
Difference between dream and reality

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@Hulia What's an astral date? Is that you and another guy/girl astral projecting?

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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7 minutes ago, lmfao said:

@Hulia What's an astral date? Is that you and another guy/girl astral projecting?

I am not familiar with a technical side of this phenomenon. But yes. You meet another person, and it feels much more real than in a normal dream, more physical more 3-dimensional. And you both have this one dream. If you exchange afterwards it´s the same for both of you. 

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@Hulia haha no, my astral husband doesn't cook like this one. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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3 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Hulia haha no, my astral husband doesn't cook like this one

:)))) It´s a clear advantage! I also like husbands who can cook, my ex was a great one, he was an excellent meat-cooker, but I don´t eat meat :) 

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@Hulia There's been so called enlightened peeps that claim they no longer dream at night.  And that's the moment I stopped pursuing enlightenment ?


The way I see it : yes of course there are differences between the two states. As much as we are about 'no separation',  the differences between sleeping dreams and the waking ones is like the difference between Hulia and justin.  Or like the difference between waking up clear headed and then dropping some acid. 



Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@Hulia Whether or not 'reality' is 'imaginary' (just mind stuff) or 'actual stuff' isn't important.  

The important thing to be recognized, is that whichever it is, it's happening, and 'you' are not 'doing it'. 

'You' and 'Doing it' are in quotes, because these are tricky bits of language.  It's this language that creates the illusion of a 'doer' and 'doing'.

When an organism has the thought, 'I am thinking', for example, it tends to imagine that there is some 'separate self' somewhere within itself that is 'causing' thoughts to occur, but this is false.  When an organism has the thought, 'I am growing my hair', it is never tempted to imagine that there is some 'separate self' within itself 'causing it's hair to grow'.  The organism is growing hair, thinking thoughts, etc, automatically. 

So.. whether 'you' are defined as 'Hulia, actual human organism' or 'God/Everything, imaginer of itself', there is nothing 'to do' other than 'be how you are', which you are always 'doing', without trying.  

Consider, for example, that language can be used to say, 'trees are growing leaves', and then recognize that there is no 'separate tree' somewhere inside of a tree that's 'doing the growing of leaves'.. the 'growing of leaves' IS the tree.. Trees ARE trees, without ever 'trying to be trees'. 'You', however you define 'yourself', are always just 'being you' without trying.   

How hard are you trying to 'be you' right now? The answer is, 'not hard at all'.. you are just 'being you', effortlessly.  You don't have to 'try to grow your hair'.. or 'try to beat your heart'.. or 'try to think your thoughts'..  Hair is growing, the heart is beating, thoughts are occurring, and there's no 'you' that's 'doing it'.

Consider what it would be like, to be a tree and suddenly become aware that you were a tree.. 'oh.. I'm a tree.. I'm growing leaves, and branches, and roots, and a trunk.'.  What could the tree do with this realization? It would still be a tree, doing what a tree does.. it would just be aware that that's what it is.  "I'm a tree, being a tree."  The tree would be confusing itself, if it imagined that this 'being aware of being itself' allowed it to be other than how it is being. 

It's all happening, whatever it is, and no one is doing it.


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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42 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

It's all happening, whatever it is, and no one is doing it.

Yep...if Consciousness expands enough it is realized there is no I or you just Consciousness.  But IT is YOU as Awareness :)

That's when things get interesting :)


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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4 hours ago, Mason Riggle said:


"I am.  Ohhhhh.. I AM!" - Leo Gura


So just to clarify for anyone reading what I was telling the guy in this thread earlier was not quite complete...  that was one layer in..or imagination within imagination.  See Consciousness is first imagining it is a biological self (the I) then it imagines  other people as this self. can begin to appreciate the layers  of imagination here...when really once all this collapses  it's just Pure Consciousness imagining.


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@Inliytened1 and what is 'imagining' exactly? Well.. it's the same as 'creation'.  And what is 'the mechanism' of 'creation'? How does 'creation' happen? Well.. the mechanism is 'duality'... which is just 'pretend limits' or 'pretend distinctions'.  How is 'direction' created? Or 'size'? Or 'time'?  It's 'imagined' that there's an 'up, relative to down'. There's a 'big' relative to 'small'. There's a 'past' relative to 'future'.  

Consider.. where are you? Where is Earth? Where is the Universe? Well, you can't really say.  You can only 'be somewhere' relative to 'somewhere else'.. but  where is 'somewhere' and 'somewhere else'?  There's no perspective from which to say.  The Universe is everywhere. Anywhere 'outside' the Universe that we could say the Universe exist 'relative to' would be included in 'The Universe'... distance is infinite.

How big are you?  Relative to an atom, you are huge.. relative to the moon, you are tiny.. but how big is the moon? how big is an atom? They only have relative to size.  Relative to the Sun, the moon is tiny.. relative to an electron, the atom is huge... size is infinite. 

When in time are you? In the middle somewhere? Near the beginning? Almost at the end? You can only say 'when you are' relative to some other time.. but 'when you exists' and 'some other time' only exist relative to each other.. time is infinite. 

Infinity is 'limitless'.. it's has no size.. no shape.. no form.. it's the same as 'nothing'. 

And that's what 'you' really are, Everything/Nothing.. Infinity, but you are 'pretending/imagining' that you're not... that you are 'finite'.. that there is an 'up and a down'.. a 'here and a there'.. a 'then and a now'.. a 'you' and 'that which is not you'.  

All of these distinctions are imaginary duality.. but they 'create' YOU.. all of this, and without these imaginary 'limits', 'you/this' wouldn't 'seem' like anything. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@Mason Riggle you got it :D yet there can be the moment of realization that You are This - and that's enlightenment. The "i am" moment.  You are Yourself. Pure Divine Love/Being :)



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7 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Hulia haha no, my astral husband doesn't cook like this one. 

I find cooking men sexy. My secret phantasy is - him standing in the kitchen, peeling potatoes, snipping vegetables and sharing with me the secrets of bon cuisine :) 


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4 hours ago, Mason Riggle said:

Consider what it would be like, to be a tree and suddenly become aware that you were a tree.. 'oh.. I'm a tree.. I'm growing leaves, and branches, and roots, and a trunk.'.  What could the tree do with this realization? It would still be a tree, doing what a tree does.. it would just be aware that that's what it is.  "I'm a tree, being a tree."  The tree would be confusing itself, if it imagined that this 'being aware of being itself' allowed it to be other than how it is being. 

A tree would recall her past: another tree taking her a sun away, a bush strangled by ivy, she would be suddenly aware of all the parasites inside of her for example and so on and so on. And now imagine the whole wood has become aware of itself - every single tree with all the personal memories and experiences, which immediately begin their projection into future. The wood will never be the same! The trees will become suspicious and vulnerable.  

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19 minutes ago, Hulia said:

A tree would recall her past: another tree taking her a sun away, a bush strangled by ivy, she would be suddenly aware of all the parasites inside of her for example and so on and so on.

Consider.. is a tree 'aware' of the sun? How else does it know what direction to grow it's leaves? 

Awareness doesn't mean 'has the same complex memory and cognitive capacity as a human'. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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Fortunately none of that is in the tree’s nature, which the tree intuits, feels and abides The tree would then know the dream of trees, from the dream of a tree. 



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28 minutes ago, Hulia said:

A tree would recall her past: another tree taking her a sun away, a bush strangled by ivy, she would be suddenly aware of all the parasites inside of her for example and so on and so on. And now imagine the whole wood has become aware of itself - every single tree with all the personal memories and experiences, which immediately begin their projection into future. The wood will never be the same! The trees will become suspicious and vulnerable.  

See in bold....:D


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 Is the whole Universe aware of itself?  Perhaps, and yet here it is, being just how it is. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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9 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

@Inliytened1 Is the whole Universe aware of itself?  Perhaps, and yet here it is, being just how it is. 

Lol I actually meant to just put "and now imagine" in bold to show we are imagining constantly sometimes without even realizing it...but that was kinda cool how that played out :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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25 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Fortunately none of that is in the tree’s nature, which the tree intuits, feels and abides The tree would then know the dream of trees, from the dream of a tree. 

The phrasing you used reminded me of a great song :)



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