
LEO claiming Jesus Miracles are true and other far fetched radical claims

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Leo, I had been following you since a long time. I had years and years of work in spirituality and enlightenment. I admire you alot and had been watching your videos since a long time. I used to admire your non religious nature and how you separate dogmatic religions from spirituality. But recently in your DPT forums you claimed some far fetched stuff. Like~

1. How Jesus was not human and miracles he did like walking on water, converting water into wine etc are real and can everybody can do it using accessing some Psychedelic and reaching some non dual states of consciousness defying all the rules of nature , chemistry , biology or science.

2. By reaching those high states of consciousness using DPT or 5 Meo DMT you can grow tentacles replacing your hands by shear tapping into God Head as Reality is imaginary  and other person is able to see your tentacles in real waking reality.

3. You can materialize stone out of thin air . ( As reality is imaginary).

4. By tapping into infinite state of consciousness and reaching such high states you can heal every body on earth by imagining healing thereby defying all the rules and regulations made by god and defying whole framework upon god made reality using principle of dualism.


Now you are claiming Jesus miracles such as walking on water , converting water into wine etc are real are not myths. That means you are claiming whole Christianity is true. Because anyone can do such stuff by raising your consciousness. Now see we are again back to dogmatic religions. Religions and their claims are true that means. Even their scriptures are true !

Secondly how can you replace your hands with tentacles since even we replace our organ with other people our biology immediately rejects it. And here we are talking about animal body parts. Which have different DNA . Scientifically it is impossible. Rules of nature does not allow it.

Now anyone one will claim as reality is imaginary you are imagining all the the laws and limiting yourself. But see there has to be some boundary ?? 

You cant tap into infinite state of consciousness and defy biology and we know even if we replace some body party how our immune system immediately rejects it. See how deeply intelligently everything is interwoven. How all laws are working to run this reality.

Thirdly you claimed in one of your forums that you can materialize stone out of thin air?? (As reality is imaginary). 

That means we can materialize unlimited food, unlimited water simply by tapping into infinite states of consciousness using Psychedelics and then solving every world problems of hunger , poverty and crisis. Why waste time developing technology when we can simply materialize everything out of thin air as Reality is Imaginary ?

Why study science and why work hard 24x7 when we can simply use psychedelic and reach into infinite states of consciousness and manipulate reality according to our needs?

All I am want to say that their are some laws under which dream reality is working and we are confined to it. We can heal ourself its been already proven again and again . And done by different people across the world. Even yogis can heal their body's through yoga and pranayama and diet. But why claim that you can tap into infinite states of consciousness and imagine healing of everybody on earth as reality is mere imaginary and all are ONE thereby defying all working of natural laws ? You can heal your body but can you heal entire people of earth using just shear imagination?

All I am saying you are making  reality meaningless.

If GOD is infinitely intelligent then reality has to be perfect otherwise he is not infinitely intelligent.

All the framework and structure of REALITY is built upon dualism. Which can be mere illusion but still nature laws operate. Its clearly evident . 








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@machiavelli It is certainly not possible while maintaining your current state of consciousness.

You have to take into account those radical things I said are true ONLY from extremely radical, super-human states of consciousness.

Not only are these things impossible from your current state of consciousness, they are not even imaginable. You cannot imagine how it is possible. Because your consciousness is nowhere close to super-human right now. You are like a donkey trying to make sense of calculus.

More broadly, this topic of Siddhis has been discussed and confirmed by most of the greatest mystics. So I am not saying anything unusual here. This is par for the course if you are an advanced spiritual student. But if you are a normie materialist, rationalist -- yeah, it makes no sense whatsoever.

I have personally experienced telepathy and many other even more magical and radical things that no materialist would believe are possible. Let me assure you, consciousness is not limited in any way. There is nothing impossible for consciousness to do if it wants to do them. BUT! That does not mean your ego will get to control theses things, in the way materialists hope and imagine.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura But why claim Jesus was not human? 

And you mentioned several times that even meditating nonstop for 40 years straight cant make you reach those super high degrees of consciousness as by using a single hit of DPT or 5 MEO Dmt.

So that means Jesus was taking 5 meo DMT all the time while we was performing miracles like walking on water, converting water into wine ?

Arent those states are temporary ? once medicine effect start to come down you again back to this reality. 

5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@machiavelli It is certainly not possible while maintaining your current state of consciousness.

You have to take into account those radical things I said are true ONLY from extremely radical, super-human states of consciousness.

But there has to be some limit on what can you do with reality.

Can you materialize dinasaur out of thin air using radical states of super human consciousness?

Can you fly while accessing those super human consciousness?

Can you destroy planets using super human consciousness as reality is mere imagination ?

Can you convert yourself into animal while accessing those super human consciousness using some chemicals and defy all the rules of nature ?

What I was saying that reality is made using principle of dualism. And GOD limits reality so that we can have this experience call life. Otherwise we would twisting all laws of nature, biology, chemistry or science. And making our life of our dream. We would be generating unlimited money by mere imagination.


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@machiavelli Machiavellianism in psychology refers to a personality trait which sees a person so focused on their own interests they will manipulate, deceive, and exploit others to achieve their goals.

1 hour ago, machiavelli said:

Why study science and why work hard 24x7 when we can simply use psychedelic and reach into infinite states of consciousness and manipulate reality according to our needs?

Imagine all your needs are met. Everything you ever wanted, you got. What do you do then?

Wouldn't you imagine a new game and start over?

22 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

What I was saying that reality is made using principle of dualism. And GOD limits reality so that we can have this experience call life. Otherwise we would twisting all laws of nature, biology, chemistry or science. And making our life of our dream. We would be generating unlimited money by mere imagination.

A game is only fun to play when it is constrained.

Reality is a fun game exactly because it is constrained. 

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36 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


I have personally experienced telepathy and many other even more magical and radical things that no materialist would believe are possible. Let me assure you, consciousness is not limited in any way. There is nothing impossible for consciousness to do if it wants to do them. BUT! That does not mean your ego will get to control theses things, in the way materialists hope and imagine.

Leo but can humans access those states by taking just psychedelic? And you said its not possible to tap into such radical super conscious states using meditation even if you do it nonstop for years.

Where to draw a limit what can be done in reality? Do you have any proof anybody materializing stuff out of thin air using high states of consciosuness apart from Telepathy? 

Your claim are making reality meaningless. I am not saying you cant do telepathy but claiming you can manipulate laws of nature and convert your hands into tentacles thereby defying biology laws seems to be violating the laws of nature.

Where to draw limit what can you do what can you not?? Whats possible in this limited human for what not? 

You cant simply work against laws of nature . How can anyone will convert their body into animal using super high states of consciousness?

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30 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

Leo but can humans access those states by taking just psychedelic? And you said its not possible to tap into such radical super conscious states using meditation even if you do it nonstop for years.

Where to draw a limit what can be done in reality? Do you have any proof anybody materializing stuff out of thin air using high states of consciosuness apart from Telepathy? 

Your claim are making reality meaningless. I am not saying you cant do telepathy but claiming you can manipulate laws of nature and convert your hands into tentacles thereby defying biology laws seems to be violating the laws of nature.

Where to draw limit what can you do what can you not?? Whats possible in this limited human for what not? 

You cant simply work against laws of nature . How can anyone will convert their body into animal using super high states of consciousness?

@machiavelli Dude, diversify your sources. It looks like gaslighted yourself with Leo's talk on psychedelics.

Psychedelics is not the only tool there is and you don't have to make it your MAIN one as Leo does. 

There are numerous books and numerous case studies of people developing all kinds of abilities through getting really good at meditation and different meditation-esque techniques. You just gotta do some digging and read up on some non-mainstream stuff. Books like "Power of now" won't cut it in that domain

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@JosephKnecht Thats what I was asking him. At one point he says that god limits reality so that we can have experience of what we call LIFE.

And on other hand he claims radical stuff like converting your hands into tentacles. While he knows biology will not allow it. Your immune system will reject the part because of DNA difference.

If everything could be done in super human states of consciousness then their is no laws under which this Reality is operating. That means ALL laws of PHYSICS, BIOLOGY , CHEMISTRY etc are fake? But reality is we are here that we are using computers because of science which operate using laws of nature.

We have sophisticated super computers because of science. We are able to reach mars because of science. We are able to fly because of techology that operate under laws of science.

Doing telepathy , telekinisis and healing others is different thing. But claiming you can convert water into wine and you can walk on water is far fetched . 

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@machiavelli if you truly wanted to be a Jesus and discover God it's not about having powers, it Is about the fact that he was ready to die for other's sins and did according to the story....experiencing God Consciousness is not egoic.  It's about selflessness and Love.    In fact to reach God levels of Consciousness with meditation you most likely will need to learn how to be selfless in your own life by putting the needs of others before your own even if that involves your own suffering.  Especially so in fact...It requires that you be an honest person and a loving person.  Now does the ego wanna do any of this? Haha you bet not :)  embody Truth and Love in your own life - meditate - then take psychedelics if you want...



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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You know with these videos, if leo is speaking from start to finish, and you take the speaking literally as in it was a straight line, word for word, word after word, sentence after sentence, then your already lost on what he’s trying to communicate. You can’t just go straight through you’ve got to weave in and out yourself in between what’s being said, use a bit of nouse and interpret what’s being discussed and not just take at face value. Because it is impossible to fully communicate using words alone. I’m not keen on using such phrases but it is a genuine case of ‘read between the lines’  and not just flat out taking in what has been said. It’s a skill to shoot these videos and communicate them in the fashion he does, but don’t disregard the skill needed to take in and interpret the communication from the listening/watching side of things. And to be fair, if Leo is in a state of consciousness where his hand turns into a tentacle, then his hand is a tentacle. Just because from your observing perspective and state of consciousness you may be in at the time his hand is a hand, does not mean that it is a hand. From your state yes from his state no. Granted if he cut off the tentacle, when he returns to a lesser state it would actually be a hand there cut off, but that’s because of the return to that particular state. If he stayed in the state of it being a tentacle forever, then it would always be a tentacle cut off laying on the floor not a hand. You could claim that’s just hallucination, but you’ve got to get to a point where you realise reality is 100% percent hallucination. Different states hallucinate different things. Someone standing in front of you would be hallucinating your face from that perspective in consciousness, yet if there was another person stood behind you they would be hallucinating the back of your head. And you standing in the middle would be hallucinating whatever the hell your focused on looking at. And all that said, all three perspectives are actually happening in the exact same place, which is nowhere. Not one from over there and another from over here, same spot same place, different state of consciousness. It goes so fucking deep it becomes absolutely mid boggling to try and interpret from a limited human perspective. And the great thing about it is, overall I’m nowhere fucking near wherever it fully goes, absolutely nowhere near. But some things are so blatantly obvious without you being able to fully explain through wording and language once you reach particular states yourself especially with the use of psychedelics. Manipulating these things would be another story altogether. And I’ve no doubt that consciousness itself can manipulate anything at all that it wants. One of those things being you not having any idea

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@machiavelli It just simply shows the unlimitedness that conciousness is, it can be anything and it does not matter at all if you are the only one seeing it, since you are your own authority. 

If my hand turns into a tentacle and you are beside me and you do not see it does that invalidate that experience?

It is reality too.

Proof is something which can only be provided if you are doing the same kind of thing that Leo has done in this particular subject.

Just look at your dreams and you realize the power inherent in Mind.

You create a dream world with imaginary characters and an imaginary story.

There is really no limit to what conciousness can display but that does not necessary means that you as a thought process aka ego can control anything. 

If it happens it happens, just shows the unlimited nature of the screen which can project an endless amount of different movies.

If we could manifest anything we ever wanted, would that not break the game?

The laws of nature as you put it is not other then Mind, but not the individualized mind, GOD mind is the "objective" world and you are inside it.

People with multiple personality disorder has been shown to dream all of the personalitys from different points of views in the dream, like if I were 5 different personalitys i would dream from one point of view and the others would appear as characters in the dream and act accordingly, that to me is evidence that there is one single Mind that we are "personalitys" of, thats why we dont control jack shit, but through deep awakenings we can remember that we are the one Mind.

Reality is precisly this way because it enables us to experience inviduality, as the one Mind you have no limits, as an "individual " you have limited capacity,  this is GODS mind we are playing in here.

Edited by Adamq8

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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1 hour ago, machiavelli said:

But there has to be some limit on what can you do with reality.

Can you materialize dinasaur out of thin air using radical states of super human consciousness?

Can you fly while accessing those super human consciousness?

Can you destroy planets using super human consciousness as reality is mere imagination ?

Can you convert yourself into animal while accessing those super human consciousness using some chemicals and defy all the rules of nature ?

You can't, you have limits. Infinite Consciusness, wich is structuring you and your limits, can.
To create something is to limit it. You are made out of limits ( in whay you are and what you can do).

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How these people reached these levels without psychedelics??

It is kinda easy with psychedelics, but without it ... how?????

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@Fadl their ego was able to dissolve through selflessness not wanting powers for themselves.  Jesus used healing for others and died for others. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

their ego was able to dissolve through selflessness not wanting powers for themselves.

Yeah I understand but how? praying, meditation?

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@Fadl Jesus may have been exceptionally spiritually gifted and it happened spontaneously.   Meditation and self inquiry works by quieting the egoic mind and also deconstructing the selfish self by an inquiry into what you are...Psychedelics could be tremendous tool to use as well.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I don't feel nothing unless I'm under a psychedelic or under an ego trip(power/money). Im sick of it.

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Just now, Fadl said:

I don't feel nothing unless I'm under a psychedelic or under an ego trip(power/money). Im sick of it.

Are you meditating daily?

Self inquiry?

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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I somewhat agree - - the miracles recorded of Jesus seems more like allegory, like the rest of the bible. Why would the whole bible be allegory but suddenly the miracles of Jesus actually happened as recorded? 

That being said, walking on water is one of my specialities... Love running across ponds or swimming pools. Then I wake up and can't operate the coffee machine. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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20 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Fadl self inquiry works by quieting the egoic mind and also deconstructing the selfish self by an inquiry into what you are...

I can second this from my personal experience, self-enquiry was and is the most effective spiritual tool for me to quite my mind and quickly get rid of egoic thoughts.

Edited by m0hsen

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Bla bla bla I summoned fire through my hands in the reality of my dream! Witch woman told me its very rare when she saw the flame, as the fire was something between fire and water! There you go, magic, no it wont happen in waking reality and you won't see waking reality people with tenticles, but its definitely possible to happen within consciousness. I-M-A-G-I-N-A-T-I-O-N = Magic

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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