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Nothing can stand in the way of HONESTY

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I just handled an awkward situation like a boss. I feel very proud of myself. And the reason I do, is because I see clearly how I could've easily used a different, more twisted approach.

I could've easily manipulated the situation and turned it in my favor. I could've simply not cared about other's thoughts and feelings. But instead; I chose honesty.

And everything went smoothly. All I was doing, was communicating my truth clearly and directly. Kinda bluntly, too.

This action eliminated all possibilities of confusion and even suffering. I imagine it was not exactly pleasant for the other person involved in the situation... but it was clear and straight forward. It was true. No BS.

The experience triggered a rather sweet realization. Kinda obvious on first glance, but it goes very deep.

What hurts us, and causes us to suffer and even inflict pain and suffering onto others... is deceit. Lies. Manipulation. Twisting reality in efforts to hide the truth. To gain some sort of advantage. To extract something. To steal it.

And all of that is Fear, at its core.

You lie because you are afraid. You cheat because you are afraid. You manipulate because you are afraid.

And what you are afraid of... is You.

Love. Truth. God.

You are essentially lying into your own face - all the time. Lying to Love. Lying to God.

Because deep down you know if you were to be honest... You would slowly but surely dissolve into everything. Into All That Is. You would lose yourself in Love. You'd lose your fake identity... And that's totally fine.

Love is patient. Take your time.

Just don't think you're fooling anyone else but yourself. Whenever you choose to lie to your own heart - that is.

A cherry on top of this whole experience was listening to Leo's video on integrity earlier today. God sure does have a way of making things come together; magically.

Choose honesty as often as you possibly can. Until honesty, love and compassion becomes simply what you are.



Edited by ivankiss

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Good stuff thanks for sharing. Perhaps you'd appreciate this:


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@loub Amazing stuff. It really doesn't get better than that.

And yes, obviously, it is undeniable. Deceit, corruption, misrepresentation, omission, lying, twisting the truth are all forms of dishonesty and are the opposite of what the word integrity refers to. Every act of anti-integrity will nibble and gnaw in the being, leading it down a more crooked path, and diminish the possibility to be one with what is true. 

This is also why without integrity and honesty it will be almost impossible to become directly conscious of what is absolutely true. How could it not be? It's what true, and you won't get what's absolutely so by being dishonest with yourself and others.

Thanks for sharing. If possible, please share the details of the event. It might reflect for us how you experienced the principle of honesty.

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6 hours ago, Batman said:

@loub Amazing stuff. It really doesn't get better than that.

Glad you liked it. I've put together a compilation of Ralston videos talking on integrity specifically in a separate thread, in case you want to check that out.

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