
How Important Is Social Life In Teenage Years?

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I'm 15 years old, and in  the past  year I've found myself worring too  much  about social status  and to basically look cool in front  of people around my  age, seeing Leo's videos has helped me a lot to understand a little bit better what's going out internally in  my mind.

Above all  the  things that Leo mentioned on  his vídeo about advice for highschool and college students he mentioned that time must not be use in  socializing, partying or any social grups, but he also says that at this age one  must learn to socialize and also to date.

I don't have bad social life, I get along very well with other people of my age but many of the  guys I hang out with in school usually have  a way better social life because they go out more and seem to have  fun, wich in  my case I rarely go out even tough I socialize very well with my classmates in  school that's kinda  it really. 

I'd like to have  more fun  and to interact more with people of my age since most of my time out of school I spend it by my own or  with parents when they come from work. 

But my question  is 

Is this really something to work towards? 

What do you think Leo mean when he says that one  must learn to socialize but not getting it to extreme?

Watching the  other guys and girls having fun makes me sad sometimes, nothing really serius but it's a part  of my life I'd like to have together, and also to improve my interaction with girls.

To be honest  with you, what I've discovered is that I have this need for being really cool and being admire.

A long time ago Leo interviewed a guy called Tripp who has a youtube channel about dating (RSD type) altough he is not an rsd guy I once watch a vídeo that he made about how to attract women in  high school, he basically says that a this age is different advice becuase the  girls don't really know what they want, so what they look for   is basicslly social status, because the  girls what they relantionship to make them feel better about themselves.

"Social status  is the  worts shit that there is"

Is what Leo said, but with al that entails

How can one  become better with girls at this age witout worrying about social status? 

I know this is a very very newbie kinda  of problem, but I assume  that some older guys in  the  forum may  come across this at some point, any answer is appreaciated.

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You know whats ironic, be it 15 years old or 35 years old (my age)

You will always find something that is bursting your shell of peace in life, embrace imperfection, enjoy what you can.

If you have certain goals you want to achieve, work on this step by step. There is no race, the only race you have is with yourself only.

Start from the inside first (by meditating) and then work on the outside (being vulnerable and exposed to different experiences) is what I tell myself, maybe it wont work for you, but im just passing by with me advice. 

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@Carlos You're trying to weigh too much up consciously and it's only creating more confusion and getting you no answers 

Leo's latest video on intuition will be helpful for you, use your intuition to guide you instead, let go of this mental noise 


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Hey Carlos (ironically we have the same name lol), I can relate quite to your experience since I cared a lot about this too back in high school. I graduated in June of this year so my memories from high school are still quite fresh, First of all, if you want to improve your interactions with girls then start actualizing. Which means start meditating if you haven't started and follow the advice Leo gives in his videos, don't just listen. I had problem with girls so bad in high school, but when I started doing some of the things Leo said, all that fear and anxiety went away! thanks to that I was able to talk to a girl whom I had a crush for a long time, but never had the balls to talk to her. Focus on actualizing and many things will just start falling into place. 

It's totally fine to go out from time to time, maybe go to football games with your friends or go out to eat or something. Make sure, however, that your life does not revolve around just going out or partying though, I can tell you from experience that sometimes people look like they're happy because they're very out going or party too much, but deep deep inside they're sad, depressed or insecure. you might look at some of the guys at school and think they're happy, but they are probably not. there's no reason why you should be sad of watching others have fun, that only creates misery inside you, that's something you need to work on.

overall, focus on actualizing and your social life will get better. if you combine that with taking action (like talking to girls more) it's going to give great results, but never make girls or going out more important than self actualizing, it will only lead to feeling like crap after a while. Wish you lots of luck and really enjoy your time in high school. I wish I could repeat high school all over again with the knowledge I know now.

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Self-development is a journey. Some of the content Leo is putting out  right now is very advanced and might not be right for you right now. I won't say it definitely isn't, but just consider it.

If I was in high school, I would do normal things like try and have a social life. Those are nice things to have.

I'd also say it's never too early to start mediating. Maybe try that and see how you like it.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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On 24/10/2016 at 5:43 AM, Carlos said:

To be honest  with you, what I've discovered is that I have this need for being really cool and being admire.

Being honest with yourself is the only way to progress.

On 24/10/2016 at 5:43 AM, Carlos said:

How can one  become better with girls at this age witout worrying about social status? 

Most direct answer i can give you is by being very confident.

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It's important at all ages to have connection with people. We are social animals and need each other to survive.  Forget about being "cool" and just find the people that you like and can be yourself around.

Wisdom is settling in and experiencing reality in the moment.

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