Brian KWJ

Using Weed For Spirituality is Dangerous.

30 posts in this topic

What do y'all think about microdosing weed? I've have been getting insane insights and pattern recognition/integration on 5-6 mg THC gummies. This does feel like a cheat code to reality, or at least my life... 

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1 minute ago, perlita said:

What do y'all think about microdosing weed? I've have been getting insane insights and pattern recognition/integration on 5-6 mg THC gummies. This does feel like a cheat code to reality, or at least my life... 

Yea, using the edible is a lot more psychedelic like than smoking the stuff. Smoking the stuff just gets you really high, but it's still one hell of an experience. It just takes you out of your life and gives you a new perspective, especially the edibles do. 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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Weed can make you stupid and anxious 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I smoke 1 or two times a week. last few mouth are exeptions.

It is no wonder you got there. The rationalization "I need it" is a tricky one hehe. Smoking weed everyday will suck the soul out of you! You definitely loose your masculinity! 

Smoke tha weeed, but responsibly ? 

I love weed! Its crazy shit! 

Peace bro! I hope we will smoke up one day! 

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11 hours ago, diamondpenguin said:

Oh yeah, all your motivation to accomplish anything in life will go the fuck out the window with smoking weed.

It certainly was one of my main inspirations to go down the path of self-actualization and spirituality in the first place. It opened my mind to new possibilities and led me to a quality life. I'm not saying that there's no truth in what you're saying, but it ain't no black & white thing either.

4 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Weed can make you stupid and anxious 

Yep, if you use it irresponsibly, it certainly can trap you in your comfort zone. But also, weed can saturate hidden, neurotic, and anxious tendencies, which are present in one's own conditioning. I like this quote:

"Psychedelics show you what's in and on your mind, those subconscious thoughts and feelings that are hidden, covered up, forgotten, out of sight, maybe even completely unexpected, but nevertheless imminently present." - Rick Strassman

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On 2021-04-15 at 9:36 AM, Tim R said:

...only because you've started to use weed irresponsibly...

My point as well.  Systematic dosing abuse is the 1st skill learned from cannabis all too often, in full denial of these 4 aspects listed below which i find quited essential, if one has chosen to avoid VILIFICATION anyway:


Consumption Method & Ritual
Socio-toxic 3rd-party interference


On 2021-04-15 at 0:36 PM, Breakingthewall said:

Cannabis clearly tells you: stop. When it's time to stop.


M'yeah, dame Cannabis kicks back if abused.  And i vaguely recall reading about our human brain being "hard-wired" with pregnenolone as part of some regulator loop anyway...


On 2021-04-17 at 0:26 AM, perlita said:

What do y'all think about microdosing weed?


Micro-Dosing only makes sense with dry flowers, with concentrates it's lying to oneself as a plead for even more indulgence...


By the way, there's a fresh-new IH Driver in town:  iSpire "The Wand"


Too bad there's no Dry Flowers delivery tool to match as it might have provided precision dosing indeed!  But just forget a dabber.


Good day, have fun!!  B|

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Doesn't pertain to the topic, but happy 4/20 everyone :D

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For my it is a shitty drug and the opposite of spirituallity. It leads me to overthinking, specifically the last 10 or 15 times I smoked weed I was trap in solipsitic ideas. The opposite of the calm and silence of the present moment.


But as I am saying, just my experience (INTP guy). I think it works very different with different personalities. 

Edited by RedLine

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On 4/15/2021 at 7:15 AM, Brian KWJ said:

Ok, So I know what your thinking; "Here we go again, another one of these guys trying to demonize the sacred herb". But hang on a second because if you have been using this herb to further your spiritual understanding, you could just be being taken advantage of by spirits just like I was.For about 2 years, I have used the ganja to expand my perception beyond my minds conditioning; and let me just say this: anything that use to work for you will eventually work against you. Im a 21 year old telling u this. Not an old boomer.
On the surface, the experiences that I had with weed were profound. I was able to tap into non dual awareness many times by using it. I was also able to connect with myself and the nature around me a lot more than in my sobriety. It really felt like a cheat code for spiritual awareness. I would smoke out of my pipe and contemplate reality from a completely unattatched perspective. I would read books and penetrate to deeper levels of understanding through the enhancement of the highs. I would do yoga high and really feel in flow with my practice.

As my spiritual understanding grew and my metaphysical convinctions became more appearant, I also started to notice changes in me that I did not like at all. Because of weeds dissociative properties, I felt really out of tune with myself. I began to have dreams telling me to stop using it. I even had a dmt trip- a break through dose, and before I did it I had the intentions of wanting to be shown exactly what I needed to see about reality. You know where that DMT trip took me? Right to sobriety!  Still for the longest, I ignored my intuition and swept it all under the rug. I mean hell, why would I stop if I am gaining so much from these "spiritual"experiences?

So I went on and kept smoking and smoking, telling myself it was for the sake of "spirituality", but eventually, It just became an addiction. I would be high all the time. In retrospect this really set me back in every area of my life. I became so dissociated tnat my relationships with my friends and family became astrange. I felt like it was so hard to be myself around others; despite me being a naturally charasmatic person. I started to feel disempowered and weak. People could tell too. My masculinity became super passive and repressed, my sex drive was low; I started becoming something I was not. Still I kept smoking with the veil of spiritual insight. I mean fuck if the rastafari use it, why cant I?!

What made me stop was taking a gooooood long look at what I have accomplished in the past two years. Quite frankly, I havent accomplished anything in the past two years that I could say in my sobriety that I am super proud of. Before weed, my mind was in a box, but at least I had self respect. I recently stoped and renounced all usage of it. Still wana smoke? Let me explain more.

For one, I am pretty much a genious (who cant spell at all) and I dont care if I sound like ego man.But on weed, I fel dummer than a cup of sand. I struggled to short term memory was litterally gone. I would be speaking about something hella profound in front of lots of people and my mind would litteraly just go blank in the middle. of me talking I started becoming extremely confused about myself. I had all potential and no clarity.  I started becoming depressed and life started to feel harder than it needed to be. I also couldnt get as much oxygen to my brain. The smoke would get into my nasal cavities and block me from being able to use parts of my face and brain. I got frequent headaches and my diet was super unbalanced due to the hunger cravings. I would eat shit just because I was high and it was around. My addiction turned me into the exact thing I was trying to avoid becoming.

I am sharing all of this for those who were like me. If you want to reach the highest levels of cultivation, you wont make it on drugs. Psychedelics are cool tools to use, but be extremely intentional about the usage. Dont kid yourself when it comes to these things. You could really delude yourself into thinking your healing yourself when your doing the exact opposite. When you try to cling on to good experiences, you will end up creating a bunch of bad ones! Dont let weed or any substance dull your intentions. Right now, young people everywhere are under the impression that substances are the remedy.  We have to show them the power of clarity and the sharpness of sobriety. We are all connected, so if you have been abusing substances, not only are you hurting yourself, but you are hurting those around you. This will create more suffering for all of us. BE YOSELF ?✨


- Skate Shaman





@Brian KWJ I resonate with your story, since I was addicted to weed as well at some point in my life, smoking twice per day every day. I had most of the problems that you have described and was totally lost. However, unlike yours, my addiction was pre-spirituality. I was using it immaturely, to escape reality and amplify the dopamine released from other high pleasure activities. 

After my first psychedelic trip I quit weed for 30 days and got back to normal more or less. I found and started to work on myself. Throughout months and years my experiences on weed have completely transformed. The value that I get from these experiences has increased drastically. It helps me to contemplate and introspect deeply, look at things from many different perspectives, which I don't usually do while sober, get inspired to experiment with different activities, make important decisions (ex starting an exercise routine, planning travel/retreats), feel my body (pain, posture), increase social awareness, deeply connection with myself and my masculine and feminine sides, etc. 

So it's really boils down to finding the right balance. I use weed around 3-4 times a month and that's the right balance for me right now. It takes me out of my ordinary routine while in the sober state and basically makes room for a bunch of new ideas to enter my mind which can be analyzed and be implemented into my everyday life. 

My perspective on weed is that it's a tool, just like any other substance/thing, and a tool can either be used to harm you or help you in some way. Even if it is beneficial, one still needs to use it in moderation, such that it doesn't turn into an addiction or dependency, since it can be detrimental, just like watching too many self help videos or reading tons of books without taking action. 

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