Leo Gura

Getting My Covid Vaccine

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Yesterday I got my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, three weeks and one day after the first dose. Again the only after effect (so far) being some soreness in the upper arm where the vaccine was injected.

Edited by Jake Johnson

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On 6/8/2021 at 9:00 AM, levani said:

no salad or olive oil ? or something ?

Nope, can't.

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Has anyone had the Johnson 1 shot vaccine? I’m thinking of getting that but when I tell people they act like it’s a death shot. 
I would rather just get 1 jab and be done with it. 
don’t know what to think anymore! 

Does anyone know why you need 2 shots of the others but 1 shot of the Johnson? When it’s the same coverage as having 1 shot of Pfizer etc.  But this is accepted as 1 shot but the others must be 2. 

Edited by intotheblack



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@intotheblack There are a lot of scientists and doctors who warn against taking the vaccine. I can't know for sure what is true, but everyone I trust and respect are refusing to take the vaccine. We should follow our intuition! <3

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18 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

@intotheblack  everyone I trust and respect are refusing to take the vaccine. 

Damn your values are fucked. 

Forget about the vaccine, this will cause problems in the rest of your life. 

Maybe try contemplating it a bit. 

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19 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I can't know for sure what is true, but everyone I trust and respect are refusing to take the vaccine. We should follow our intuition! <3

You don't want to contribute to the spread of a highly contagious virus, even if the death rate is 0.0%. The more people get infected, the more it increases the odds of possible mutants with higher death rates. Even worse so, there is a possibility of so-called recombinant viruses which can have truly disastrous consequences.

Say we have a hypercontagious virus (covid-19) that infects a cell that has already been infected by a very deadly virus (Ebola). The worst case scenario is a genetic recombination where you get a new virus which is both very contagious and very deadly. This is a real possibility which only increases in probability when you let a virus such as covid-19 run free in the population.

We've been really lucky that all this started with a relatively innocuous virus, but that can all change in a heartbeat. Taking a vaccine or wearing a mask could not only save you but all of humanity.

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2 hours ago, Opo said:

Damn your values are fucked. 

Forget about the vaccine, this will cause problems in the rest of your life. 

Maybe try contemplating it a bit. 

I'm sure our values are similar, we just have different opinions and beliefs, you believe in the mainstream narrative and I don't.

@Carl-Richard  Yes your arguments seem valid, but since I'm no expert and haven't done enough research about this topic I don't know if there are good counterarguments, I'm sure there are. We need to let the mainstream and the alternative health doctors debate this issue, then we can contemplate on their arguments and make a more informed decision.

But no matter what, if I have a clear intuition I just have to follow it, because the intuition is our connection to our true self and we are meant to rely on it. It's rare to get a clear intuition isn't it?

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19 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

But no matter what, if I have a clear intuition I just have to follow it, because the intuition is our connection to our true self and we are meant to rely on it. It's rare to get a clear intuition isn't it?

I consider myself an above average intuitive person, and when I personally see something that I feel is easily explained by plain facts, I find that intuition is not really needed. IMO, Intuition is reserved for cases where you make a decision based on relatively little information and where there is really no alternative. When the information is clear, you should know what to do. I also think it's useful to differentiate between the feeling of intuition and the feeling of wanting something to be true. It's very easy to trick yourself about these types of subtle mental phenomena. When in doubt, refer to the facts.

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5 hours ago, intotheblack said:

Has anyone had the Johnson 1 shot vaccine? I’m thinking of getting that but when I tell people they act like it’s a death shot. 
I would rather just get 1 jab and be done with it. 
don’t know what to think anymore! 

Does anyone know why you need 2 shots of the others but 1 shot of the Johnson? When it’s the same coverage as having 1 shot of Pfizer etc.  But this is accepted as 1 shot but the others must be 2. 

The reason they act like that about the j&j is because it is strong and causes the most immediate side effects. Tiredness is most common but a lot of people experience low grade fever and chills 24hrs after the shot. Some people also get dizziness directly after the injection.  Symptoms do only last max 24-48 hours if it happens. I work at a drugstore and hear the pharmacist say her shpeal all day long. 

Do some research about the different shots. The j&j is a different type of technology than the Moderna and Pfizer. 

Personally I think it would be nice to just get it over with in one shot. And for most people there won't be any serious side effects. 

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Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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3 hours ago, Seraphim said:

We need to let the mainstream and the alternative health doctors debate this issue, then we can contemplate on their arguments and make a more informed decision.

There is no debate in medical and health regarding what Carl Richard wrote. The more people that are infected means more viral replications which allows for more mutant variants - a small percentage of which could be more contagious and harmful than the current strain. We've known this for decades. Scientists figured this out back in the 1950s. The question is not IF this could occur, the question is what are probabilities of more harmful mutant variants arising. If one or two slightly more harmful variants arose in the world each year, it's likely manageable without huge investments and disruptions. Yet if 15 more harmful variants arise each year, it would be much more difficult to manage. 

The more people that get vaccinated means there is reduced viral replications - which means reduced emergence of mutant variants. The probabilities are significantly reduced, yet not down to zero.

Yet in the bigger picture, the vaccine might just be putting a band-aid on a more serious problem regarding human impact on the earth and humans living in more concentrated cities. 

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10 hours ago, intotheblack said:

Has anyone had the Johnson 1 shot vaccine?

If you are young, be ready to have side effects for 48h after the shot. Be prepared to be sick the next day. For me it was nausea and headache, and on the next day light & constant (and thus exhausting) muscle and joint pain. The day after the shot I could just lay on the couch and do nothing. Teached me alot about caring for the health of your body. Your quality of life is surprisingly reduced because of the pain. Only cold showers helped with the pain.

You can use the day after to meditate because any intellectual or manual work is hardly possible.

However, I also spoke with a fellow student of mine. He had just some pain in the arm and that was it. :D

Edited by Loving Radiance

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2 hours ago, Forestluv said:

Yet if 15 more harmful variants arise each year, it would be much more difficult to manage.

And who's to say that each new mutant isn't significantly more harmful than anything else we've seen before (by an order of magnitude)? Sure, if we look at monofyletic (?) mutants (not recombinants), one would expect a more or less linear relationship between the characteristics of related strains, but surely that is also just a question about probability. Are there any well-established facts about the potential phenotypic diversity from one generation to the next (parent to mutant)?

Edited by Carl-Richard

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

And who's to say that each new mutant isn't significantly more harmful than anything else we've seen before (by an order of magnitude)? Sure, if we look at monofyletic (?) mutants (not recombinants), one would expect a more or less linear relationship between the characteristics of related strains, but surely that is also just a question about probability. Are there any well-established facts about the potential phenotypic diversity from one generation to the next (parent to mutant)?

Different variants can have a range of effects. Flu viruses have been been endemic for a long time and tons of new variants arise each year, yet they aren’t significantly worse. The coronavirus has spread enough that it will likely become endemic, like the flu. I’m not sure of models that predict probabilities and impact of new variants, There are probably scientists developing algorithms right now.

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1 hour ago, Loving Radiance said:

If you are young, be ready to have side effects for 48h after the shot. Be prepared to be sick the next day. For me it was nausea and headache, and on the next day light & constant (and thus exhausting) muscle and joint pain. The day after the shot I could just lay on the couch and do nothing. Teached me alot about caring for the health of your body. Your quality of life is surprisingly reduced because of the pain. Only cold showers helped with the pain.


Sounds terrible...  I have no idea how my body will react, haven’t had a vaccine since I was a kid. I’m really dreading it. 




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1 hour ago, intotheblack said:

Sounds terrible...  I have no idea how my body will react, haven’t had a vaccine since I was a kid. I’m really dreading it. 

I had zero side effects except the mandatory soreness around the injection area (gone in 2 days).

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Guys, the vaccination rate in the US has been declining a lot. What's even worse is that there now a new COVID variant called Delta, that is now the most deadly of them all. Experts including Fauci are now getting worried that Delta could take over the country if we don't get enough people vaccinated in time. :(


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Stop spreading vaccine paranoia.

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27 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Stop spreading vaccine paranoia.

I am spreading vaccine paranoia?


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