We Need A Systematic War On Family Values In Some Places Of The Globe

By Mesopotamian in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events,
The teachings that Leo does almost always include discussion/talk about Stage-Blue values and the moral system they are indulging in. I would like to make the argument that no one is able to see clearly the damage of something unless it is in it is in its extreme state. I am a living example of how the war on Iraq was working to achieve its goal and bring freedom to an oppressed nation. I was lucky to find my way here to this community, however there are millions of other fellow citizens in my age who are unlucky and still prisoners of Stage-Blue moral system. I would like to share the points which I consider very damaging to my nation and for the whole world if in case they are not freed ASAP. The case of my nation is extreme, a young person from childhood is indoctrinated to give full loyalty to family, to the point that it is forbidden by the state and not allowed by the community that anybody lives alone in a house or an apartment with no-family, no one literally gives permission to rent a home for a single man or a woman, and we have sort of a racial slur against single people here. What's happening now in places like Iraq is the proliferation of families to its maximum potential, any guy or a girl that's above age 20 should make it a goal to get married, or else they will be living with their parents for the rest of their lives due to the system. The crucial thing is that truly, no progress in the society is going to be made this way, and this is due to the lack of individuality. In order for a society to progress, we should have individuals who are free to move, free to live wherever they are, free to go out and in whenever the wish (unlike now, where a girl cannot stay outside her family home after sunset), only when freedom is achieved then we are going to see people come up with vision in order to advance the society. These stage-blue societies have forgot the importance of meditation, and they deny their people the right to do so, even when the founder of the religions were meditating all the time. Muhammed had his first revelation when he was meditating in a mountain, Jesus went 40 days in the desert to conquer his ego, yet the moral system that's in place now forbids that! -------- The whole argument behind no intervention mentality is "Let them develop on their own pace", but sadly this is not possible, it is not going to happen now because of all of the influence forces like the Internet and Satellite TV that are adopted/imposed on these nations, so they are no more a separate part from the rest of the world. Here's my question, When are we going to treat the rest of the nations of world as we treat our nations? Some of us do that now, some of us give themselves the rights to travel to those nation and contribute to influence them, and some of us rage wars against them already, why there's no conscious efforts to intervene by people like us? I think it is a only a choice we are making, not necessarily a proper one. ------  
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