
Is there an ideal time for meditation practice?

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I usually meditate 3 to 5 times a week. I tried to do it at the same hour every day but failed and just do it when I remember or feel stressed (which is often around 10 pm). These months I have been involved in Hatha Yoga online classes and noticed how important is a commitment in practice since you push yourself to change and really start to feel the difference. I want to apply the same thing to my regular meditation sessions. But don't know if it's better to start in the mornings (fighting sleepiness and body tension) or nights (fighting fatigue).

Is there an ideal time for meditation practice? How important it's to keep it at the same hour every day? 

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3 hours ago, PBen534 said:

How important it's to keep it at the same hour every day?

Not that important, but it is highly preferable to do it as early in the day as possible so you can eventually bring the meditation with you into your daily life and remain mindfully aware and peaceful no matter what appears in this peace.

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@PBen534 Do it whenever it suits you and when it feels right. There are no rules.

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You have to experiment and play with some theories.

I guess it is like with most habits. You have to make it a priority that is why to do it in the morning is good. After some days or weeks you can make it at lunch time or in the evening. In that time you make other habits your priority. After weeks you can make meditation a priority again and repeat the cycle. This way it may be more sustainable.

Yesterday I meditated in the morning 40 minutes with breaks. This morning I did not do any meditation because today I wanted to make work my priority.


Edited by Epikur

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NOW is the only time! 

Do it on empty stomack and after sex 

And also do it on full stomack so you could see the difference, how your consciousness is impacting your mood, your behaviour, your thoughts etc. 

Edited by EddieEddie1995

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@Epikur Thanks, that priority thing is new for me. I'll do it to make more progress about meditation and set times to explore some techniques (: 

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@EddieEddie1995  Nice! Would be great to experiment and keep track of it in order to find the best way that works for me.

Thanks for the other responses, really appreciate that. 

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3 hours ago, PBen534 said:

@Epikur Thanks, that priority thing is new for me. I'll do it to make more progress about meditation and set times to explore some techniques (: 

It is basically habit management. Meditation is just another habit you are collecting.

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22 hours ago, EddieEddie1995 said:

NOW is the only time! 

Do it on empty stomack and after sex 

@EddieEddie1995 Do you do it while still in bed with the girl or like 20-30 mins after the fact?

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6 hours ago, PBen534 said:

@EddieEddie1995  Nice! Would be great to experiment and keep track of it in order to find the best way that works for me.

Thanks for the other responses, really appreciate that. 

You are welcome! ?@Hello from Russia


2 hours ago, Hello from Russia said:

@EddieEddie1995 Do you do it while still in bed with the girl or like 20-30 mins after the fact?

Evrything is meditation for me ?

When I am doing it with my GF I need to focus on my breath because I have premature ejaculation problems, and Im learning to blow it up my spine, so thats that 

I maditate right after sex when I am the most aware and khundalini skyrockets 

I also meditate when I jurk off. You have no idea what you can do with your toy if you know how to use it correctly ? 

I usually meditate right after gratitude, dance, cold shower and exercise. Becouse I follow 18/6 diet I do it right before food when I am most aware and clear, this is why I know the difference when our stomach is full

Im considereding going back on one meal a day. I love food, but I love my consciousness more eheheh 



I don't like the feeling when I say "me and mine"... aghhh I gotta change that 

Edited by EddieEddie1995

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@Epikur OMG I love this guy! He has such a great energy! I like the way he edits the video :) Thanks for sharing! I learned new tricks :x

I can reach orgasms  without touching myself. Those visualization practices are paying off ahahhah!  

I actually started developing photographic memory, I can hold a picture (system)  and see it from different perspectives, can't wait to have more free time to master it !  I am 21. century Leonardo da Vinci ;)

Transformation and Mastery. If you don't believe in those then getta fuck outa here hahahaha


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I am doing visualization exercises but I am still not good with it. Amazing that you can come to orgasm just with visualization. That is some Jedi stuff. 

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  Look at what I ran into! This is guy is sick! I love it! OMG! 

He talks about masturbation and meditation hehehe 


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@Epikur Thanks! 

It takes time. 

Watch porn first, touch yourself and then just go and visualize :P baby steps 

Trick yourself, there are no rules 

I drink, smoke, and watch porn, but In a smart way! And time will come when I will stop, or not... 

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3 minutes ago, EddieEddie1995 said:

@Epikur Thanks! 

It takes time. 

Watch porn first, touch yourself and then just go and visualize :P baby steps 

Trick yourself, there are no rules 

I drink, smoke, and watch porn, but In a smart way! And time will come when I will stop, or not... 

Do you also train technics to memorize stuff?

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@Epikur I plan to. I bought a book on it, but idk what was the name. I gave it to a friend because I have no time to do it.  You learn how to navigate in your imagination. Its called Mind Palace. You  have objects that contains information, and you can tap into it. Like Sherlock Holmes :D 


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If you pay attention, you will find that the meditation sessions in which you tend to get really into the present are the ones in which you are breathing from both nostrils. Breathing alternates spontaneously between left and right nostril. This is the concept of Ida and Pingala. Ida is the interior aspect of consciousness (thinking, left nostril) and pingala (action, right nostril) is the exterior, if you manage to bring both together, you can experience the unity of consciousness (sushumna). When your left nostril is most active, mental activity is bothering your meditation session; when your right nostril is most active, worrying about action is bothering your meditation session. For me, I tend to breath from both nostrils after about 2 hours I woke up and went to the toilet. It's just a concept, but it can be helpful. Try to meditate when you are breathing from both nostrils, you might notice a clear improvement in the quality of your meditation. 

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@Brivido Nice and curious to read that, thanks. I'll try and put more attention on my breathing now, but I have this nasal septum deviation issue which leads me to strain my breathing on pranayama techniques. I wonder at which point that interferes with my meditation development.


@Yasmin I tried kriya meditation after Hatha today but my body was shaking a little distracting me from breathing. I guess a body-aware meditation technique would be more convenient. Thanks, I'll try. 


Edited by PBen534

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