
Life Minimalism And Why I Disagree

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First of all this is my first post here so HELLO :D

So to get to the point I strongly disagree with some parts of the "Lifestyle minimalism" video, specifically the part about relationships and here's why:
As humans of course we are social creatures, thus our lives since the beginning of time are based on communities. With that logic becoming anti-social would lead to less happiness to the average human (as proven by all studies done on the subject ,
(On the other hand this might not apply for Leo or anybody who is that "actualized")
 I would totally agree if his concept of life minimalism had social life as one of the essentials

I would really like to hear what are your opinions on this

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I think there is room for nuance. There are many different approaches to a minimalistic lifestyle and if you authentically like to be around your friends, then keep them. But when your level of consciousness and prioriteres rise, you can get more into spiritual territory and maybe cut those friends because you enjoy other activities now.

But the transition in consciousnes development takes time and requires work ( daily meditation etc.) Do that and keep at it and leave those friends when you are ready rather than using brute force. 

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I haven't watched that video since it was released so forgive me if I'm misremembering the details , but it seems like the gist of his message was to trim the unnecessary activities that you don't enjoy or benefit from . I don't think his message was to become a complete hermit. As an example , you might skip the work Christmas party that you've been dreading for a month , but you'd still spend the day golfing with your old college buddy who's in town for the weekend who you've been wanting to catch up with for the last year. That's just as example but I'm sure you could think of 100 similar scenarios in your own life . Basically , if you have reservations about whether this event/activity is going to be time well spent it's worth considering skipping it. On the other hand , if it's something you're excited about then obviously you should do it. We have to maintain sanity :)


Just my take on it, your perspective may differ obviously . 

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@Alex1o1 When you become conscious of just how much suffering all your relationships cause you, you might change your mind about that ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Alex1o1 When you become conscious of just how much suffering all your relationships cause you, you might change your mind about that ;)

Ok first of all by suffering you mean emotional/psychological or you are referring just on the time that should be devoted in a relationship?

I can see a how relationships can drain somebody. But what about healthy relationships?
What about a genuinely loving relationship when each person seeks only the best for the other? or a friend who can give advice from a different point of view, or even a service expecting nothing in. Why ALL relationships?

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19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Alex1o1 When you become conscious of just how much suffering all your relationships cause you, you might change your mind about that ;)

Oh, by the way Leo thank you so much, personally i have found tremendous value in your work and has helped me a lot.
(Although I'm far far off from your point of view, so i hope you are understanding :D)

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29 minutes ago, Alex1o1 said:

I can see a how relationships can drain somebody. But what about healthy relationships?
What about a genuinely loving relationship when each person seeks only the best for the other? or a friend who can give advice from a different point of view, or even a service expecting nothing in. Why ALL relationships?

Because you are not capable of that. You're not conscious yet how all your relationships are actually pawns and manipulation schemes designed by your ego to serve your self-agenda.

That will take some serious work to undo. And if you ever do it, you will become detached from all human beings. (Although the end result of detachment is the exact opposite of what you probably think.)

The extent to which you need relationships is the extent to which your relationships are dysfunctional, and vice versa.

Be careful not to conflate detachment with avoidance. I'm not saying you need to avoid anything per se.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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49 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Because you are not capable of that. You're not conscious yet how all your relationships are actually pawns and manipulation schemes designed by your ego to serve your self-agenda.

That will take some serious work to undo. And if you ever do it, you will become detached from all human beings. (Although the end result of detachment is the exact opposite of what you probably think.)

The extent to which you need relationships is the extent to which your relationships are dysfunctional, and vice versa.

Be careful not to conflate detachment with avoidance. I'm not saying you need to avoid anything per se.


I see, well if you are talking from the detachment point of view I agree :)

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@Alex1o1 you’re totally right. Although for some people (less actualized) this is a step to far, if you keep growing you’ll eventually start value more  being alone. But because you want. You shouldn’t do it until you feel you need it (when you’re ready).

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