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The universe making love with itslef

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Hi seekers of truth ! 

I merely remember about a video where Leo is talking about Love, or maybe masculanity and feminity and moreover how the universe is making love with itslef. I don't manage to get my hands on it again... There were pictures where we could see a kind of metaphore where a penis, which was represented by a vague form of it, penetrated a hole ? That was a powerful image that I want to contemplate again that's why I'm asking you for helping me to find the sequence !!!

Thanks in advance ! Have a great day !


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Just look at some porn. What more evidence do you need ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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HAHA Leo you are making a good point ! So profound mdr

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@OceanRiver ^^ Actually to be honest, my purpose was to show it to somebody to explain the point. I don't think it is a good idea to share some good porn, you see ahahah

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