
Carnivore cannot heal the gut, Leo

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There is not one SIBO and there is not one factor and there is not one problem and there is not one solution.

There are hundreds of factors at play. And frankly I don't give a damn about any of them which aren't my own.

I wish you a well recovery Leo! 

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5 hours ago, The0Self said:

I wonder if this could actually be an underlying issue. He probably already tried increasing bile flow.

Nonetheless, twimc, the protocol for maximizing bile flow is:

Taurine + glycine + silymarin (milk thistle extract) + lecithin/phosphatidylcholine, all four taken together 4x/day, preferably on an empty stomach.

But the underlying cause of the insufficient bile production/flow itself? IDK.

I think if you try to get to the very roots of physical ailments, most of the time they're not in the physical body. For example, chinese medicine works by correcting energetic imbalances, but even that is not the root cause because the question is, why are there all these imbalances? At the deepest level it's a karmic issue.

Edited by vladorion

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3 hours ago, Village said:

Those studies were done on the Eskimos who were introduced to grains and other western foods. The ones who live traditionally on 100% raw (and rotten) fish had an exceptionally long life expectancy. Just a reminder that 99% of "studies" are not science.

Anyhow, I didn't watch the blog video, but I'm assuming you're doing the standard cooked carnivore diet. It's much better than any plant-based diet out there, but it's nonetheless an unnatural diet and it gets boring to eat a dry steak all day, and as you said - it's not a long term solution. If you really want to heal, look into Aajonus Vonderplanitz and the primal diet. I've had a messed up gut all of my life, and this is the only thing that truly heals me every passing day. And yeah, we're talking raw meat. ;)

I know people here aren't fond of Sv3rige, but just so you get the reasoning behind eating raw meat:


Do you enjoy eating raw meat? I tried eating it at some point and it was pretty difficult for me. I literally get a gag reflex when I try to swallow it.

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1 hour ago, neutralempty said:

only a ghûl enjoys corpses.

Or, like, half the animals on the planet ;)

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5 hours ago, Village said:



You really got a nerve bringing this guy to the forum. I'm being serious when I say he is everything that is wrong with diet youtubers.

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1 hour ago, neutralempty said:

cause it's a corpse, only a ghûl enjoys corpses.

Rob Zombie enjoys corpses.

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13 hours ago, Village said:

hose studies were done on the Eskimos who were introduced to grains and other western foods. The ones who live traditionally on 100% raw (and rotten) fish had an exceptionally long life expectancy. Just a reminder that 99% of "studies" are not science.

Anyhow, I didn't watch the blog video, but I'm assuming you're doing the standard cooked carnivore diet. It's much better than any plant-based diet out there, but it's nonetheless an unnatural diet and it gets boring to eat a dry steak all day, and as you said - it's not a long term solution. If you really want to heal, look into Aajonus Vonderplanitz and the primal diet. I've had a messed up gut all of my life, and this is the only thing that truly heals me every passing day. And yeah, we're talking raw meat. ;)

I know people here aren't fond of Sv3rige, but just so you get the reasoning behind eating raw meat:


You can't be serious bringing this psychopath on here as a serious form of valid data dude. This guy makes shit up on the go. He has poisoned himself couple times eating stuff like roadkill, has been arrested for harassment and is literally encouraging people to eat rotten animal corpses. 

In a way he is a last resort of people who cannot find a way to fix their digestion and are regressing into these dark corners of youtube. For the firs time ever they feel good having eliminated all fibre and suddenly they think they are cured. Yet sverige himself said many times when he eats fibre he feels terrible. He still watches people like Dr Morse because he knows that this shit will probably kill him but he has built up too much of a following & momentum to stop now. 

You know sometimes I wonder if guys like Sv3rige, Bobb's Pespective, Frank Tufano, Daphne Reloaded, Primal Edge are stage Orange regressing into stage red as a form of ego backlash because of how viciously they have been assaulted by dogmatic stage orange vegans like Vegan Gains and just the larger vegan community. People like Diana Rogers who actually became dietitians so they can spread their nonsense agendas (she even claimed this herself on Instagram that getting a degree will help her push more cattle products to people)  I see an incredible amount of evil viscousness and hatred behind these guys' message. I recall they were trying to get Gojiman kicked out of school when he disputed their nonsense. Sometimes their followers will dox people's channels etc.

It is a fascinating dynamics but very dangerous for most of its followers. Whenever you see a person following carni movement what you see is complete and utter lack of empathy, kindness and an incredible amount of vicious arrogance and agressivity which is why I think this is a stage red backlash against green's pressure 


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11 hours ago, neutralempty said:

cause it's a corpse, only a ghûl enjoys corpses.

I enjoy corpses when they're cooked but I don't enjoy them as much if that's all I have to eat. I did carnivore for 3 weeks and I was so tired of eating meat all the time.

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15 hours ago, vladorion said:

Do you enjoy eating raw meat? I tried eating it at some point and it was pretty difficult for me. I literally get a gag reflex when I try to swallow it.

I've enjoyed it since the very first time, and raw meat anyhow always looked delicious to me as a child but mom would never let me try. Cold meat is kind of bland but it'd never make me gag. I think it has to do with the fearmongering about it.

5 hours ago, Michael569 said:

You can't be serious bringing this psychopath on here as a serious form of valid data dude. This guy makes shit up on the go. He has poisoned himself couple times eating stuff like roadkill, has been arrested for harassment and is literally encouraging people to eat rotten animal corpses. 

In a way he is a last resort of people who cannot find a way to fix their digestion and are regressing into these dark corners of youtube. For the firs time ever they feel good having eliminated all fibre and suddenly they think they are cured. Yet sverige himself said many times when he eats fibre he feels terrible. He still watches people like Dr Morse because he knows that this shit will probably kill him but he has built up too much of a following & momentum to stop now. 

You know sometimes I wonder if guys like Sv3rige, Bobb's Pespective, Frank Tufano, Daphne Reloaded, Primal Edge are stage Orange regressing into stage red as a form of ego backlash because of how viciously they have been assaulted by dogmatic stage orange vegans like Vegan Gains and just the larger vegan community. People like Diana Rogers who actually became dietitians so they can spread their nonsense agendas (she even claimed this herself on Instagram that getting a degree will help her push more cattle products to people)  I see an incredible amount of evil viscousness and hatred behind these guys' message. I recall they were trying to get Gojiman kicked out of school when he disputed their nonsense. Sometimes their followers will dox people's channels etc.

It is a fascinating dynamics but very dangerous for most of its followers. Whenever you see a person following carni movement what you see is complete and utter lack of empathy, kindness and an incredible amount of vicious arrogance and agressivity which is why I think this is a stage red backlash against green's pressure 


I don't get why this community likes to brag about their so called open-mindedness for different perspectives, yet when you bring an actually different perspective—that doesn't align with their pre-established new-age, left-wing, plant-based agenda—most get defensive and emotional about it. Stage Green much, isn't it? I'm not trying to insult btw, I'm honestly asking.

As for Sv3rige, he got food poisoning once from eating the bone marrow of an overly medicated animal (which nobody recommends you do), and he literally got arrested for eating meat - it's all recorded in video. I know he comes off as an eccentric psychopath sometimes, but I've talked to him and I know many who know him in real life and he's pretty chill. So we can spare the character assassination. :)

I don't watch Bobby and the rest of them really. However, if you actually listen to Sv3rige instead of to vegan commentaries about him, you'll figure out he has nothing to do with Stage Orange. If anything (and I agree with this), he'd say that Stage Purple is how we are made to live, and any deviation from nature is a deviation from wellbeing. So this whole model of SD is simply a concept that was made by modern people who have never experienced a natural life.

If you really can't stand Sv3rige (though if you cross him off without actually giving him a proper listen - it's your loss) but are curious about the diet, look up Aajonus Vonderplanitz - the founder of the Primal Diet. He's the one who spent decades researching nutrition, experimenting and working with thousands of clients. Sv3rige merely popularized it.

In the end, I don't care what any of you choose to eat - it's simply that raw meat changed my life and I want to share the joy. :D

But I find it bizarre that people, and in this case Leo, suffer so much going from one man-made diet to another, putting your food on fire, spending thousands of dollars on synthetic supplements, injecting those vaccines, swallowing those nootropic drugs, and then wondering what went wrong? It'll never occur to 99% of people that your natural state is health - and every bit of health you lack is a mirror of your deviation from nature.

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39 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Almost every bit of health we have is precisely a result of our "deviation from nature" (whatever this even means).

90% of us would already be dead if it wasn't for a delibate deviation from "nature" for the better. The naturality of a thing says nothing about whether that thing is good for you.

In addition, consider that eating exclusively raw meat is not even all that "natural" after all.

Our lifespan nowadays is 30-50% of what it used to be in nature (much of it spent in degenerative disease, at that) and we're brainwashed to be proud of that, lol. All creatures in nature live 7 times the time it takes them to reach maturity. For humans, that's 147 years. This can be observed in certain very remote indigenous groups, such as the Hadzabe, Massai, Eskimo, Hunza and several others.

I agree, of course you would eat wild fruit, herbs, and mushrooms on occasion when they're available, as well as dairy, eggs and honey.

Edited by Village

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26 minutes ago, neutralempty said:

you won't reach that on your carnivore diet.

No one who grew up in civilization will reach that.

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14 hours ago, Village said:

It'll never occur to 99% of people that your natural state is health - and every bit of health you lack is a mirror of your deviation from nature.

Not to be the "that guy", but the "nature = health" argument has been debunked:

On 11.4.2021 at 10:12 PM, Carl-Richard said:

Yep. There is an important distinction between longevity and biological fitness. Just because x diet is observed in nature (the selection criteria being biological fitness) does not mean it promotes longevity. You could argue that longevity isn't a natural phenomena in the first place (it arose "artificially" through human culture).

Even if you define health and longevity to be distinct concepts (which I do), none of them are particularly correlated with biological fitness (health a bit more than longevity). Blindly trusting nature as a dietician is a bit naive, because 1. nature only cares about whether or not you're strong enough to survive and fight off fertile competitors and 2. that you survive long enough to produce more self-sustaining offspring than your competitors; a.k.a biological fitness. Strength is also not the same as health. Even so, this is far from the whole picture of why a particular diet is observed in a population.

Edited by Carl-Richard

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On 10/04/2021 at 11:54 AM, Leo Gura said:


A cup of tomato juice is like razors in your stomach.

Fiber is far from the only problem. Any plant sugars feed SIBO.

I suggest changing 'razors in your stomach' to 'razors in my stomach' since the former is false and the latter is true.

In case there's something I'm missing, what makes you think the former is true? 

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@Leo Gura

On 10/04/2021 at 11:54 AM, Leo Gura said:


A cup of tomato juice is like razors in your stomach.

Fiber is far from the only problem. Any plant sugars feed SIBO.

In my stomach or yours? 

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On 12/4/2021 at 0:18 PM, Leo Gura said:

@Bogdan Gojiman's cure for SIBO is nothing new or special. It's the standard anti-microbial supplement treatment plan: allicin, berberine, and grapefruit seed extract.

I've been taking those for months to no avail.

And I am still experimenting with various supplement combos.

Carnivore diet has been way more effective for me then any supplement combo I've tried so far. And I've tried something like 100+ supplements.

Supplements are useless when there is an underlying autoimmune condition triggered by diet and toxins.

If I were you, as a soon to be doctor, I would combine carnivore diet with rifaximine (I know it's expensive) so that one the one feeds the other in killing and not feeding and leaving any bad bacteria alive. The good thing with carnivore is that you basically have zero food that feeds the SIBO

Last chance would be also fecal trasplant, you might want to check that out, if you haven't already

What I'm curious about are you supplementing anything? Like vitamins and antioxidants that vegetables are rich of?

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8 hours ago, Davo124 said:

@Leo Gura

In my stomach or yours? 

It's a figure of speech. If I'm trying to give you a visceral feel of what it's like to have a particular symptom I'll perhaps say "it's like acid in your bones" --for instance, that's how I'd describe (to you) my experience of severe heroin withdrawal.

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13 hours ago, Davo124 said:

I suggest changing 'razors in your stomach' to 'razors in my stomach' since the former is false and the latter is true.

In case there's something I'm missing, what makes you think the former is true? 

Figure of speech. See above.

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On 4/16/2021 at 1:45 PM, Davo124 said:

I suggest changing 'razors in your stomach' to 'razors in my stomach' since the former is false and the latter is true.

In case there's something I'm missing, what makes you think the former is true? 

   Figure of speech. Don't get too hung up in literal meaning.

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