
Where does sex hold value without ego?

3 posts in this topic

Does sex have any purpose or importance without an ego? What are the limitations of sex through self-development? How does sex help with self-development & the pursuit of truth? How can sex do harm & backslide self-development? How do you keep sexual relationships prosperous whilst pursuing truth? Is it even useful or necessary to participate in sexual tendencies whilst pursuing truth? Does sex generally cause more harm than good, when developing enlightenment? How can sex be practiced to reach higher levels of consciousness & stay consistently self-developing?

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Does any part of life hold any value?:-)

See, it's all just a dream, a game, so utterly meaningless (you won't believe it), that the only reason it's occuring is Love (God).

It's so utterly meaningless that you are free to attach any value, any meaning, you want.

This is freedom. Go with the flow, go with how you feel.

Sex can be pretty mindblowing nice at times:-)

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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