
Can two identical things exist within infinity?

27 posts in this topic

6 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

@Mason Riggle @Inliytened1 my dears. i was just on about any gobbledygook to try to end this question by the mind

of course, the phones aren't the same :D

love ya

Love ya yeah i figured you were kidding...BTW my advice is drop the Iphone and go with android!!


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 lol finally we on the same page


just used iphone for this crazy talk here but i write this to you from the king of the android itself - Pixel 5 :)

love android. never had an iphone actually lol - and damn, that story was such a mess lol. even the tablets i do have are Samsung/Huawei :D 

Love Is The Answer

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ust used iphone for this crazy talk here but i write this to you from the king of the android itself - Pixel

@SoonHei Glad too see another high councsious phone user in here ??

@Holygrail Trying to answer that question I started with asking myself what is a "thing"

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In an absolutely infinite universe, all distinctions collapse. Then, the only "a priori truth" (true in all cases) that could exist is "there is existence, reality, oneness": any differentiation within this "whole" is either local (i.e not true for the whole) or merely assumed (postulated without evidence) and thus not "a priori" . If the universe is absolutely infinite, there is no such thing as pseudoscience. Magic is real, elves exist, gravity is reversed.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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