
Patreon CEO - Life Purpose Advice

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For those of you who are struggling with finding your life purpose or knowing what you want to do in life I think this video will really help you.

In the video Jack Conte (the CEO of Patreon) talks about all of his projects that he started and failed at. 

He tried dozens of things over many years, different music projects, animation, music videos, youtube videos, podcasts etc.

The main lesson that he is communicating is to try lots of different things/projects until one of them works. Don't expect your first idea to be the one and only thing you do for the next 10 years.  Experimentation is the key! 

I'd really recommend watching the whole video.



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1 minute ago, Space said:

The main lesson that he is communicating is to try lots of different things/projects until one of them works. Don't expect your first idea to be the one and only thing you do for the next 10 years.  Experimentation is the key!

I can confirm that.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I have done so much experimentation and exploration already and I don't seem to find something I'm really fully passionate about. 

In the past, I have orientated myself towards becoming a doctor, psychologist, Visual Effects artist, Online businesses, different jobs, and possibly 10 more ideas that I persued to a degree, but I could not find any long lasting passion in it. It's mostly because I do these things with the vision of achieving a certain freedom & result. 

Having a purpose and living with passion is important, I feel, but currently I'm not orientated towards that one thing that I can call 'A life purpose'.

It seems the most important purpose I have is achieving freedom. Not being held back by money, logistics, ... 

I would love to expand & experience more of life. Taking it in. Traveling & bonding. It seems I'm more orientated towards this. Most see life purpose as something that equals creation to some degree, but I don't neccessarly feel that way. I have pushed on myself the notion or idea that I need to have some specific and tangible life purpose that I need to be involved in. For me, it's just freedom, simply. 

Of course in the future, meaning and priorities can shift and new phases can start, where I feel there's something that is worth creating that I can call 'life purpose'. It would be giving back to people and sharing value. Flipping the dynamics from 'taking' to 'giving'.

These days, I'm busy learning about cryptocurrency and investing in it. It's working out well and already making more money than I've earned in my entire life. I'm also recently involved in a network that's helping me figuring out ways to make passive income by investing in real estate. So many opportunities here in my country with this. I could easily create a 3k/month cash-flow with 200K. I hope I can rotate these investing profits into real estate and get to this place of financial freedom & start to explore more of the world. 

Maybe then, in some years, deeper meaning can come. I just stopped chasing idea after idea without being ready for it.



Edited by JonasVE12

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Nice, this is similar to the "lean" approach when building software companies isn't it. 

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@JonasVE12 A few things I want to say in reply:

1) Don't forget that ultimately you create your 'life purpose' , you don't find or discover it.

2) You have to pick something to master, and that means letting go of many other things you could have done. 

3) Passion comes later. Cal Newport talks about this a lot. It's great if you're passionate about something before committing to it, but true passion comes after a lot of work, focus and dedication to one area. People who say there are passionate about something were actually not passionate about it at one point in their early life. Its just they end up doing lots of that particular thing, for whatever reason, and then a few years of work and practise later said 'i'm really passionate about this'. 

Anyway, good luck with your investing - sounds fruitfull. 

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Nice share, thank you! ^_^ 

Absolutely resonates, I´m starting to realize that from my direct experience more and more!

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Yeah, I agree with you, in the end I need to create my own meaning, and find allignment in what I'm doing.

It is very difficult to let your persuits and actions flow out of deeper and more natural/authentic forms of inspiration and creativity when you are in contraction, I feel. 

My desire to achieve financial freedom is just so strong. I feel it will enable me to expand more in ways that I can not do now. There's so many more things to experience in life when you open yourself up to them and find ways to break out of your limitations. I'd say, much of the meaning I gravitate towards is external. It's as if I need to first experience things in order to progress to next stages of life and find other, different meaning. For example, what I often notice from young men is that whever they have never had a girlfriend or haven't had any sexual experiences, they become obsesive and lose meaning in other areas of life. Their primary focus becomes girls. Much of their time is spent trying to learn picking up women, reading about it, thinking about women, online dating, etc. The longing for these types of experience is just so strong for  humans, so naturally they gravitate towards spending their time resolving this issue.

There can be many different desires that need to be resolved first, I believe, in order to shift your internal world to other maybe more meaningful persuits. In the end, I think all wants and needs need to be experienced and resolved, and it is more difficult, if not impossible to build top-bottom instead of the reverse. If one has abundantly experienced something that was once so important to them to the extent they felt contracted by the non experience of it, they naturally progress and shift meaning to other things.

I think the same goes with me. I feel I'm stuck here. Deprived of things and experiences that stimulate my now deepest values. Naturally, I try to find ways to resolve it. So I gravitate towards things/activities that allow me to achieve this financial freedom so I can expand. But then of course, the trajectory itself can bring suffering as well. Because you are not achieving the thing you desire, and because the proces itself is exhausting, both out of lack of enjoyment and other negative emotions.

When doing something with the primary motive of achieving a certain experience in the future because you think/feel it will make you happy, is a recipe for struggling. You can't easily escape it. It's human nature. We need certain experiences to stimulate our deepest universal values and desires. And so money is important to me. It blocks me from getting attuned to that inner drive that comes out of joy and authentic inspiration.

That life purpose dynamic, I feel, you can more easily get attuned to when you are already fulfilled in most other areas of life. Inspiration, creativity and joy flow much more natural when you are already fullfilled in those other areas.

I guess we can't escape the struggling, but can find peace in the proces and that's the most important...

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One of the best videos I've seen in a long time.  Inspiring, informative. creative, engaging.  


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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