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To Fully Actualize...

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To fully actualize we must renounce ego.  All of it.  Completely. Many many many of Leo's topics are about one thing: how to be successful.  Being successful in this world often times leads to a bigger ego if you're not careful.  Are we to give up on being successful and live in the moment, come what may?  Or do we seek success and eventually fall into ego-death, once we have lived a "full" and "meaningful" life?

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@Bronsoval Just think of a day when you have succeeded and all that you desired has been attained, all that you always longed for is in your hands. Then what? – that is the fear. Then, what will you do? – because, all doing is searching, all doing is desiring, all doing is possible, because there are goals which we have not attained yet. One is occupied, happily busy.

Success is a by-product; one need not think about it. And, if you think about it, you will not get it — that is a condition. Don’t think about success, because if you start thinking about success you become divided. Then, you are not totally in the work; your real mind is in the future: “How to succeed?” You have already started dreaming how you will be when you have succeeded.

 Your mind has started playing the game of greed, ambition, ego. Never think of success. Success is a natural by-product. If you work really sincerely upon yourself, success will follow you just as your shadow follows you. Success has not to be the goal.

if you think too much of success you will constantly be thinking of failure too. They come together, they come in one package. Success and failure cannot be divided from each other. If you think of success, somewhere deep down there will be a fear also. Who knows whether you are going to make it or not? You may fail. Success takes you into the future, gives you a greed game, an ego projection, ambition, and the fear also gives you a shaking, a trembling – you may fail. The possibility of failure makes you waver. And, with this wavering, with this greed, with this ambition, your work will not be quiet. Your work will become a turmoil; you will be working here and looking there. You will be walking on this road and looking somewhere far away in the sky.

Don’t look ahead too much; otherwise, you will miss the immediate step. Success comes of its own accord. Leave it to itself. This existence is a very rewarding existence, nothing goes unrewarded.

Peace of Mind is one of the best success factors. It does not matter to a man of awareness whether he is successful or unsuccessful, well-known or absolutely unknown, powerful or just a nobody. To a man of awareness, these dualities don’t matter at all, because awareness is the greatest treasure. When you have it, you don’t want anything else.

Those who pursue power suffer even in success – they live in the eternal fear that they might lose it. At first they suffered because they were not successful; now after being successful, too, they are suffering because of a feeling of insecurity. Moreover, they have no private space; everyone wants to meet with them and there are some who are engaged in the task of “overthrowing” them. The life of a successful man is not a life of peace. But in failure, too, there is no peace. For an aware person, it is all the same. Success comes and goes, and so does failure. He remains untouched and aloof.

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Yes! The best way to gain experience is through failure, if it is not perceived as failure, but another possibility.

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