Juan Cruz Giusto

How To Harness Your Intuition Summary

4 posts in this topic

Intuition is key to self-actualizing and it’s a great tool to direct your life. Your life lacks big picture thinking and it lacks motivation, purpose and strategy. Lots of people get lost in life frying the little fish and ignoring the big fish; and this is especially bad in Western culture since it is biased towards the left and logical brain. We don’t teach children to use intuition and even adults don’t harness it. Most of the most important decisions you make in life are based on intuition. INTUITION IS MORE POWERFUL THAN LOGIC WILL EVER BE BECAUSE PURPOSE AND VISION ALWAYS COME FIRST.

To make high level decisions, you need to analyze tons of data that your logical mind will never be able to grapple with and the only way to do that is to trust your subconscious mind (this mechanism is not linear). YOU NEED TO BE THE VISIONARY IN YOUR LIFE, IN YOUR INDUSTRY, IN YOUR COMMUNITY AND IN YOUR WORLD. Intuition is a high form of intelligence.

What is intuition? When you calm your mind down, when you are free of distraction and you are sitting alone in solitude, there is a voice that comes up with all sorts of different things and it’s really different from monkey mind and is different from logic. It is like your higher self speaking to you. But intuition is difficult to follow and it has 3 challenges:

1.       Most people can’t even hear intuition: The voice is drawn out by our culture, media and distractions. Moreover, there is a bias towards logical thinking. That is why people don’t listen to their intuition. Which is the solution?

a.       Firstly, acknowledge that true intelligence comes from something much deeper than you; you are not the source of intelligence. Intelligence doesn’t come from you but is present in existence itself.

b.       You also need to remove distractions: People are too distracted with logical stuff and don’t have free time for solitude and silence.

c.       You need to contemplate your death and realize that your materialistic life will end.

d.       Get clear about what you want out of life (hint! You don’t want success, money or sex). Life purpose is key.

e.       Meditation as a habit is very important

f.        You need to get more in touch with your emotions


2.       Even if you can hear it, most people are full of personal impurities: The problem is that you have an ego, beliefs, fears and dogmas that distorts your intuition. Solution?

a.       Have benevolent motives in your life and whatever you are trying to accomplish in your life, make sure that they are coming from love/contribution and not from self-identity or survival

b.       Spiritual purification: It is the entire process of purifying your identity from your cravings, your fears and deepest held beliefs. When you strip away all the bullshit, you become a vehicle and servant of your intuition.

c.       You need to release beliefs (Leo’s past video) and dissolve your limiting beliefs

d.       Change your environment: Change where you live, clean up the information you ingest, clean up your diet, clean up your relationships.

e.       Make sure you free your body off tension (bioenergetics). Tension is a form of unconsciousness.

3.       Even if you don’t have impurities, people don’t follow it: You need to work your intuition. The problem is double: First, you have no commitment to your intuition and secondly, there is a lack of requisite variety (you have a lack of flexibility and adaptability). Solution?

a.       Realize that your number one job in life is to serve your intuition. If you are not serving your intuition, you are serving your ego and desire for survival.

b.      Commit to following your intuition: It takes courage and work to follow your intuition. You will need to learn new abilities and make changes in your life. If you follow your intuition, your life will change dramatically every couple of years. People who don’t follow their intuition don’t change very much. If you follow your intuition, your life will constantly change

c.       You must create an intuition incubator in your life: Intuition doesn’t come to you as a formula, it comes randomly and in a very rough form. You need to polish it up and work on it. JORNAL A LOT, WRITE THEM DOWN AND KEEP TRACK OF THEM. Articulate them in specific language. Contemplate them a lot, think about them and create action plans. Convert your abstract ideas into action plans.

d.      You need to be very strategic in the way you follow your intuition. Some of your intuitions will require 5 to 10 years’ work.

How do you recognize if your intuition is coming from a good or bad place? False intuitions defend themselves with justifications when they are questioned, whereas true intuitions are silent when they are questioned, yet, the more you question them, the more you pulled to them. Be mindful when you question your intuitions and realize if the intuition is trying to defend itself with justifications, but if you are magnetically attracted to it they are real intuitions. Also, false intuition tends to be protective (not to lose), whereas the true intuitions tend to be inspirational and coming from a place of love and beauty and it’s a play to win.

Your intuition will skyrocket if you are in the spiritual path and you develop yourself. The intelligence that permeates all existence will be the guide and you will be in flow with reality, you will become a vehicle for nature and that is when life becomes magical and amazing. You will not live for yourself, you will be living for something way beyond yourself; you will feel like you are the universe working for itself. BECOME AN EMPLOYEE OF THE UNIVERSE.

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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For me, intuition almost never 'speaks' (it only tends to do so when i'm on a psychedelic substance). It usually comes in the blink of an eye, as an idea or as a feeling, and it sometimes even seems to come in the form of a response from the environment (synchronicity). I can articulate that idea or feeling, put it into language, but originally it didn't come to me in language. I've also experienced that it answers to questions. Even very mundane questions. And i don't need to be in silence and solitude. For example, i have a work related problem, that i don't have an immediate solution for or that requires me to do a lenghty algoritm to come to the solution. I clear my mind, put myself in the now, and then very often the solution will 'pop up' in my mind. Even if i'm in a busy or noisy place.

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