
Stress Can Be Good For You, If You Know How To Utilize It Correctly. Here's How!

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If you are stressed out in some area of your life right now, I have some good news for you: Kelly McGonigal (stress researcher) has actually found out that the way we look at stress determines whether it's harmful or not for us, and that we can utilize stress as a powerful resource.

Check out the video for more information on how you can use stress as a resource, instead of being a victim of it. I'd be glad to hear your opinion about the ideas I present to you! :-)


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That's an interesting point! Stress can be a great tool but it also is greatly limiting and self-destructive and has so many pitfalls. Stress can work as a source of extrinsic motivation but extrinsic motivation can be way too limiting and not inspiring. Stress can overwhelm you to the point where you become so mentally exhausted and so internally drained that you shut down mentally and close yourself up to not be hurt anymore. Stress can be extremely toxic in relationships and family because when you lash it, the offended is hurt and this triggers the offended to react which triggers bickering and the bickering gets worse and worse without intervention or conflict resolution. Stress is inner implosion and I remember the stress panic attacks vividly where I would feel so tense and get headaches and it would be impossible to relax. I remember the deep feelings of guilt where I had to admit truths because of the stress. Stress is what causes dishonesty, neurosis, it kills intuition, emotions, high consciousness, and it rots you from within and drags you into Hell. Sometimes, I still get stressed but I made a commitment and a main priority to detach from stress and toxicity to wipe my mental slate clean. Since i'm more detached from stress now, I'm getting closer to peace of mind and i've had moments where my mind is focused on the beauty of the moment and it feels amazing. I seized power from and ousted Stress and welcomed the king of Intuition back into the kingdom to take his rightful place. I decided to declare my freedom from Stress and become self-governing. 

Edited by Zane

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@Zane Those are some great insights, Zane! I appreciate your honesty and vulnerability, and I'm glad things are going better for you now :)

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@Frode Thank you!! I use this forum to express my honesty and vulnerability for self-actualization! 

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