
Meditation, sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming etc.

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It's almost a year since I stopped meditating (for different reasons), but I still have a "power" unlocked. I never had lucid dreams etc. before meditation. 5 years ago I started and after half a year I experienced my first sleep paralysis/astral projection. Since then I unlocked this permanently. It happens randomly, so I thought.... After years of random events that were all different, but had in common that it happened between stage 1 & 2 (paralysis/astralprojection) of the sleepcyle and 5 & 1 (lucid dreams). These random events weren't entirely random. When I'm sleep deprived or break my sleep routine chances are very very high that I will experience one of these events. I know what to expect after all those years. It's a very unique experience for the consciousness. It's awesome that I have these "magical" experiences, but it's not cool to have no control over it. A couple of weeks ago I experienced 3 nightmare paralysis events which were one of the most hellish experience of my life, as if I was under a spell. My sleep experience is almost as if I'm cursed by a dark power. The only antidote to this is sleeping in a routine. I blame my meditation for this, I did bodily awareness meditation for 4 years daily and I think my increased awareness unlocked the power to stay aware between the transition of stage 1 to 2 which to my knowledge only takes a couple of second. The lucid dreams however are always nice. 

I wonder if you guys have the same experience. Does someone know how I can control these random events or even better create these events at will? I'm not gifted at all when it comes to lucid dreaming etc. and I don't really know people who have the same experience. I don't know if I should see this as a blessing or a curse. To me these events are the closest things to magic/the paranormal. 

I also have the power to remember my dreams vividly and my dream world is like the fantasy/dystopian/adventure/sci-fi on steroids x 1000. I'm not sure if meditation enhanced this, I think it did, but I can't remember if the same level of intensity was present when I was growing up. Not sure if this matters, according to the MBTI framework I'm an INTJ, so I see the connection between Introverted intuition and my dream world. While I have this gift of remembering dreams, how can I exploit this for my own benefit with regards to personal growth? Thank you for reading.


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