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how do you know when you should execute on a great idea?

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I think I have a great idea for this online business but I would have to learn coding in order to do it. I'm not really passionate about tech but I am passionate about the concept I want to sell and I definitely would have used this product if I saw it. Except how do I know whether to act on it? 

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when the answer comes from within and you do not have to ask random forum users

of course that answer is relative to me, who often finds themselves looking to others for answers I already hold.

You already know, or maybe you do not. 

But we certainly do not.

Perhaps we could note likable aspects of your idea - but opening that door creates a dependence on our opinions, rather yours.

Besides, if it is a good idea - somebody could steal it after enough asking around.

So my answer is really just another question all in all, what shall you do?


Edited by mw711

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Always act immediately, if you don't you will talk yourself out of it or lose interest. But do your research first, that's a big part of it. You have to lay the groundwork before fully going for it. Find out whether someone else is doing it already and then find out how feasible (time/money) it's going to be. If it's looking good, then always have a plan of action with milestones and smaller steps. If you need to interest other people to get things done, having a tangible plan is huge. If you're no good at planning and researching, then get someone you trust to do those steps and give them a cut of the business (or at least pay them). I would say that learning coding is the least of the worries, and in fact you can pay someone else to do that - coding for commerce is very very complicated.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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