 


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Highly ambitious dreams ;) I’m wishing you good luck, but for every one that makes it there’s 10 others that try and fail. Best have a backup plan. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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On 22/04/2021 at 6:57 AM, Striving for more said:

Anyway, fuck acting & fuck this forum.

Fuck you too.

Good luck on your journey!

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Everything is possible.

The real question is, what do you truly want to do ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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It is not too late, and acting can teach you a lot about yourself (I'm actually doing a lot of improv teather for that reason). Best of luck if you wish to pursue it!

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On 4/19/2021 at 11:07 PM, Escape said:

No I don't think 20s is too late to do anything of the sort to be honest. But then again I'm only 19 so maybe when my birthday comes I'll have to give up on my dreams as well.


Don't you realize all of this is just culture?

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