
Forming an alliance with Ego

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I'm someone who grew up developing an inferior ego - if you will. As opposed to the superior ego type. Meaning; my ego structure was such that it fed itself by believing it was less than others, unworthy, a no-good, a failure etc. While the superior ego feeds itself by believing it is better than everyone else. It comes with a sense of entitlement and grandeur.

So what I noticed on my spiritual journey, is that most of the teachings and practices 'out there', are mainly focused on the superior ego structure - when it comes to doing 'the work'.

And guess what? That stuff was pretty much useless to me. In fact; had I not realized this, it could have been potentially dangerous, even. I did harm myself a few times by forcing myself down the 'wrong path' - if you will. But thankfully I was guided back to where I was supposed to be - pretty fast.

What I'm trying to say; is that perhaps you yourself have fallen into this 'trap' and may not know it. You could be doing the practices and learning stuff that are not relevant for you, really. Not truly in alignment with your unique journey and highest calling.

So if you happen to resonate with this post, chances are; you might find this approach/path more suitable:

Meet your Ego with unconditional love, acceptance, compassion and understanding. Understand its point of view. Its pain. Its struggle. Its story. Do not turn your back on it. Do not pretend like it does not exist. That's just gonna piss it off real bad. And then you'll have to deal with all kinds of shadowy stuff. Hell, even.

Do not abandon the ego. Do not neglect it. Form an alliance with it. Level with it and it will level with you. Be honest with it and it will do its best to be honest with you. 

Yes; I am essentially encouraging you to develop a relationship with yourself. With a 'less conscious' part of yourself. But the purpose of creating this duality is to resolve any form inner conflict. To untangle yourself. To free yourself. If you do the work right; the duality will inevitably collapse into itself. You will be One. Whole and free.

If Love is the only answer; why not show Love to the part of you that suffers the most? Why not love the one that's holding on for its dear life? Why not respect its boundaries, its experience, its process?

Idk. It just makes sense to me. Might not make sense to you. We're all walking our paths alone. Yet we're all in this together.

...And if you're someone who'd say something like; 'But there is no ego. How can you form an alliance with something that doesn't exist'? Or perhaps you'd say: 'But the ego is evil. It made me suffer. Why would I want to be friends with it?'

Well... To that I'd say, that you're either being a clever little devil or you're just ignorant of how deep this goes. And that this work is not a one-size-fits-all type of deal.

At the end of the day...

I only know what works for me. And destroying or killing anything does not. I'm more about transforming things. Elevating stuff to the next level.

The ego is the receiver of your experiences. It's not meant to be eradicated. It's meant to be transformed. Integrated. Aligned. And then...it's like it's not even there. Barely noticable. Doing the job its supposed to be doing.

Hope someone finds this helpful.



Edited by ivankiss

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Whatever arises, Love that.

What would Love do? That's the question we have to ask ourselves frequently. 

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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