
Does killing and eating animals have a place in conscious society?

105 posts in this topic

Anyway, the body will adapt to any diet and do the best it can.

It's amazing how the body works. It does a wonderful job at detoxing and making use of what's in the environment.

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4 minutes ago, freejoy said:

Anyway, the body will adapt to any diet and do the best it can.

It's amazing how the body works. It does a wonderful job at detoxing and making use of what's in the environment.

Stuff your pie hole with whatever feels right for you. And let others do the same. That's all I was saying to some others who have since run away.

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7 minutes ago, wwhy said:

Stuff your pie hole with whatever feels right for you. And let others do the same. That's all I was saying to some others who have since run away.

I have discovered that choosing a diet is kinda like buying something for 90% of the people
Buying works like this: Emotions buy, then logic explains why you were right to buy.

Car vs diet example: You first get the car/diet on your emotion, such as "car: its cool, my old one is makes me embarrassed" or "diet: it ideologically aligns with my view, my old one makes me look bad in my friends eyes", and then you find a logical reason why to choose that diet: "car: It helps me overtake people on the road, so its safer" or "diet: research paper said its healthier than the average diet in *insert nation*"

I rarely see someone doing proper research on food and then choosing ingredients that are suitable for you based on how your ancestors lived, genes and how the food makes you feel and look physically. Most often the reasons are emotional, and then the logical reason is something vague such as: "My diet promotes autophagy/my diet is healthy according to this (very small sample size) research paper/my political partners are on this diet and its the correct for our future/Fat is unhealthy according to this (another useless) research paper from 1970's/warriors of Greece ate like this and they were fit/it makes my muscles grow". Can you guess which diets Im speaking of? These arguments always come up when someone wants to talk how their diet is superior to yours. Lol.

We trust biased research, beliefs and political ideologies way too much when we choose a diet. This has to stop, we need to go back and choose our diet based on how things taste to us, how things smell to us, how things make our bodies feel, how our bodies change on a diet. We need more body awareness and less research papers. We have delegated something that our ancestors found through trial and error by tasting berries, different kinds of fish, mushrooms, stalks, vegetables etc. to biased researchers who twist data and make their findings in perfect laboratory conditions. They dont even care if the results can be replicated in a societal level, if *insert diet* gives you *insert benefit* in laboratory conditions, then thats all they need to know to get their paycheck and whatever awards they get for "groundbreaking discoveries"

I dont know how many diets @Preety_India have tried, but if she has always been on vegan diet, then her comment shows remarkable open mindedness on her part. For me, I have tried and bought a lot of different diets and seen their positive and negative sides. Today Im proud to say that I eat whatever I want, but that doesn't mean that I eat at Mcdonalds.

I thought about making a whole new thread about this topic alone. Sorry if some parts didnt make sense to you, Im too busy with my career atm so I cant put more thought on the subject. But I hope someone here finds wisdom in my view, if there is any.

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17 minutes ago, Hansu said:

I rarely see someone doing proper research on food and then choosing ingredients that are suitable for you based on how your ancestors lived, genes and how the food makes you feel and look physically.

BOOM! Well said.

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1 hour ago, wwhy said:

That's all I was saying to some others who have since run away.

Nobody ran away, there is just no point to try and have a conversation, since its obviously a joke to you and you are trying to wind people up to get a reaction. your joke responses aren't very funny :)



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10 hours ago, intotheblack said:

Lol yeah, those huge canines 



A Lion is a feline not a  canine btw

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2 minutes ago, Rajneeshpuram said:

A Lion is a feline not a  canine btw

"canine" is the name of the tooth 



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9 minutes ago, Rajneeshpuram said:

A Lion is a feline not a  canine btw

"Canine teeth" is an anatomical feature. It's present across different mammalian species.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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 I think God allows it. So it is ok. 

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@wwhy Veganism isn't about how meat tastes, not about what our ancestor's ate, or if animal foods are part of the culture, not about our canines or anything like that. If you want to understand why people go vegan then  l contemplate on the life POV of the animals that we breed. What would a life of an average cow, pig, chicken in the US, for example, look like from start to finish?  Documentaries help. Debating on online forums from your own point of view and whatever arguments you give does absolutely 0 to you. You only feel more secure about your own beliefs. Just saying, I don't think you're openminded about this topic. At least it seems that you aren't.

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5 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

No one here seems to have a serious appreciation with how difficult survival is.


*is for many people around the world 

*was for a small amount of people from developed countries who on a material level are more free which this thread is meant to challenge

Edited by Lyubov

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Developed countries hehe ... what they are developing?? pc culture!?



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In a conscious society, no it doesn't.

In our society, in some contexts it does have its place. But most first world nations honestly don't need it. 

But part of the expansion in consciousness also entails unlocking new inventions and innovations.

So, even though society will probably never go completely Vegan, there will likely be lab grown meat in the near future. So, we can truly let it go.

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9 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

No one here seems to have a serious appreciation with how difficult survival is.


Red herring. Look at the title "conscious society".

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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No it does not.  I was given information on this from an entity a few months ago, and before that a few years ago on this topic - and what it/they said is this: As above, so below, what we do here is what we invite into our reality.  The reason why humans have issues with disease, slavery, selfishness and whatnot is in part due to how we treat the planet and other species who live here.  The Earth has natural feedback mechanisms that can be triggered to prevent one species from getting too out of control with consumption and that those mechanisms have already been triggered, even if we as a society were to change our ways.

Cause and effect doesn't care if you are conscious of it or not - you just become aware of it and see it when you are.  (I'm not vegan btw this is just what I was told.)

Killing is a serious crime against life - it is all a part of you.  You need to tend to your bubble as if it were lace or silk, in intention, emotion, that life is meant to share and witness existence mutually.  I have had pet rabbits that an ex harmed come up to me from the other side with the same message. It was all of them, speaking from the collective species voice, which is often how animal spirits communicate in my experiences.  They shared with me that life desires to continue on more than anything in the world that this is the golden rule; to protect and cherish it all, and that the same fear before death is shared among all living creatures - that we all feel and cover the existence and time we are given.  That life is like a unified screen and what you put in front of it dictates what happens behind the veil in ways that we don't understand - that humans know so little about this, that we are collectively like the equivalent of infants - you bring a cancer into your bubble of consciousness through these actions.  Animals are our brothers and sisters and their souls eventually grow into what humans become; consciousness expands in awareness.  You kill yourself, your brothers and sisters when you harm another living thing - there is a, like a patchwork quilt underneath it all, where every thread is connected in some way.  The Earth calls out warnings, but humans are so disconnected, virtually nothing gets through anymore.

This was the song:

As above, so below, rabbit ears on the side with a chewing motion indicating speaking "speaking" - this entity will probably give you whatever is in your shadow - that just happened to be mine.

So IMO, eating meat needs to stop, but it should probably come about through individual choice.  Like, if you choose to do it, and don't mess with other people's ways of living or get too preachy and just do your own thing - that the problem will take care of itself over time.  Free will is also part of a conscious society - so the shift needs to be made that people naturally learn how to tend to the world as if it were their lace-bubble, and that people would automatically be more mindful of many things.  Hard to do, but that was the jist of it.

That video made me really sad btw.  Those animals were so trusting.  That is such a betrayal.  And in front of others of their own kind?  

I've been gradually reducing meat consumption, but sometimes I forget or if my family makes something I don't want to turn them down if they put work into the meal.  I hope to reduce my animal product consumption to near zero, that is the goal.

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@Husseinisdoingfine  you're wrong on this Bro. 

@Carl-Richard is right.

What you're pointing is not conscious Society its tribal and less developed in terms of consciousness. They are killing to eat. But they don't have to. They can grow crops, also animal husbandry does not necessarily entail killing, for example you can still drink goat's milk if you like. There are ways to use animal products that are not cruel. 

We are not removed from nature just because we live in buildings, yes we are disconnected with it, in the sense we don't feel the aesthetic of nature around us, we don't feel natural enough, but this is not the nature we should appreciate, there is no need to, appreciate the good parts of nature, throw out the bad parts, nature is conscious in its own ways as explained in the Dao De Jing but what you're alluding to is a gross under appreciation to how far we have come in terms of consciousness, which is also a part of nature itself. Nature is not all mayhem, nature is also respecting the sacredness of life. You'll understand this if you get more intuitive. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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8 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

I posted those videos because the only reason why anyone is offended by the sight of killing and death is because they have been removed from nature.

Nature is low consciousness. People have to stop falling for these fallacious naturalistic arguments.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 4/19/2021 at 0:23 AM, intotheblack said:

Nobody ran away, there is just no point to try and have a conversation, since its obviously a joke to you and you are trying to wind people up to get a reaction. your joke responses aren't very funny :)

You are still here xD

  1. There is always a point and some value in having a conversation and exchange viewpoints. In arguing? Not always. Just no point in arguing about some things... was not arguing. Only explaining my views on what I thought about those cows getting shot, interesting scientific facts (CANINE TEETH), and personal preferences (meat is tasty).
  2. Someone telling me what I can put in my own pie-hole is winding me up... excuse me for responding in kind.
  3. Don't care what you think of my jokes, am here to entertain myself, not you.
  4. The joke was on you.
Edited by wwhy

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On 4/19/2021 at 4:02 AM, Rajneeshpuram said:

A Lion is a feline not a  canine btw

We are talking about the type of teeth they have.

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