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non serious singing/music checklist journal

1 post in this topic

Just waiting for another thread to die down working on this one in the meantime.


1. sing songs that “no body else can sing” - that’s just how you stand out ?, you don’t want good karaoke versions much less covers, that’s how you create greater mystery as well

2. song theme creation - intersection between space, life, existential development and struggle. All three of these are becoming more popular, no other artist is really tapping into that.

3. Potential target demographic: spirituality, personal development, people who like potatoes 

4. make sure your songs are as emotionally raw as possible - you want ballads, that’s how you distinguish the voice further as well because it just adds to the things that are hard to replicate. Go for shock and awe. Nuclear bomb stuff, end of world, etc

im thinking a mixture between Elton John, Freddie Mercury, James brown, elvis, Sinatra and Pavarotti off the top of my head

5. on lyrics - unfortunately bob dylan is dead. So don’t make it too complicated But enough that it still satisfies any cognition if you wanted to have it there

6. I feel a resonance with John Lennon, similar temperament in different ways, the song Imagine for example is a good analogy for bigger songs I’d like to do

Edited by Origins

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