Giulio Bevilacqua

Some help with Kundalini Awakening. Any suggestions ?

18 posts in this topic

Hi all.

I'm experiencing a Kundalini awakening symptomes and i would like to know how to handle it the best way possbile.

I've have been on seemen retention probably for 5 or 4 months, i did not have the desire for sexual interaction or masturbation, it was quite natural. 

Along with this i practiced my daily Qi Gong and Tai chi and was getting every day batter at it.

Two months ago i started to feel heavy blocks inside my stomach like a big rock. 

Today if i just relax i go into shakings, my hole body shakes trying to break this passages.

My life is very confused like hell. I was practicing music very good for my academia but now it is so meaningless and do not have the desire to go foward with it. Other aspects are that cravings has grown so much things that were never there like food. I could eat the hole day without feeling the sense of fullness, obviously i do not do that, but the amount of food is grown too much. 


The main problem is the stomach, it is full of micro psychological tensions that create this ball. The digestion is not good, i burp very often amount of air, and my excrement do not flow properly.

I found a method to release the tensions but i do not know if it is too safe, i'm scared that it releases too much energy. It consist in willingly contracting the tensions and then suddely relax, i think it's what in Yoga is called Bandha.

Along with all this stuff, i feel an empty silence field that is very much often there all the day, it is not blissful or loving or peaceful, it is just what it is , not good or bad.

Have some of you gone trough something similar to this ? 

Thank you.



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10 minutes ago, Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj said:

Yes I have. It might be good to know that SR makes the energy a lot more intense.

SR ?

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Well, only two examples comes to mind about the psychological tension in the stomach.

I remember Eckhart Tolle Said that when his counsciousness was raised, he would feel the pain-body being triggered  specifically in the stomach. Might be a thing to look into.

Another is the "We love mass meditation group" wrote that there is some implant/crystal there that hinders kundalini energy to flow from the sex organs and unite with the hearth. Basically a practice would be to write "Sex is love - Sex is not Love" to confuse the psychology and feel into the emotions for 10min daily to dissolve the spot. There are more excercises for this though.

Personally, it felt like a ball somewhere in the solar plexus for me. One day i had enough and smashed it open with my focused WILL. It was very emotionally painful for a few months to reintegrate it. 




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Hi Giulio,

I had a similar experience. All I did was sit in silence aware of the sense of being and the stagnant prana from the stomach would get released by itself like bubbles or smth. It took about 2years of purification to make that stomach lump go away. Constant burping is the also there for me. I think it's a sign of purification because it happens a lot when I meditate or do yoga. 

1 hour ago, Giulio Bevilacqua said:

Along with all this stuff, i feel an empty silence field that is very much often there all the day, it is not blissful or loving or peaceful, it is just what it is , not good or bad.

Congratz. You've made it ???

The flower has blossomed ?

Stay Blessed for always Giulio ?

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@GreenLight Yes, i have seen that if you want to release you have just to want it and it collapses immediatelly. Takes courage or a lot of pain ahahaha

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@Giulio Bevilacqua In Kriya Yoga there is a technique called "navi kriya" that is preformed exacly to address this problem.
Consider that it fits into the complex sistem that is Yoga but you can still give it a try and see if it helps. 
Research it, you can find tutorial on  youtube like this:


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Hello @Giulio Bevilacqua! I'm undergoing a full-blown Kundalini awakening & will share some of my thoughts. It's important to surrender to Kundalini, but also be aware of pitfalls that might occur during the process. Kundalini brings forth all kinds of deep-seated trauma, issues, blocks, and so on, to be cleared. Yet, if you're ungrounded, and just "acting out", then you might "bite your own tail", if you're not careful. It's good to approach this process organically, not mechanically, since Kundalini can "rip-you-a-new-one" if you try to hold onto your old ways of doing things. She's trying to get "you" into a flow & balancing the energies within you. Letting those Kriyas (automatic movements) unfold and play out is important. She'll help.

If you experience urges, such as the want to masturbate, it might actually be in your best interest to masturbate. You're rising your energy if you "keep it in", and this can cause more disruption. Same with foods, kundalini likes to draw one to certain kinds of foods, even when the ego-self doesn't agree with the choices. Fear is so often the culprit, that creates this tension, and kundalini will find ways to free you of those fears; if you dogmatically fight against Kundalini because you hold onto certain ideas of how your life should be and the like, then it can get quite dark. 

Nevertheless. It's good to have practices, routines, and the like in place, that help your Kundalini to clear and break through blocks. If you feel that you can't do certain things, because it may be too much or for whatever reason, then that's fine. Don't worry too much. Some of those practices include:

  • Grounding: walking barefoot on the soil & interacting with nature, interacting with people, etc. Practicing inner values such as forgiveness, love, gratefulness etc. this grounds your Kundalini energies and is highly recommended, especially if you feel overwhelmed.
  • Do what you love doing: Express yourself through art, music, writing etc. 
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Practice ways of supporting the energy-flow, such as with Sun-Salutations & the 5-Tibetans.
  • Find times of silence, contemplation & meditation.
  • Do what makes your heart & soul light up.

I personally don't do all of that right now, because I feel overwhelmed with the energy, and thus need to tread carefully. If I am drawn to certain things then I might do them, also while trying to be mindful. Worry & attachment leads to feeling disoriented, which is all part of the process. Trust yours.

I can recommend people that have been of help to me and many others, on their Kundalini journey. I think links are forbidden on this forum, but check out "KUNDALINI AWAKENING Guidance & Support" on Facebook, and/or google "advaitashram" - they have tons of information, that is worth Gold; they also offer Shaktipat, which supports Kundalini & helps in the clearance of blocks. 

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves."

- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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I think I'm at that point. I have been with tremors in my body for days, a sensation of heat in my legs and arms that disappears and a tingling remains, I feel a weak and asleep leg, then the pressure relaxes and it tingles, I was thinking of going to a neurologist, I don't sleep more than two hours followed for two weeks, but last night in one of the awakenings I tried to meditate and it was emptied, and I felt a very strong discharge throughout my body, for several minutes, and today ... there are no more symptoms, everything is perfect. I always thought that energy stuff was hippie follies.

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The gut could be the navel chakra. It partly controls digestion and heat production. Emotional blockages are anger and victimhood. Open navel chakra is joyful, capable and it feels like life flows through you. To open this chakra assume a gentle smile and visualize a sun glowing in your stomach, shining life giving energy to the universe. Feel the joy of it. The sun should not be hot, violent or straining if you don't want to aggravate the kundalini. Do this and just see how it feels.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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@iTommy Nice! 

So now I know what was up with me hehehe

I did all those things you wrote naturally

I ate "crap" food when I wanted, jurked off, played video games and all the things that I thought I was not

Surrender to it! 

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14 hours ago, Giulio Bevilacqua said:

Hi all.

I'm experiencing a Kundalini awakening symptomes and i would like to know how to handle it the best way possbile.

I've have been on seemen retention probably for 5 or 4 months, i did not have the desire for sexual interaction or masturbation, it was quite natural. 

Along with this i practiced my daily Qi Gong and Tai chi and was getting every day batter at it.

Two months ago i started to feel heavy blocks inside my stomach like a big rock. 

Today if i just relax i go into shakings, my hole body shakes trying to break this passages.

My life is very confused like hell. I was practicing music very good for my academia but now it is so meaningless and do not have the desire to go foward with it. Other aspects are that cravings has grown so much things that were never there like food. I could eat the hole day without feeling the sense of fullness, obviously i do not do that, but the amount of food is grown too much. 


The main problem is the stomach, it is full of micro psychological tensions that create this ball. The digestion is not good, i burp very often amount of air, and my excrement do not flow properly.

I found a method to release the tensions but i do not know if it is too safe, i'm scared that it releases too much energy. It consist in willingly contracting the tensions and then suddely relax, i think it's what in Yoga is called Bandha.

Along with all this stuff, i feel an empty silence field that is very much often there all the day, it is not blissful or loving or peaceful, it is just what it is , not good or bad.

Have some of you gone trough something similar to this ? 

Thank you.



Reiki is useful to help with my kundalini awakening. Help with healing and emotional releases (or any energy blockages). Plus it is quite grounding in my opinion.

Edited by knakoo

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You know what ? It could be too simplistic and foolish, but extremely difficult for our egoic  mind to understand.

We have just to allow the fucking shaking and nothing else. There is so much resistance and judgment “this is wrong” “this should not be so” “I’m mad” 

why the fuck is our society so nevrotic.

When i shake I just fell much more better and clearer than before but there is always a fear of allowing things to unfold. 
Most of the umans on earth are schizophrenic, really, and they think they are normal. 

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I should also recommend Healing Kundalini Syndrome. It's written by the most experienced kundalini therapist there is.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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Hi Giulio,

Obviously you have a blockage in your solar plexus. 

This is normal with Kundalini awakening, though ideally, you should clear your chakras of blockages before you embark on such a route. Any sort of energy work can help. You also need to allow issues that cause the blockage to surface, these are usually karmic.

You need to allow the issue to come forth, when meditating, what you will usually get is a vivid memory of a past event connected to it. This is a cleansing process, but once you acknowledge and let go of the issue or hangup that is causing the blockage, it will dissipate and as the serpent rises further, another, different one will surface.

If you can find a competent Master or Guru to help you out, that would be best. 

As for me personally, I was helped by the Goddess, as Kundalini is her localised form. She is intelligent energy and you must learn to work with her in bringing up and dealing with your issues and karmic load. She burns away all past karma as she rises, that is what she does. This isn't necessary a pleasant experience, but it is like a cleansing ritual, you will be free of past attachments and karma once the process is complete.

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