
How You Deal With No One Understands You?

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How you guys deal with that feeling of no one understands you, like you feel different to them. Even if i feel like i am stronger person now but for sometime i need someone to talk to. Like now, i have lots of things going on my mind and i feel like i need to get an opinion of others, or and advise or just someone who listens and actually understands. I called my mom, she seems uninterested (always is) my friends doesn't really get into it. It is hard to find someone (for me) who has the same level of thinking. I feel like i am stuck with people that are closed-minded, shallow and only cared of things that don't really matter like getting likes on facebook, etc.

how'd you deal with that? 


Thanks for anyone who will reply. :)

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@Dimples i use this anguish as an energy that compels me to move on and expand my relationship range. so i go out. i throw my body on the world. i meet older people. i join many meditation groups. i teach yoga to strangers for free etc.

unborn Truth

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If all you have around you is people that are "shallow" then why don't you try to dig deeper?  If someone says they want to increase their likes on FB (assuming you are talking to them face to face and not online), then why don't you ask them, "Why do you want more likes on FB?  What does that give you?"  And start trying to steer the conversation away from shallow discussion.

I once took this type of thinking at a bar with a person I met at a bar and ended up getting him to tell me about a near-death experience he had in a car crash only a year before.  Get people to talk about themselves and they'll never stop talking.

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@smd that's a very good point Thank you. I could have use that to just like you said "steer the convo away from shallow discussion. but mainly what i am struggling is people around me does not understand me. i meant have your ever met someone who you can talk about anything because he/she is open minded and can agree to disagree on certain topic and does not impose their beliefs on you.. And mostly  it is not the case so it kind makes me feel down sometimes. it gives me that weird feeling that "maybe i have lost connection to people".and i do not how to deal with it so i am asking advise/suggestion. :)

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hey you can PM me if you like it, Ill hear your thoughts

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Face the thing you're running away from: the emptiness of not being heard, known, or understood.

Why do you need that anyways? Take a look!

You can drop that need, you know.

When you fully understand yourself, you won't need others to understand you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You're not alone, I think we all feel misunderstood sometimes. Here's a few things to consider:

- Try to appreciate the fact that we live in a time where we can connect with people all over the world, someone somewhere for sure has a similar way of thinking. This forum is a great place to start.

- You can try to find some activities or groups in your area with like minded people, maybe look something up on meetup.com or a something similar.

- Try to improve the way you communicate and connect with others at all levels there are plenty of books on this subject.

I should probably do the same:)

Edited by 100rockets

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@Dimples By being brutaly honest with yourself and realizing you are also trying to impose your beliefs on them which you you believe to be far superior to thers.


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 @Dimples Having dove deep into personal development at 18 years old, I find my outlook on life is very different from other kids my age. I have felt rather lonely at times, but this has only inspired me to raise consciousness about concepts that have brought me to my state of mind within my peer group.

Something you could try out is creating a platform where you can just vent your current thoughts. Leo provided a section in this forum where you can create, post, and share your own journal with everyone in this community. This is something I am beginning to try since I also feel I have very little people to talk to about higher conscious values. Just a suggestion! 

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On 10/25/2016 at 5:30 AM, Dimples said:


How you guys deal with that feeling of no one understands you, like you feel different to them. Even if i feel like i am stronger person now but for sometime i need someone to talk to. Like now, i have lots of things going on my mind and i feel like i need to get an opinion of others, or and advise or just someone who listens and actually understands. I called my mom, she seems uninterested (always is) my friends doesn't really get into it. It is hard to find someone (for me) who has the same level of thinking. I feel like i am stuck with people that are closed-minded, shallow and only cared of things that don't really matter like getting likes on facebook, etc.

how'd you deal with that? 


Thanks for anyone who will reply. :)

Find a professional counselor in your area.  

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@Leo Gura maybe you are right. Sometimes, what happened to me is - when things are falling apart and i feel i needed someone to talk to- who i wish to actually understand esp if i have so many things going on. I have no one.But other times i'm okay. Thanks Leo.

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@TeenVisionary98 thank you. Yea i think we feel the same way. Even for me, most times i am okay/preferred with being alone but when things get heavy you want to have someone to be able to talk about it. But what saddens me is they dont understand me. I have a journal on my laptop. That helps me a lot too. Thank you for suggestion again.

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Just wanted to share with you one of my favourite quotes below. Unfortunately, you won't find many people out there who will think this way. What I do to find like-minded ppl is work on my life purpose. It leads to places and you meet different types of ppl. (Also, study Leo's Graves model / Spiral Dynamics clip.) The more you work on these things, the more likely you will meet the right friends-nice ones too. I met two already who will not judge ppl on their enlightenment experiences and make their own conclusions about it. In order to have great friends, you've got to be the great friend too. Detachment is one of the important key aspects of a friendship or any relationships. (See Leo's clip on detachment.)

Another note: You don't really "find" like-minded people. You just happen to meet them as you go along in your journey. 

Now, I'm not being strict here. Take baby steps. I like keeping a journal handy all the time. One of my journals turned into a book (that I sell to a school).



Edited by Key Elements

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