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My journey so far.

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Hi, so I've been experiencing this phenomenon recently where each day more and more I can see things that don't make sense anymore. Like my entire paradigm of thought just seems dumb to me now when I used to take them seriously.

Secondly, I'm realizing that what constitutes my identity and ego is literally just made up. As in, rooted in language not reality.


Reality/Consciousness is God/ the I.


Finally path forward is very clear. I'm going to college have a stable job no credit card debt yet...


I still always feel extremely uneasy and uneasy. My thoughts are always ALWAYS running. I'm always questioning what I'm doing, don't feel like I'm doing what I aught to do, I'm feeling like selling my new XBox S because I'm not a "gamer". It's confusing.


Also literally everything I do think say feel and how/why I do it seems like the most important thing in existance and it's all I've been focusing on. With heavy constant criticism from my thoughts.

Does anyone have advice?



Edited by Peter124

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