
The teaching : You are GOD.

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The power of the Now ❤️????

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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3 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

God is love?

Saying that "God is love" is like a stone hitting your face hard and then say "the stone is soft".

I don't understand how anyone can uphold such a belief for a extended period of time. Such a belief should crumble down fast.

But never underestimate the power of wishful thinking I guess.

Reality is Love.

How could it be otherwise, when you think about it?

I mean what IS *THIS* really? Why is there something? Why isn't everything just absolute pure nothingness/chaotic energy? Why did "The Big Bang" occur? Why did it occur in such a way -- with specifically fine-tuned natural laws/universal constants -- that allowed it to transform into galaxies with stars and planets and even planets spawning complex, sentient, intelligent, even fucking self-reflecting life? 

After all, you and I, from a material standpoint/realist-standpoint are just fucking atoms. Atoms. Dead matter. There exist no "life-matter". Your carbon atoms are the same carbon atoms found in stones and dirt. But yet, these carbon-atoms, these delicately arranged dance/patterns/structures of protons and electrons turned into something that is capable of self-awareness.


WHY IS IT HAPPENING? And now that it is happening, don't you think it makes logically sense that it is optimized for Love? I mean why would it be optimized for anything other than Love? I mean I know athiests/rationalists/scientists likes to say that yes, it is interesting that the fundamental constants are what they are, cos even slight deviations would mean physical life isn't possible. But then they still say it's just random:D 

And yeah I get it, life is pretty brutal at times. Think about how brutal it was 5000 years ago when we lived in cages. Or how brutal it is right now for the african kids who starve every night. It's fucking brutal man. But it has to be. Brutal/at-ease is a duality that's ultimately just Love. Just like all other dualities. Hitler-Ghandi. Evil-Goodness. Hate-Love. It's all just Love man. All of it. 

It's a realization. Not a belief. And I can't communicate it to you, cos it cannot be communicated. Only felt/realized. But I still tried cos im a sick fuck xD


Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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3 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

Isn't it obvious? Open your eyes.

It's because there is so much suffering in the world. I know for a fact that God isn't love. I speak from direct experience, which you guys normally praise. 

No one or nothing who allows so much suffering deserves to be called "love". It's as simple as that.

you have to let go of victimhood and realize suffering is not something that happens to you, but something that is self-inflicted. 

Of course, from a relative standpoint, lots of bad things can happen to you (eg. born with a terrible mom/dad, a tree can fall onto your house, you could be born as an african child, born blind, born as jew in Germany 70 years ago etc etc etc) ... BUT that all those things are "bad", are your own selfish interpretation of them. You want them to cause you to suffer. Suffering is always self-inflicted, but this a pretty advanced teaching/realization that is somewhat hard to "understand" / realize.

Why is it to hard to realize/understand? Because the ego sits on the first row of the theater screaming "SUFFERING IS BAD AND IT AINT MY DOING. SUFFERING IS HAPPENING TO POOR LITTLE ME BY THE CRUEL OUTSIDE WORLD!" and most peepz identify with that voice, and I don't blame them. I sometimes do too. Hard not to. It screams so loud man. High levels of consciousness/Self-Love is needed to filter it out/transcend it. ... That is to say you have to be on a high vibration energetically (ohh that hippie lingo, all stage orange peez are running away screaming now.. I know, cos I've been there:D) to get it. 

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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32 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Reality is Love.

How could it be otherwise, when you think about it?

I mean what IS *THIS* really? Why is there something? Why isn't everything just absolute pure nothingness/chaotic energy? Why did "The Big Bang" occur? Why did it occur in such a way -- with specifically fine-tuned natural laws/universal constants -- that allowed it to transform into galaxies with stars and planets and even planets spawning complex, sentient, intelligent, even fucking self-reflecting life? 

After all, you and I, from a material standpoint/realist-standpoint are just fucking atoms. Atoms. Dead matter. There exist no "life-matter". Your carbon atoms are the same carbon atoms found in stones and dirt. But yet, these carbon-atoms, these delicately arranged dance/patterns/structures of protons and electrons turned into something that is capable of self-awareness.


WHY IS IT HAPPENING? And now that it is happening, don't you think it makes logically sense that it is optimized for Love? I mean why would it be optimized for anything other than Love? I mean I know athiests/rationalists/scientists likes to say that yes, it is interesting that the fundamental constants are what they are, cos even slight deviations would mean physical life isn't possible. But then they still say it's just random:D 

And yeah I get it, life is pretty brutal at times. Think about how brutal it was 5000 years ago when we lived in cages. Or how brutal it is right now for the african kids who starve every night. It's fucking brutal man. But it has to be. Brutal/at-ease is a duality that's ultimately just Love. Just like all other dualities. Hitler-Ghandi. Evil-Goodness. Hate-Love. It's all just Love man. All of it. 

It's a realization. Not a belief. And I can't communicate it to you, cos it cannot be communicated. Only felt/realized. But I still tried cos im a sick fuck xD


Why on earth would anyone think that reality is love because of that? (Don't even answer).

7 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

you have to let go of victimhood and realize suffering is not something that happens to you, but something that is self-inflicted. 

Of course, from a relative standpoint, lots of bad things can happen to you (eg. born with a terrible mom/dad, a tree can fall onto your house, you could be born as an african child, born blind, born as jew in Germany 70 years ago etc etc etc) ... BUT that all those things are "bad", are your own selfish interpretation of them. You want them to cause you to suffer. Suffering is always self-inflicted, but this a pretty advanced teaching/realization that is somewhat hard to "understand" / realize.

Why is it to hard to realize/understand? Because the ego sits on the first row of the theater screaming "SUFFERING IS BAD AND IT AINT MY DOING. SUFFERING IS HAPPENING TO POOR LITTLE ME BY THE CRUEL OUTSIDE WORLD!" and most peepz identify with that voice, and I don't blame them. I sometimes do too. Hard not to. It screams so loud man. High levels of consciousness/Self-Love is needed to filter it out/transcend it.



Anyway.. Sorry, I will try to shut up now. I don't want to hijack this thread.

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1 minute ago, Blackhawk said:

Why on earth would anyone think that reality is love because of that? (Don't even answer).



Anyway.. Sorry, I will try to shut up now. I don't want to hijack this thread.

3 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

No one or nothing who allows so much suffering deserves to be called "love". It's as simple as that.

You are God. Simple as that. Too simple and too obvious for you to accept, tho:D

Poor comeback bro. You can do better!


Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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You are already creating everything that exists for eternity... it sounds like you’re just not aware of it. True power is in the automatic action of the breath, heart, immune system, etc. It does not have to be consciously controlled, but it is still you doing it. Such is the entire Universe. You do it all, but your ego does not feel how these things are done so they are dismissed. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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On 4/10/2021 at 3:34 PM, Adamq8 said:


So I do not deny that teaching, I have had breakthroughs before where it was recognized that everything is imagination, i am all alone and the best word that just came up was GOD and some more unexplainable shit happend that night that shook me to my core.

But some philosophical questions then arises imo.

The definition of GOD is :





And so forth.

But non of us here has the infinite power to create whatever in an instant.

Why is that?

No man has the full capacity of being truly the definition of GOD.

Sure the attributes we have are finite and can be resembling of GOD.

But they are not infinite power etc.

Is this a valid question or not?

If its not, why?



I think what most people with that belief stubbornly refuse to admit, is that the human mind, in whatever space-time dimension this is that we are all stuck in, right now, at this very monent, none of us is, or can even fully comprehend that all powerful being you speak about. When someone says I am God, they are completely ignoring the concepts of time and space which we are all bound by. A more accurate and realistic thing for a human bieng to say would be "I come from God", or "I am God's creation".

Edited by wwhy

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@BipolarGrowth Not concious of that at the moment.

ive had awakenings before where it was clearly recognized that all was imaginary, and there have been experiences where subject object sorta collapsed into some sort of just being.

But it is growing on me, more meditation and so forth and will incorporate more psychedelic sessions as well to breakthroughs. 



Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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21 hours ago, James123 said:

believe whatever makes you happy. It actually doesn’t really matter. Lol

Because enlightenment has nothing do what you are or Leo talking about. You can believe anything you want, experience, have fun, vs vs. however if you think that you have born, are alive and in universe right now, instead of thought process, it has nothing to do with enlightenment, it is just a fantasy. When enlightenment happens the duality, universe or self collapses. Not arguing just showing what is the Truth. Dont get offended. Lol. Does truth really hurt ego that much? 


You are right bro <3 It does not matter! That's the good part of it all. Our discussions here are just Leela, divine play, like everything else <3

Enlightenment can't be put into words. It must be experienced, not conceptualized. I think we can agree on that :-) 

Yes, True Love/Consciousness always hurts the ego a bit. That's the same for all of us.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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21 hours ago, James123 said:

Nothing has ever happened. And thats Nirvana, thats enlightenment. .

Good luck brother! Peace! ?

And yet, that nothing has ever happened is something! Hehe. Something = Nothing. Nothing = Something. Hehe. <3

Thank you. You too brother! <3

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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you can dig deep until you see that this entire universe of infinite creativity is made of nothing at all, which is just a thought of emptiness. but it exists, the void is thinking it. it's obvious right? that's the mystery. if there were nothing, no appearance of something, there would be no mystery, but there is this universe of unfathomable depth.

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God is so great in a way that you can't handle. People with limited capacity say I'm God (because they can't take it any more), people with higher capacity admit they don't know.

Even after death you won't know. 

Love is the bath of not knowing, and it is endless.

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23 minutes ago, Fadl said:

God is so great in a way that you can't handle. People with limited capacity say I'm God (because they can't take it any more), people with higher capacity admit they don't know.

Even after death you won't know. 

Love is the bath of not knowing, and it is endless.


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25 minutes ago, Fadl said:

Even after death you won't know. 

How do you know? :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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On 4/10/2021 at 11:54 AM, James123 said:

“i” am more awaken than you are

Thank you for exposing your being, ego covered up in God ideas. The man who says this or even talks as if awakening is a real thing and not something used to give perspective has only found what he was looking for, and what you have been looking for can NEVER be THAT.

On 4/10/2021 at 11:54 AM, James123 said:

when “i” drops enlightenment happens.

enlightenment is your limited image of what actually is. Truth can never be narrowed down to this ridiculous image of mind.

The Art of Knowing is Knowing the accumulation of knowledge lies within time, the discovery of Wisdom is attained out of the Mind.

~ ~


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On 4/10/2021 at 0:54 PM, James123 said:

This has nothing to do with stuck, “i” am more awaken than you are, nor being stubborn. There is no “i”. Therefore “i” can not be awaken, when “i” drops enlightenment happens.

 This is the sentence. You dont need to lie.

11 minutes ago, SpiritualAwakening said:
On 4/10/2021 at 0:54 PM, James123 said:


Thank you for exposing your being, ego covered up in God ideas. The man who says this or even talks as if awakening is a real thing and not something used to give perspective has only found what he was looking for, and what you have been looking for can NEVER be THAT.


8 minutes ago, SpiritualAwakening said:

Truth can never be narrowed down to this ridiculous image of mind.

?when i drops, is there any mind left? You are funny brother. ?❤️

1 hour ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Thank you. You too brother! <3


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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3 minutes ago, James123 said:

?when i drops, is there any mind left? You are funny brother. ?❤️

A mind that should be free. Yet it seems like you're still locked up in prison.

The Art of Knowing is Knowing the accumulation of knowledge lies within time, the discovery of Wisdom is attained out of the Mind.

~ ~


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Just now, SpiritualAwakening said:

A mind that should be free. Yet it seems like you're still locked up in prison.

Mind can never be free if “mind” doesn’t be dropped. There is no mind nor you. 

Good luck! Peace! 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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