
Being and Solving Problems

7 posts in this topic

How do I stop creating problems? I have noticed that my mind can not stop looking for problems and in doing so it creates them.

In a state of meditation, being in the moment stops it. Alright. I know how to stop it. I can't seem to do it while interacting with someone. While I am listening to what they are saying, in the background there is this "radar" scanning for things to solve. If I turn it off while I am with someone, keeping a conversation going isn't happening. :D

I feel like I lack integration of what is "other".

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Never had an experience of "other" so I don't know. I have only experienced "me". So "me" must include "other". But I definitely need to look into this much deeper.

Does this have a correlation with "problem solving"? @Nahm It seems to me that if I can stop seeking for problems in myself, I would stop seeking them in others, too. Hmm..

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What happens if you flex the same muscle over and over? It grows. Even when you're not working out, your muscles are still there — they don't just disappear. Flexing the muscle don't just have an effect on you while working out, but it also makes you stronger in everyday life. 

What if meditation works the same way? What if you can build such a strong meditation muscle that you start noticing a difference in everyday life? That is infact exactly how it is.

Does that mean you must learn to flex your muscles really hard every moment of your day? No. You'll just exhaust yourself that way, and more importantly, your muscles will not have any time to grow. There has to be a balance between work and rest.

You'll feel a little stronger every day if you keep a consistent practice and give yourself time to rest.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Just notice ‘the problems’... notice the reaction to say something about it... be aware of the experience of the reaction, but don’t react. Experience the thought coming and going, and the sensations as well. 



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It's your ego asserting itself. a way to exist like others, and to exist is its purpose. weakening the ego by seeing again and again its falsehood is the solution

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Just notice ‘the problems’... notice the reaction to say something about it... be aware of the experience of the reaction, but don’t react. Experience the thought coming and going, and the sensations as well. 



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