Hardik jain


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6 minutes ago, Hardik jain said:

How do I become happy in life?

Find bliss, not happiness. Happiness is worthless; it depends on unhappiness. Bliss is transcendence: one moves beyond the duality of being happy and unhappy. One watches both; happiness comes, one watches and does not become identified with it. One does not say, ‘I am happy. Peace, it is wonderful.’ One simply watches, one says, ‘Yes, a white cloud passing.’

And then comes unhappiness, and one does not become unhappy either. One says, ‘A black cloud passing. I am the witness, the watcher.’

This is what meditation is all about, just becoming a watcher. Failure comes, success comes, you are praised, you are condemned, you are respected, you are insulted – all kinds of things come, they are all dualities. And you go on watching. Watching the duality, a third force arises in you; a third dimension arises in you. The duality means two dimensions: one dimension is happiness; another is unhappiness. Watching both, a depth arises in you: the third dimension, witnessing. 

And that third dimension brings bliss. Bliss is without any opposite to it. It is serene, tranquil, cool. It is ecstasy without any excitement.

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I learned how to make happiness flow effortlessly to me. Happiness is so broad and multifaceted and it could mean many different things for many different people. I've been focusing heavily on simplifying my life rather than being overwhelmed by "obligations" that I have zero free time to enjoy life. I've been easily happy in nature on a beautiful Spring, Summer or Fall day where I'm completely immersed in the moment and enjoying the weather and the beauty of the moment. All i'm thinking about is the weather and that's all my mind focuses on! It feels like you're effortlessly in a meditation state with no monkey mind driving you crazy. It's relaxing your mind without even trying to! You can't be told how to be happy, you need to feel it for it yourself.  Happiness is not just a brief moment of inner peace! I've been focusing on deepening my happiness more and more and making it flow effortlessly to me. I notice that I'm becoming much mellower and relaxed and not as easily angered or annoyed! I notice how it's been a long time since I lashed out in a fit of blind rage! 

Edited by Zane

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2 minutes ago, Hardik jain said:

How do I become happy in life?

Personally speaking, whenever im feeling grateful .., it means I have achieved happiness.

That's it for me. 

Edited by avk123

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Read "The power of now", from Eckhart Tolle.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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3 hours ago, Hardik jain said:

How do I become happy in life?

How would you describe your current position in life? How do you feel these days? Do you feel like depressed or worried or anxious? Why do you want to be happy? Do you want to change something in your life like yourself or your current situation? In what ways to do you want to be happy? To truly answer this question, you need to be crystal clear with your vision so you can act on it. I made it clear that I wanted to feel relaxed and mellow and also effortlessly enthusiastic. 

Edited by Zane

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@Hardik jain what makes you happy? 

Try being happy when 'bad' things happen. realize that our unhappiness is conditional and our happiness is too.

Try being happy no matter what.its damn difficult to do it.

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