Leo Gura

Pentagon Confirms New UFO Video

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That's right it's not Russians. Its yoda and his apostle rodians in their jedi starfighters. 


Edited by diamondpenguin

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On 28/05/2021 at 2:53 PM, Pateedm said:

Couldn't have been satellites as they were changing directions, he didn't mention that though. 

No psychedelics were involved, it was as much a hallucination as your present experience of experiencing a screen.

Didn't have our phones on us at the time and tbh it's not the first thing that crosses your mind to just whip out a camera and start filming.

Anyway, I'm just telling ya they exist, up to you though man :)

Did you visit a mental health professional? Sounds like schizophrenia. 

You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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9 hours ago, IAmReallyImportant said:

Did you visit a mental health professional? Sounds like schizophrenia. 

Would rather visit a native tribe. Schizophrenia to me is like label that someone sticks on someone because they don't understand what the person is experiencing. Same with a lot of "mental disorders" as well. 

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The most significant data point established so far is the government publicly acknowledging that UFOs are real, they do not know what is behind them, and they are seriously investigating. This is a big shift. 

The videos released so far are crappy and won't move the public much. The government has much better evidence captured through advanced aerial imaging systems, satellite imagery and other data like radar and measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT).  All of this evidence tells the same story: unknown objects in the sky are traveling at speeds and performing movements beyond our comprehension of science. 

Why are they not rushing to release this information? There's a few factors, but one of the main ones (according to Nick Pope) is that governments see Earth powers as competitors in a rush to try and understand this technology and see if it can be re-engineered. If your foes don't know you're studying this stuff, maybe they won't either.

I've accepted that UFOs are driven by non-human intelligence. It was incredible to make that realization, and I'm a little amazed by how "normal" this reality already feels. I really hope they are peaceful and they are willing to interact with us in a positive way. I really hope their moral sense has advanced to the same levels as their technology, just as our moral sense is as primitive as our technology. 



Edited by DieFree

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2 hours ago, DieFree said:

The most significant data point established so far is the government publicly acknowledging that UFOs are real

Yes it's real. It's really the weather.

2 hours ago, DieFree said:

I've accepted that UFOs are driven by non-human intelligence

Thats the most unlikely explanation possible.

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The evidence for aliens is not any single UFO sighting, but the massive preponderance of evidence from thousands of different sources. You have to connect the dots to see it, rather than mindless pulling part one case at a time.

Once you survey all the cases, all the evidence from all the sources you realize: aliens are the most reasonable, obvious, and scientific conclusion.

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I believe that it is the shadow goverment that has this technology and the politician and some military does not know about.

I do believe that they have reversed engineered crash sites of UFO's and made their own crafts. 

Aliens has been here but maybe they aint here no more since mankind is primitive and not that evolved.

I do feel that china/russia/US have shadow goverment, which is top secret which the majority of the ordinarie goverment does not know about.


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- Pseudo-dionysius 

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The evidence for aliens is not any single UFO sighting, but the massive preponderance of evidence from thousands of different sources. You have to connect the dots to see it, rather than mindless pulling part one case at a time.

Once you survey all the cases, all the evidence from all the sources you realize: aliens are the most reasonable, obvious, and scientific conclusion.

That could very well be, but I don't see an obvious downside to maintaining agnosticism about these phenomena until something more definitive can been demonstrated. 

I'd maintain that Aliens aren't an unreasonable Interpretation for at least some small proportion of these incidents, but all you're really going on is a process of elimination. Which seems epistemologically shaky, because there will always be possibilities that aren't obvious, and which haven't been accounted for (be they in the realms of imaging technology, optics, etc).

Are there any Institutions that you would consider highly credible which have thrown thier weight behind the hypothesis that some of these objects are aliens? Because it's the Conspiracy Community that's by far the most vocal on this issue, whom I'm willing to trust about as much as antivaxxers to so thier own Research on how epidemiologists are lying to us xD

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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On 17/04/2021 at 9:57 AM, Leo Gura said:

So everyone is just ignoring this now?

These bastards are out there flyin' around.

The first part can be explained as a guerilla marketing campaign by Doritos.

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Once you survey all the cases, all the evidence from all the sources you realize: aliens are the most reasonable, obvious, and scientific conclusion.


@Leo Gura   Ufo pranks are easy. But its fun!xDxD


Edited by Gregp

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2 hours ago, DocWatts said:

Are there any Institutions that you would consider highly credible which have thrown thier weight behind the hypothesis that some of these objects are aliens? 


There's your problem: caring more about institutions than truth and using your own head.

You should know better than appeals to authority by now.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If aliens would exist, they would certainly be good, because they haven't destroyed us so far.

So I hope they will beam me up, so I can ask them to pay my bills and buy me this new Bentley.

Even if they are probably stage green. 

Edited by IAmReallyImportant

You can derive it from simple logic

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I dont believe in ghosts or psychics, which is frowned upon in this community, but I do believe we are being visited by otherwordly crafts.
I guess I sympathize with the skeptics here, but to me the difference between ghosts and aliens is the quality of the witnesses.

Thousands of people believe they have seen ghosts, and thousands believe they have seen UFOs
but I dont see any astronauts, Navy officers, army pilots and NASA experts with silly ghost stories.

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8 minutes ago, Mafortu said:

I dont believe in ghosts or psychics, which is frowned upon in this community, but I do believe we are being visited by otherwordly crafts.
I guess I sympathize with the skeptics here, but to me the difference between ghosts and aliens is the quality of the witnesses.

Thousands of people believe they have seen ghosts, and thousands believe they have seen UFOs
but I dont see any astronauts, Navy officers, army pilots and NASA experts with silly ghost stories.

There are highly intelligent, educated people with much money and status who tell you ghost stories or paranormal stories. I know them personally. Like the day before yesterday a friend of my godmother talked about paranormal experiences. 

Edited by IAmReallyImportant

You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:


There's your problem: caring more about institutions than truth and using your own head.

You should know better than appeals to authority by now.

Perhaps, but I'd argue that doing so is more a case of Intellectual Humility, and recognizing the limitations of my own viewpoint.

I'm assuming you didn't do months of painstaking Independent Research to come to the realization that it was in your best interest to get a Covid vaccine, rather than just deferring to the advice of people and organizations with more expertise in that area than yourself.

Sure we can come to know some things through direct experience and contemplation, but we're still highly dependent on other people for knowledge about most things. 

But I'll stop myself before this thread gets completely derailed by arguments over epistemology. B|

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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It looks like In June 25 US Goverment and Department of Defense will formally acknowledge UFOs existence and Extraterrestrial life

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Just now, Alex_R said:

It looks like In June 25 US Goverment and Department of Defense will formally acknowledge UFOs existence and Extraterrestrial life


I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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8 minutes ago, Alex_R said:

It looks like In June 25 US Goverment and Department of Defense will formally acknowledge UFOs existence and Extraterrestrial life

Rrrrright. I'll set a reminder on my calendar for that date, and then I can talk to you again. Mmm it will feel good to be right, looking forward to it.

Edited by Blackhawk

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30 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

But I'll stop myself before this thread gets completely derailed by arguments over epistemology. 

Ironically your epistemology is bad in this case.

Being conservative and humble is no virtue when it isn't truthful. Taking default conservative or "humble" stances is not valid science, it's self-deception.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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19 minutes ago, DocWatts said:


I've summoned joe biden inside a lucid dream and directly ask him about it

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